During the World Government Conference, all forces were basically dormant.

Even the Revolutionary Army Paradise stage was quiet.

Ivankov, Xiao Feng and some others were doing some simple inspection work and did not dare to mess around.

Akainu has gone crazy in the paradise stage. In the past few months, countless small volcanoes have appeared.

Incidental injuries to civilians also happened from time to time, but no one dared to question it.

The last person to question was Aoki. It is said that they almost started a fight on the spot, but it was the Warring States Marshal who mediated. One was placed in the headquarters and the other was placed in the front half.

Without anyone to stop it, Akainu's fleet became a walking disaster.

Ivankov had no choice but to come out for activities this time, so an old friend contacted him.

He said that he had secret information and wanted to tell him face to face, but he was seriously injured and hoped that Eva would come over.

Forget it if you were an ordinary person, this old friend was a veteran who had been in office before Noah joined the Revolutionary Army. He had also shed blood for the organization and was very loyal.

Eva, it's a bit dangerous for us to come out this time, so we need to hurry up.

Well, I'm going to Mogu Town to meet an old friend this time. I haven't seen him for a long time. He's not the kind of person who talks big. There must be a reason.

The group of people walked in the deserted Demon Valley Town and saw that the bustling pirate town in the past had become like this, and they knew the intimidating power of Akainu.

It is said that this place is also closely related to the Revolutionary Army. When they first attacked Marie Joa, it was here that they staged a scene to lure the tiger away from the mountain.

He used the greedy pirates and Pluto's information to fish out so many world government forces.

Daxiong also played a passerby here once. Looking back, Ivankov felt that it was after that time that the revolutionary army was on the fast track.

Pushing open the door of the tavern, it turned out that there were only a few people waiting in the corner.

Hey, Eva.

A man with bandages all over his body and a very bad look stood up crookedly.


Seeing his old friend's weak appearance, Ivankov was very sad.

What are you

Oh, it's hard to explain in words. But I also learned about a very important situation, so I came to you.

Arnold squeezed out a few words in pain.

Then why not phone bugs and letters?

Xiao Feng stood behind and asked, The revolutionary army still has many ways of transmitting information.

Who is this?

Oh, this is the newbie from the Resurrection Island, Fon Clay. He is also a passionate man who practices the ways of the demon. He can be regarded as my descendant.

He turned around again and introduced the seriously injured man to his group.

“This is Benedict Arnold, a hero who started the rebellion with Long very early on.

Back then, he once delivered intelligence and saved the nascent revolutionary army headquarters even though he was seriously injured.

But it was also that injury that caused his body to collapse and he could no longer practice.

Arnold's eyes twitched when he heard the last sentence.

That incident was a blow to Long, Ivankov and others. His comrade just fell. You know, the pain of losing power is sometimes more terrible than death.

Over the years, they have also thought of ways to take care of Arnold's body, including after the Revolutionary Army's medical capabilities grew.

Unfortunately, many years later, Arnold's internal injuries have become integrated with his body.

Big Bear's meat ball fruit cannot be popped out separately, and he can only try again after he breaks through to the general level.

Over the years, except for medical treatment, we have not had much contact with each other.

Arnold consciously avoided his old comrades and left the headquarters on his own initiative.

Ivankov and the others could also understand each other's mood, so they kept a certain distance.

After hearing Arnold's initiative to contact him this time, Eva immediately rushed over with someone.

Did you set up that training camp in the South China Sea?

I haven’t been to Nanhai for a long time. I just saw information about you from the newspaper. I didn’t expect that I would produce such outstanding juniors. Cough cough cough cough.

There was a heartbreaking cough. In this case, Xiao Feng naturally would not continue to ask the other party why they didn't use the phone or write letters. Maybe they just wanted to meet old friends.

It's no wonder that he is a little too cautious. Everyone knows the World Government's attitude towards the revolutionary army.

Still under the nose of Akainu, he was originally very opposed to this action, and it was Ivankov's decision.

The superior has made a decision, and for the time being, he can only obey it.

They made many disguises on the way, and put out a lot of false information through the underground world. I believe Akainu was investigating other sea areas at this time.

This strategy of using cover to attack in the east and in the west has become a compulsory routine in the boot camp.

Seeing his old friend in such pain, Ivankov hurried up and tried to use his fruit power to help him calm down.

But Arnold rejected it with his eyes.

He coughed for a while before he recovered.

Looking at his hands and feet that were shaking even when he coughed, his eyes were extremely gloomy.

Arnold, you said you have urgent information, can you tell me? Everyone here is trustworthy.

Trustworthy? Okay, as long as you're trustworthy.

Arnold's tone was a little weird at this time.

Eva, do you remember when we started a riot together?

Although this topic is very inappropriate,...


Yes, there was no revolutionary light at that time, and there was no South China Sea Federation. Then one day, Tianlong went out alone and everything changed~~~~

This tone? Xiao Feng instinctively felt that something was wrong, and motioned with his eyes to the two soldiers behind him to go out and take a look.

Ignoring Xiao Feng's actions, Arnold continued to talk to himself.

A few days later, Long came back very excited, saying that he had found the future, found our light, and that our road was bright and great.

Speaking of this, he remained calm.

Ivankov's eyes slowly changed, and there were all sorts of incredible things in his eyes.

“Later on, while performing some missions, I was seriously injured.

Very, very serious injuries. I slowly moved away from you and came here to relay information.

At that time, I told myself that even if I am not in the center, I can still help everyone.

and after

Ivankov's tone was trembling.

Later, I regretted it.

I see you making your business bigger and bigger, including the Resurrection Island and the South China Sea Federation, but I am an anonymous tavern owner in this contact point.


Still a cripple, a cripple who will fall down as soon as someone touches him!!!

Arnold punched the table. There was no scene of the table exploding, only blood spilled from his fist.

Did you see it! Did you see it! I also defeated the major general of my headquarters back then! I also served as a glorious army commander. What about now?

Is this the reason why you betrayed us today?

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