Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 407: Kizaru and Green Bull were kicked off the field

He said to Warring States with a solemn expression.

This won't work. We had some estimates of the revolutionary army's firepower advantage before the war started.

But the opponent's defense capabilities are indeed beyond our calculations.

According to the current battle loss ratio, our casualties are not large, or even very small.

But for the purpose of world government, it has failed.

Yes, they came to frighten the sea, how could they fail one after another?

Sengoku nodded.

Speed ​​up and rush over. It's time to enter the formal battle.

Under the cover of artillery, the warship steadily approached the Pioneer Island Fortress.

Regardless of whether a warship was sunk along the way or whatever, they all advanced in strict accordance with the formation without any chaos.

They are worthy of being the most elite soldiers in the navy. Sengoku allowed them to approach quickly, probably because they were planning a high-end showdown. The most difficult moment is about to come.

Noah said as he stood up and began distributing combat communicators. A black technology similar to headphones.

At present, only the doctor's black box can create such a product on the sea, and it can be a creation that can survive on a general-level battlefield.

Only the No. 0 base station on Bika can guarantee communication signals in a battlefield filled with magma or flashes of light.

Put it in your ears and have some ideas during the battle.

When everyone is ready.

Plan begins.

Looking at everyone present, Noah still added.

Everyone, survive!

The navy over there was getting closer and closer to the fortress. The ultra-long-range artillery fire from both sides slowly stopped firing, and some short-range weapons were pushed onto the battlefield.

The most brutal fighting will begin soon. I hope the revolutionary army can hold on.

The white beard in front of the TV is worried, the power of the world government

Others with knowledge also knew that the real battle was approaching.

Warring States looked at the distance.

Ao Pheasant!


Finally, the admiral entered.

Stepping gently into the sea, stepping on the ice beneath his feet, Aoki Pheasant put his hands into the sea.

Looking at the water that was still clear for the moment, I thought that the sea would turn into blood color after a while.

Noah, you will definitely lose this battle! With his eyes focused, the frozen fruit activated with full force.

Ice Age!

A wave of cold air burst out from his body and swept to the sea in all directions.

Click, click.

The surface of the sea, and its rolling waves, were frozen.


A gust of cold wind blew by, and at some point, the sky and the earth turned into a blanket of silver.

This area of ​​​​the sea is completely frozen into ice, extending directly to the steel fortress.

The civilians in front of the TV and the pirates who had never seen the general take action were almost scared to death.

Are these the three generals standing on the top of the sea?

What kind of power is this, which can resist the natural power of heaven and earth. He single-handedly changed the world.

How is this different from myths and legends?

All soldiers of the Navy, land and fight!

As new war orders were issued, with the cover of artillery, the soldiers launched an attack on the Pioneer Island Fortress.

The six general-level combat forces of the World Government are also preparing to converge.

Seeing the trends of several generals, Noah immediately gave instructions.

We can't let them join together, Fujitora, not now!

Fujitora drew out his sword and drew a circle very skillfully.

A huge meteorite appeared in the sky. It smashed straight towards the naval fleet.

The flaming meteorite fell rapidly with an unparalleled aura of death.

The ordinary marines below have lost the will to escape. What is this!

How can any human being do this?

Noah took advantage of Fujitora's intelligence secrecy to catch the navy off guard.

I don't expect this move to do any damage, as long as it can distract Sengoku and others.

It's very sad to say that Fujitora's meteorite has not hurt anyone yet. It’s really good to abuse food.

Characters who really stand at the top basically have ways to deal with this move.

Sure enough, when he saw the meteorite falling, Zeng Guo understood it after a few glances. It was a terrifying move, but it was too slow.

Kizaru, I leave it to you.


Such an urgent moment is not suitable for joking.

Kizaru instantly flashed to the side of the meteorite and squeezed it with both hands.

Eight-foot beautiful magatama!

Endless lasers bombard the surface of the meteorite, and it is expected that the meteorite will be completely shattered when it drops to half of its height.

This is the strength of General Kizaru. He strikes quickly and ends quickly.

At the same time, everyone in the revolutionary army dispersed.


Noah, Dragon, and Fujitora disappeared at the same time, and appeared in front of the green bull at the same time.

Cut off one of his arms first?

Before Green Bull could react, his body sank.

It's Fujitora's Hell Brigade. Pressing the green bull with super heavy pressure, his reaction immediately took half a beat.

Then a strong wind suddenly rose up, gathering on the dragon's fist, and punched the opponent with a fist filled with murderous intent.

What followed was Noah's flying slash with all his strength.

Damn it, you don't think you can kill me like this!

The Green Bull was first blinded, then angry. Why did these people come to him first? Did he look easy to bully? He is a top expert directly under the World Government!

As long as he survives one or two moves, other generals will come over to help him fight. This tactic of your revolutionary army is meaningless except to embarrass me.

No matter how bad it is, we are all at the same level, so the three of you want to kill me instantly?

What a shame!

It's too late to activate the fruit's ability, so just block this move by covering it with all your domineering energy.

Wait until the navy's combat power is assembled before destroying these bastards.

Although Green Bull was angry, his basic combat IQ was still there and he never thought of counterattack.

Sure enough, Long's punch and Noah's sword attack only knocked him away, and his body was still a little stiff in mid-air.

It doesn't matter, you can regain your mobility in a matter of seconds.


A space door appeared, packing the green cow directly and sending it to a distant place.

When Warring States came to his senses, his face turned dark, and the man as big as Lu Niu had disappeared.

Quickly use the color of your experience to feel it.

Fortunately, he wasn't teleported very far, so he will probably be back soon.

Does Noah's operation mean anything?

Fujitora continued a large-scale hell brigade, delaying everyone and buying Noah half a second.


When he appeared again, he was behind Kizaru.

Kizaru, who had just finished dealing with the meteorite, was a little speechless.

No, you should look for him the second time? He's not that idiot from Green Bull.

Moreover, he felt that his relationship with Noah was quite good, so there was no need for him to lose face like this.

Just as he was about to take action, Noah suddenly mouthed a few words.

I've arranged a simple opponent for you to catch fish.

Kizaru froze. This guy is waiting here.

Is he the kind of person who doesn't care about priorities?

Then he saw General Kizaru being kicked into the space door.

The battlefield was changing rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, two general-level combatants were sent to a place not far away.

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