Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 418 The Pleasant CP Chief

Bartholomew Big Bear, former king of Sobel Kingdom in the South China Sea.

From the intelligence point of view, people with fruit abilities have average physical skills, average speed, and extremely strong development of fruit abilities.

Kai Xia Jinbei, the former captain of the Ryugu Castle Guards on Fishman Island.

Murloc karate is very powerful, but no Murloc has ever crossed this threshold, so don't worry too much.

Very good, they are all the backbone of the revolutionary army, and they are all criminals who once invaded Mariejoia.

The CP chief, who was taken to an ice surface, looked at the two opponents in front of him and felt very satisfied.

The moment the battlefield was selected, he had already killed all the phone bugs around him.

The secretive troops don't like this kind of live broadcast, and information will leak out. Moreover, his fighting style does not look good on the World Government.

The CP department attaches great importance to intelligence.

Especially this time we have to take action against the revolutionary army. He has memorized all the known high-level information.

On the main battlefield just now, Seng Guo and the others were there, and he even showed a wave of angry expressions.

He followed his opponent to the battlefield with a burst of momentum.

In fact, I feel very happy inside.

It's better to leave the tough nut to the Navy.

This kind of opponent is the most suitable, with both military exploits and no damage.

He took out a short knife and looked at the two people opposite him who were about to introduce themselves.

His feet stepped on the ground and disappeared without a sound.

He is from the assassination force and doesn't care about face, as long as he can kill his opponent as soon as possible.

Moreover, the creed is to kill the opponent with the least effort, as if it is the pursuit of a morbid art.

Of course, if the battle situation is stable, it is okay to kill them. There are few people in CP0 who are not perverts.

There is not even an opening dialogue at this time, and the enemy's alertness is at its lowest at this time.

snort! The revolutionary army arranged for these two people to fight against him. They underestimated him.

With the help of special power, he approached his opponent silently.

He ducked behind one of them. He wielded his weapon.

The blade is extremely poisonous, and even a strong person cannot withstand the poison, and will be tortured to death by the pain.

Kill one first.


Sparks flew everywhere.

The CP chief's pupils contracted.

His assassination failed!

The short knife aimed at the big bear's neck was actually blocked.

Not only was it blocked, it was also rebounding.

Is this a prediction? Then he left here in the blink of an eye and stood in the distance, watching the reactions of the two people in front of him.

Bear Impact. Change.


A pink shock wave emitted from the whole body of the big bear. A shock wave defense wall was formed.

The original Bear Impact is a ball of meat that exerts pressure on the atmosphere in the air to form a large air block. The reaction force of the atmosphere generates a huge shock wave, which is then released all at once.

It is considered an offensive skill, but after Noah's reminder, it was improved into a whole-body defense shield.

At the same time, Jinbei, who was not attacked on the other side, also sprayed a large amount of water, and there were flowing walls formed by water waves around him.

Seeing the CP chief appear, the two of them retracted their defensive moves.

Noah said that the people in the CP department are a group of guys with no bottom line. There is a high chance of assassination when names are announced on the battlefield.

Yes, so you can directly activate the defensive skills at this time. There is a high possibility of blocking the opponent's sneak attack.

The two of them relayed the words of master tactician Noah in unison.

The CP chief's face looked very ugly. Someone had seen through him. Fortunately, he had killed all the phone bugs, otherwise he would have embarrassed the whole world.

Presumably there will be many follow-up tactical arrangements, so be vigilant secretly.

As everyone knows, Noah has the least arrangements for the CP chief.

As for the CP department, it is indeed a department that Noah deals with a lot, especially CP0.

The first time was in O'Hara, the physical master who stayed in the underground space of the Omniscient Tree.

The second time was in Mariejoia, where he killed an insidious ability user who used poison.

The third time was when I killed 3 CP0 guards in the East China Sea. A swordsman and two phantom beast ability users.

The fourth time was in the new world, where he defeated six humanoid weapons.

Noah and CP0 are examples of mutual growth.

The original CP0 existed as an internal monitor and protector of the Celestial Dragons for many years, and its strength was not that abnormal.

Under Noah's constant beheading and spurring, personnel were replaced rapidly, and the requirements for strength became higher and higher. He only gradually became stronger.

It is a pity that the growth of CP0 in the later period has not kept up with Noah's pace. Now only the CP0 chief is supporting the operation of this department.

Let me talk about Noah’s impression of CP0.

In addition to his bottomless personality and unscrupulous cruelty, there are only four words: unpredictable.

They rely on the World Government, not like the navy, but truly rely on the World Government in all aspects.

It has 800 years of heritage support.

There are physical masters, swordsmen, phantom beasts, puppets, and all kinds of abilities.

The CP chief has almost no record of actions in the outside world, and even Noah cannot predict the tactics of this battle.

Therefore, the two strongest people below the general level were sent to face him.

This is the biggest trump card that Noah can use. It also shows from the side that there is no other way but to rely on them to use their tactics freely.

So this battlefield is the most dangerous.

Haha, your caution is really troublesome.

The commander slowly gestured with his dagger and walked around the two of them.

Like a poisonous snake, staring coldly at its prey.

Words are the snake's message, constantly trying to induce the other party to relax their vigilance or make mistakes.

Do you know what the general level means? It means a huge difference in strength.

Then do you know what the price is for sending these men to hold me back?

will die.

Unfortunately, no one answered the question.

The CP chief was not discouraged yet. He felt that with his many years of torture experience, it would be easy to create a crack in their hearts, not to mention making them betray the revolutionary army.

You are all geniuses on the sea, and you are not far from the general level. Why don't you cherish your lives so much?

As long as people are alive, they have a future.

Or is it that Noah sent you to die?

Haha, that's too bad.

The two people on the opposite side continued to maintain their state of mind, just pretending that the other side was farting.

The CP chief tried to see some clues on their faces, but there was no change.

Big Bear is usually taciturn and really doesn't know what to say to his enemies.

Jinbe, he is also a bit clumsy when facing enemies. He did learn a few Fish-Man Island slangs when he was wandering around Fish-Man Street, but they were all used to greet relatives. To speak them out requires overcoming a certain psychological barrier.

Besides, his fighting style is not one of talking nonsense.

He and Big Bear are truly a silent duo.

The CP chief, who was asking for trouble, became even more angry when he found that the two criminals opposite him were still ignoring him.

Then try using anger. Although the method is very dirty, he likes it very much.

As long as he can pry open the opponent's spiritual defense, he can do anything.

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