Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 370 Akainu’s excitement

Arnold's eyes evaded for a moment, but then he became angry again.

You are now a high-ranking member of the revolutionary army, with many men and horses under your command, and you have unlimited glory.

Are you proud to see your career flourishing, and don't you have any other thoughts when you see the gratitude of the people you saved?

Saying this kind of thing, it really lowers one's own style, but it's just the beginning.

Me! I'm also a veteran. Ever since Noah came, guys like me who can't keep up with the times have been eliminated.

The more he spoke, the more excited he became, as if he wanted to pour out all his anger and grievances over the years.

Ivankov and Xiao Feng also listened quietly, and even called back the soldiers who had gone out to check.

There was no need to check. If Arnold really betrayed them, then a dragnet would have been set around them.

Ivankov is a core figure among the top leaders of the Revolutionary Army. He participated in two major attacks on Mariejoia and was also the person in charge of the Paradise stage.

When such a big fish enters the net, the people who come soon must be very extraordinary, and most likely they are acquaintances.

It doesn't make much sense to do anything at this time. It's better to listen to this traitor's thoughts.

When it comes to the last moment, they will resort to tricks and it will be nothing more than death. They have already realized this.

Arnold didn't know why the people in front of him were so calm, but he couldn't help but vent his emotions, or use so-called anger to cover up his shame.

It's just a revolution. Who doesn't know that he needs to publish books and teaching materials, let us study, and take exams! If we can't pass the exam, we have to make up the exam, and if we can't pass the make-up exam, we have to adjust our jobs. Does this make sense?

Do you know about the so-called internal audit? Princess Otohime, right? Her people actually tried to investigate me! They said I misappropriated funds, I

When the other party was impassioned, Xiao Feng intervened.

Did you pass the exam? Did you embezzle funds?


Well, it seems that he failed the exam and indeed misappropriated funds. This is the case for all corrupted people, and everyone in the world feels sorry for him.

Arnold, who was interrupted, was furious for a moment, but he couldn't regain his previous state.

But it doesn't matter, this annoying brat will die in the dungeons of the World Government from now on, including Ivankov.

What did they give you?

Treat the injury and make a complete recovery. I don't want to wait endlessly anymore!

Ivankov did not expect that his old friends would already be so distrustful of them. Where is Big Bear? Forget it.

anything else?

Wealth, status, and beauties will all be given to me. These are things you can't give me, am I right, hahahaha.

I know you, noble, great, and righteous. Even if you set up a South China Sea Federation, sea trains, and all kinds of looting properties.

But I definitely don’t need to use it on myself. I will invest in that bullshit career. I’m so confused!

Judging from his expression, Arnold was really heartbroken.

Why do you have to put money into that bottomless pit! Brothers, I have lived and died with you for so many years, and you have become like this, who are you the boss!

Xiao Feng wanted to refute when he heard it. After all, he was still young and couldn't hold back his anger.

As far as the treatment of the Revolutionary Army is concerned, it is really no worse than that of the Navy at the same level, and is even much better.

If you want a horse to run, not giving it grass will not happen in the revolutionary army.

Only Noah and several other high-level officials hold such huge power and resources, but they never use them for their own purposes.

So this is not nonsense. I couldn't help but want to cut him, but Ivankov stopped me.

What you said is nothing more than a reason to betray your faith, your comrades, your cause, your people, and your past self.

Do you still remember how you joined the revolutionary army in the first place? If Long hadn't saved you, you would have been beaten to death by the mayor in your hometown.

Just because you were so hungry, you picked up a piece of unwanted black bread on the ground.

Don't you want to change the world where a human life is not worth a piece of black bread?

These words burned Arnold's body like a branding iron, leaving him speechless.

Ivankov's expression became colder and colder, and the funny look on his face and his usual exaggerated tone were gone.

This old friend has fallen so completely, it’s so heartbreaking.

Change the world? It's just you!

A cold voice came in from outside the tavern.

There is no need for sight, hearing or color sensing. Ivankov will know who is coming just by the increase in body surface temperature.

Akainu, Sakaski.

He had a hunch that only the general-level ones who could capture him were safe.

Today, there are many dangers, but Xiao Feng will be the new pillar of the revolutionary army, and there is information, so we must find a way to send him out.

Hahaha, General Akainu is here. If you have anything to say, just talk to him.

Arnold looked like a dog who saw his master coming, which made Ivankov a little worried. A man who dared to fight against the world government in the past ended up in this situation.

Are the things you mentioned what Sakaski promised you?



Noah said that Akainu is a ruthless person who is good at plotting and plotting. He is a rare and handsome talent.

This is a rare positive review.

But his actions have no bottom line and are too extreme. If there are promises or private promises, they are basically false.

This is just a tragedy.

Akainu stood at the door, looking at Ivankov inside, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised. It seemed that this traitor was of some use, so what he said before was also true.

Haha, the World Government and the Warring States Marshal really failed in their duties!

The revolutionary army has grown to this extent under their eyes, and they are all responsible for it.

A week ago, while conducting a sweep of Magic Valley Town, I accidentally discovered that there was something wrong with this strange tavern owner.

I felt a bit uneasy about the navy's inspection.

After review, it was found that he might have colluded with the revolutionary army. Akainu wanted to burn him to charcoal, but the other party begged for mercy!

Everyone else in the tavern surrendered after desperately resisting and sacrificing their lives.

This is a rare talent.

It is not that members of the revolutionary army have not been found before, but they all died heroically, and they basically died on the spot.


That made Akainu a little bit interested.

The subsequent information given by the other party gave him a big surprise.

South China Sea Federation, Sobel Kingdom, Resurrection Island, Noah! ! !

This surprise was so big that he couldn't believe it. The people of the Revolutionary Army couldn't be more cunning, and they kept setting off all kinds of smoke bombs.

Even Akainu himself was claimed to have been acting with Noah, but in fact he was a staunch comrade in the revolutionary army.

This kind of talk can be said, and subsequent information about them needs to be carefully investigated.

After rounds of torture, this guy explained everything clearly.

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