Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 410 The Captured Swordsman

The moment he came out of the space door, Green Bull was on alert for the first time.

The color of what you see, hear, and feel is released directly.

Um? This isn't right.

After all this effort, that’s it?

Stand up straight, just a few little trash want to surround me?

Looking at the three people waiting in front of them.

A strange skull with an explosive head, a top swordsman in traditional clothing, and a red fishman.

Then he looked at a place in the sky, which was a camera bug, indicating that this battle would also be broadcast live.

Has Morgans reached cooperation with the Revolutionary Army?

This is an injustice to Morgans. Even though he has great abilities, he cannot know the layout of the revolutionary army.

It's just that Noah asked him for a batch of camera phone bugs in advance, saying that he could arrange the most suitable location and angle to broadcast the war live, and then just cut the camera if it felt unsuitable.

Camera bugs are rare, but they are nothing compared to this war.

The old bird also believed in Noah's other identity and decisively provided the equipment.

After all, the editor-in-chief of an underground publication is definitely worthy of expectations in terms of sharpness of news perspective.

The result is that each battlefield now has a live broadcast, and the perspective can be switched at any time.

The first time he saw the phone bug, Green Bull knew that he couldn't rush back immediately. You have to deal with your opponent.

The general-level masters who carry the reputation of the World Government cannot escape without a fight, especially the Green Bull whose self-esteem has been repeatedly frustrated.

Take a closer look at your opponent.

Only the fish-man here is more famous, his name is Tiger, right?

One of the main criminals who once targeted Marie Joa happened to be considered a great achievement.

It was this guy who brought his little brother around in the city. Killing him here would also be an act of revenge for Lord Tianlong.

As for the rest, if you don’t know them, treat them as just minions.

Green Bull asked proudly.

Are you the opponent assigned to me by the Revolutionary Army?

At the same time, remain vigilant, as there may be other ambush in the dark.

Tiger looked at the enemy opposite nervously.

He had no complaints at all about being assigned to snipe the world government's top fighter.

It's now, and the revolutionary army may be destroyed at any time, so what does personal sacrifice mean?

The only thing I worry about is that the comrades around me will die.

These two people were temporarily arranged to form a team, and they only got to know each other during previous exercises.

Mr. Koushiro is Noah's kendo teacher. He is a master of Shigetsutsu kendo and is also a top swordsman. He is gentle and elegant.

Brooke is an old friend, having known each other as early as 1509, but this is the first time they have fought together.

The impression of this companion was that of a funny musician, but he did not expect that he would be sent out on such a dangerous battlefield. The revolutionary army really had no fighting capacity.

Coupled with the fact that he is a fish-man who is not very talented in martial arts, his confidence in this battle is naturally not very high.

We can only rely on the tactics Noah gave us before to delay time.

Fisher Tiger.

Song Brooke.

Shigetsuki Koushiro.

The three of them reported their names one after another. This might be the last time they signed up.

Everyone fights this last battle with a tragic mood.

The Green Bulls on the opposite side were not very happy after repeatedly confirming that they only had three opponents in front of them.

Instead, I felt humiliated. He's had enough.

From the previous news interview to the current decisive opponent.

There was a strong sense of contempt for the revolutionary army.

What's the meaning?

Admiral level, the most powerful combat force on the sea, there are not many even within the World Government and Navy.

How could you provoke him over and over again?

He decided to deal with his opponent within 5 minutes and then return to the main battlefield to make the revolutionary army pay the price!

Without the desire to register, the three people in front of him were not worthy of being his opponents.

Oh, a group of lower humans and non-human beings.

You sinners who disobey the Celestial Dragons can die!

The starting point is the fruit ability.

Forbidden hatred!

The hands hang down, turning into wood and extending into the soil. Then the land surged and the whole island trembled.

Countless plants immediately grew on the barren ground, lush and winding, turning into a primitive jungle in just a few breaths.

I am a forest person who has eaten the fruits of the forest. I am the breeder of life that stands side by side with the ocean. I am nature itself!

Since there is a live broadcast view here, Green Bull still made a pretentious speech.

Countless horned dragon-like vines quickly climbed towards the three people in front of them. This is a tree vine that can absorb life force, and those caught will only become mummies.

The three Tigers also reacted immediately.

Brooke took the lead, followed by Koushiro.

Both of them are swordsmen, so they would naturally be able to kill plants like Tengman.

A strong attack at the beginning is also one of the three tactics.

According to Noah's intelligence, his opponent is a very arrogant guy, and he will be very aggressive when facing an opponent who is not strong enough.

The point is that he has very little combat experience in high-end games and lacks awe of the sea.

With only three opponents who are not at the same level, the Green Bulls will definitely launch a group attack at the beginning, trying to win them in one fell swoop, and then seek revenge from the main force of the Revolutionary Army. This is an opportunity.

Sometimes, it is really dangerous for intelligence to be leaked.

What Green Bull didn't know was that before he came to this desert island, Noah had already designed countless tricks for Brooke and the others. Many are even linked.

For example, the dark clouds brought by Noah's overlord color just now, and the lightning and thunder in the clouds have not yet dispersed.

Thunder Sword · Revolutionary Dance · Advance Music

Brooke was the first to attack.

He jumped up and kept jumping towards the sky. Then it stopped between dark clouds and green cattle.

First, he raised his sword to the sky, using the sharp sword intention to send an invitation signal to the dark clouds.

Click! A bolt of lightning struck directly. Tips for triggering metal lightning.

Use your body without flesh and blood to carry destructive power. Just cover the skeleton with the weapon color, that's what makes him special.

This is also the special characteristic of Huangquan fruit. Although he has no body of flesh and blood, he can shed tears, sleep, feel tired, and even feel domineering.

Then it descends from the sky and uses the speed and destructive power of thunder and lightning to penetrate the opponent in a straight line with the sword.

The horrific injuries are terrifying.

欻! Passing through all obstacles without any hindrance.


Looking at the green bull that he had penetrated, Brooke had a feeling of unconfidence. How could his opponent not be able to catch a move? His confusion was revealed in the two big black holes.

At this time, a plant behind Brooke revealed the face of a green bull.

I lied to you!

A vine directly penetrated Brooke and dropped him in mid-air.

Give it to me and turn it into nutrients. I wonder if the wine brewed by the revolutionary army's vitality will taste bad?

After all, Green Bull was at the level of a general, so he could still react to such a surprise attack.

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