Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 411 The battle between the ocean and the forest

Don't look at Brooke's way of attracting thunder and thrusting, which looks very majestic, but in front of a well-prepared master, it is only a little interesting.

However, my body was indeed scratched a little by the lightning, which hurt a little.

asshole! The defense was really broken, and the Green Bull was feeling annoyed.

Shuoyue Kendo. Unpretentious

Koushiro, who followed closely behind, also swung his sword with a seemingly calm sword. All the vines where the sword energy passed were cut off, and the fracture was extremely smooth.

Qiu Shui's sharpness and slashing power were not enough for Green Bull, who had just entered the general level, to block the attack without any damage.

Countless vines were chopped into pieces, and Koushiro also attacked the green bull's body.

Haha, he's just a swordsman, quite brave.

Green Bull just glanced at Qiu Shui with some fear.

That weapon was indeed sharp and its cutting force was extremely powerful.

But if you want to come in front of me like this, you are overestimating your capabilities.

No matter how many vines Koushiro cuts off, more and faster branches will fill in, and Koushiro will be defeated continuously.

When the body draws the sword, it must also rely on dodgy movements to avoid the plants that break through the sword circle.

It can be seen that after a while, the opponent will capture it and replace it with nutrients.

A swordsman cannot fight against the nature of heaven and earth.

The green bull with arms folded stood calmly on one side and said calmly. He really has the demeanor of a general at this time.

In one encounter, the two masters were about to be wiped out. But he didn't know why, but he always felt that something was not right.

No matter, as long as you solve the remaining one, you can leave here.

In the live broadcast interface, the scene of him dealing with revolutionary army cadres alone while talking and laughing is the most powerful proof of his strength.

Now there's only one person left, Tiger.

Tiger was still on the island just now, where are the people now?

Okay, so what if you hide in the sea, your comrades will die!

Green Bull looked in one direction and said rather playfully.

Don't you think that you can escape from what he sees and hears by hiding in the sea?

The general level doesn't have any shortcomings.

A little further away from Tiger's hiding place is a quiet deep sea.

And under the deep sea. Neptune heard the signal in the communicator, turned around and signaled to the fishman guards behind him that it was time to start.

After that, including Neptune, they all started to stand up.

Mlocculant Jiu-Jitsu·Shui Xin·Hai Current throws him over his shoulder.

Hundreds of fishmen warriors used this move at the same time.

This is a single-target attack skill, and it is a relatively powerful killing move for some fruit-powered users who are not very strong.

The highlight of this move was when Jinbei used it to beat Charlotte Lingling. Of course, the sublimated version of the secret is used.

But the group ultimate move was created by the students in the first phase of the boot camp. The creativity of young people is so groundbreaking.

The same move condenses the ocean currents into one force and then merges them into one place.

An artificial ocean current is created at the bottom of the ocean.

Then, under the control of Neptune's water control power, he was teleported in the direction of Tiger.

Sensing the arrival of support, this was his confidence to fight against the general level.

The collective power of the fishmen.

Your fruits are the power that breeds life, isn’t the sea? In this world, the most powerful thing is the power of the sea.


Tiger breaks through the sea. Aim at the green bull in mid-air and open the hand gesture.

His hands gathered strength backwards, his muscles trembled, veins popped out, and his teeth clenched. It seemed like a terrifying giant was pulling in the void.

Mlocculant Jiu-Jitsu·Water Heart·Ocean Current Shoulder Throw.


With a flick of his hands.

A huge whirlpool suddenly appeared on the sea surface behind him, and it expanded to a terrifying extent in an instant.

A rumbling sound came from the deep sea, and the dull crashing sound was like thunder, something came out!

boom! ! ! ! !

A giant ocean current rises from the bottom of the sea to the sky.

It was so majestic that the water vapor it brought directly covered dozens of miles around it.

The sound of a huge rising current even attracted the attention of everyone on the battlefield.

Countless people are wondering, what is that!

Knowledgeable people even think that this is the rising tide of the Grand Line. So is the terrifying thing a weapon of the revolutionary army or a natural phenomenon?

Everyone watching the battle was stunned.

Those experts don't understand that this is the combat power that a fish man can produce?

Fisher Tiger, the fish-man, successfully advanced and became a real top combat power?

Otherwise, such a terrifying attack would really be impossible.

Murloc karate is not a rare move in the new world. Many fleets will have one or two murlocs.

At first, I was a little wary of the so-called water control technique, but after seeing it more often, I thought it was just that.

They were not at the scene and had no idea that there was a fishman team under the deep sea providing support.

In other words, even at the scene, ordinary people cannot sense the movement under the deep sea.

At least, Green Bull didn't notice it and just thought it was a shocking blow from his opponent.

With Tiger's roar, the ocean current that had risen to its highest point began to crash down.

The surging sea currents carried a huge force of tens of thousands of tons and hit it directly. Even the green bull felt that it was unable to resist it head-on.

It is common knowledge that people with devil fruit abilities are afraid of sea water.

To a certain extent, Sensen Fruit is not too restrained in sea water.

In such a large virgin forest, a small flow of water can be used to bathe the trees and water the flowers of the plants.

But the scope and huge pressure of the sea currents triggered by Tiger were like a large stone falling from the sky.

If you are hit, it is really possible to enter a weak state, and there are many variables here.

I was trying to dodge its sharp edge first and dodge the blow first.

For a general, this attack is lethal enough, but the speed is not fast enough.

At their level, it is not difficult to dodge the attack range.

Just when he came to his senses and was about to leave the place.

Suddenly, the body became a little stiff, and the live phone bug was still here.

It doesn’t matter if it’s an opponent of the same level, but if the opponent is as powerful as Tiger, if he hides

At this time, the appreciation of the five old stars, the interview Noah had done before, and the contempt at the beginning, inexplicably formed a shackles.

To hide or not to hide?

In a flash of lightning, Green Bull made his decision.

As a representative of the World Government, it's just an ocean current, and it's not like he can't handle it.

Once you have made a decision, use your own strength to greet it forcefully.

As for the two swordsmen on the ground, one has been captured and is extracting life force. Ling Yi also leaves it to Teng Man to hunt down on his own.

Now let’s focus on facing this ocean current.

Sensen Fruit activates with all its strength.

Countless thick trees sprouted from the ground, quickly spanning tens to hundreds of years.

Above his head, there were layers of towering tree crowns, which felt like they were blocking out the sky and the sun.

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