Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 406 The Navy is at a loss

The Warring States Period gave an order.

The fleet that had already pressed on the better formation had begun to clear the ground with firepower.

The navy's conventional tactics are to first use its armed forces, which surpass the sea for an era, to cover the enemy with saturated firepower.

While causing effective damage to the enemy, it can also restore morale.

boom! ! ! ! ! boom! ! ! ! !

A continuous barrage of ship-borne artillery roared. Fire flashed across every battleship.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh~~

The shells flew through the air at high speed and headed straight for the Pioneer Island Fortress.

For a moment, the sky was covered with shells like raindrops.

The navy's military artillery shells are far more powerful than the wild formula used by the pirates.

As long as it can hit, the consequences will be extremely terrifying. This is the Navy's lead in weapons.

Originally, what limited the lethality of ship-based artillery was the issue of hit rate, but such a large fortress cannot be avoided at all.

While the navy was firing, Long also issued an order to fight back!

When it comes to fire control, the revolutionary army really has nothing to fear.

The conventional firepower modified by Bika Research Institute and Tom jointly is definitely no worse than that of the navy.

The Pioneer Island Fortress was also on full fire, and countless artillery pieces began to fire on each other.

As a huge amount of cannonballs poured towards each other, the first collision occurred in mid-air.

Then a dense explosion sounded in the air, deafening.

Fire, smoke, shock waves. This is the scene between the two sides of the sea.

At this time, the phone bugs placed on the ship and on the steel fortress could not capture anything. There was only the roar of artillery.

At the same time, the sea surface was also covered by the smoke, and only the continuous firelight flickered in it.

Only the camera phone bug from a third-party perspective faithfully recorded the battle situation and spread it to the sea.

This kind of firepower attack beyond previous understanding silenced those who thought they were very powerful.

Germa 66, Qibao Navy, Yonko Regiment. Every major force understands its own position.

It turns out that this is called power, this is called strength.

Ordinary people were even more frightened and dumbfounded.

Warring States frowned and stared at the fortress ahead through the smoke.

Having been neutralized by his opponent twice in a row, this time his confidence was not as strong as before.

Unexpectedly, the firepower of the revolutionary army was so powerful.


Attention! The first impact is here!

The generals on each ship issued warnings.

This was their first time to experience such a thrilling naval battle.

Seeing the artillery shells flying through the sea, the lieutenants first jumped into the air to intercept them. Destroy the cannonballs that will attack the main ship.

Then it was up to the captains of their respective ships to fend off other attacks.

Under such intensive artillery fire, even though there were many naval experts, there were still casualties.

Several battleships were hit. Some small logistics ships were directly blown into two pieces.

The scene was a bit chaotic for a while, with wailing, calls for help, and angry curses appearing on the battlefield.

See if there is still a chance to repair it. If not, find a way to drag it to the back and sink it without affecting the overall formation.

Lieutenant General He calmly gave instructions to the staff at his side.

She first paid attention to the casualties of the navy, and then continued to collect intelligence on the revolutionary army.

Even though so many people from the Navy couldn't protect it, it must be the Revolutionary Army?


At two opposite corners of the fortress, two turrets were raised, each extending a strange-shaped barrel and pointing diagonally at the sea.

Why are there such slender and dense artillery barrels on this battlefield? And from this angle, you can almost reach your own city wall.

Franky, who was sitting in the turret, and Iceberg on the other side watched nervously as the naval shells approached.

Then the rapid fire mode was turned on together.

Da da da da da da da.

The high-speed rotating close-in defense cannon rotated crazily, and the firing sound was even a bit sharp.

jingle jingle jingle jingle

The bullet casings also ejected like raindrops and landed on the fortress. The collision between the metal bullet casings and the wall made a crisp sound.

With a rate of fire of 6,000 rounds per minute, it sprayed artillery barrages on the path of the artillery shells, constantly exploding the flying artillery shells in advance.

In front of the Pioneer Island Fortress, a wall of fire formed.

Everyone on the battlefield was attracted by this magical weapon.

This is the close-range defense gun designed by French. The rate of fire is super high, but the power is insufficient and the range is not far.

It has only one function, which is to use high-speed and dense artillery shells to form an interception weapon.

Using artillery shells to intercept was an idea that no one had thought of.

Frankie still remembers that Noah looked at him with a strange expression when he saw the design plan he submitted.

Isn't it strange? Frankie's design is too modern.

Although the world of One Piece is far superior to previous generations in terms of top technology, the design ideas for weapons such as close-range anti-cannons are really rare.

Noah made the decision on the spot to manufacture it according to Frankie's design concept.

He hopes that the revolutionary army will have a weapons master who understands modern warfare better in the future.

Sure enough, this very practical weapon caught the Navy by surprise when it first appeared.

Calculate the battle loss ratio.

After getting over the initial surprise, Lieutenant General He asked the staff to make statistics immediately.

It's just the beginning now, keep looking.

As the navy advanced and the formation expanded, more and more warships participated in the attack.

The exchange of firepower became more and more fierce. Several more bombed and sunk ships appeared in the Navy.

The revolutionary army is also under great pressure, and it is impossible to defend it with only two ship defense robes.

There were constant shells hitting the fortress and the Great Steel Wall.

Occasionally, after one or two rounds are fired, the metal wall can still withstand it, and electric current will flash through the gap, causing this section to sway slightly backwards, acting as a buffer.

At the peak of the shooting, the city wall finally couldn't hold it any longer and the defense was breached. There were also casualties inside.


The naval generals breathed a sigh of relief, and the revolutionary army also suffered casualties. This is great.

They never considered before the war that they would be inspired by the casualties of the revolutionary army.

In the past, naval soldiers and ships had always suffered battle damage, but the Revolutionary Army's appearance of being unscathed was too damaging to their reputation as the world's largest force.

This time there was a live broadcast, and the shame was almost exposed in front of the whole world.

Now I finally saved some face.

Order the entire ship to attack near the gap and try to open a sufficient crack.


Unfortunately, this is only a temporary excitement.

Then, while they were stunned, they were once again shocked by the technology of the Revolutionary Army.

Tom in the inner city performed some operations, ejected the module back to the inner city, replaced it with a new module and blocked the gap.

This breath of relief came back again.

Taking the data compiled by the staff department, Lieutenant General He went to find Warring States.

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