Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1868 Noah is the trend

Moreover, we can also reach cooperative relationships with local officials and wealthy businessmen to reduce unnecessary expenditures. Is this beneficial to everyone?

The eyes of the person who came in exchange for information shone. Is there such a thing?

How could it not be the case? The military technology in Zhanmei World has developed very rapidly. The emergence of groups of musketeers means that metal smelting and processing have reached extremely high standards.

And the technologies such as armor, missiles, machine guns, and artificial humans modified from a large number of Teigu are also very mature.

It's just that it has never been developed in the civilian field.

Noah threw out this grand blueprint that centered on technology for civilian use, attracting countless sharks that smelled blood.

Well, new wine in old bottles.

What else will happen in the future: the imperial financial market, the land development and reform of the imperial capital, the little emperor's plan to collect birthday cards, and the minister's plan.

It’s chaos, it’s chaos, the South is in chaos.

With just one mouth, all kinds of gossips made the superiors completely give up their vigilance against those weak-legged people.

This system of small combos made these people fascinated, as if they were bewitched by demons.

Along the way, people kept inviting representatives from Anning Road to be guests, and the standards kept getting higher and higher.

Night Raid also witnessed many big scenes.

In fact, Noah had never thought about promoting these businesses at this time. Before the empire was overthrown, any big project would be a waste of life and money.

The effect of diverting attention is very good. Now he has nothing to do when he takes the time to preach doctrine during the day.

No one can stop me from spreading democratic ideas in a small square.

In the eyes of the nobles, this representative of An Ning Dao still finds time to fool the people, which is also a sign of professionalism.

Before he even got close to the south, his name spread throughout the empire.

Even the ministers heard about this and planned to have a good chat with this Teigu after Noah returned to the imperial capital.

That birthday outline is a bit interesting.

This shows how famous Noah has become in the southern part of the empire.

By the time the team was about to arrive at the Revolutionary Army headquarters, the headquarters was already heavily prepared.

All the senior officials thought that this representative of An Ning Dao was very extraordinary and had affected countless affairs in the empire.

As a result, my first impression of Noah was very good after meeting him.

After all, this person currently has a gentle personality and has not yet shown his aggressiveness or political stance.

He has a very in-depth understanding of economics, technology, and humanities.

He also tried his best to promote the cooperation between An Ning Dao and the revolutionary army, saying that after signing the agreement in two days, they would overthrow the imperial tyranny together.

Geralt will also respond immediately, and tens of millions of believers can bring about the end of the empire in an instant.

The top brass of the Revolutionary Army were elated when they heard this. The people from An Ning Road were so radical, so radical.

Such a perfect partner is the South's favorite kind.

Najiexitan said that it was too early for you to be optimistic. After observing along the way, she knew that Noah was just collecting intelligence.


Can you preach the teachings of An Ning Dao in the headquarters?


We will be our own people in two days. An Ning Road is also the spiritual sustenance of the working people. Ordinary people and senior leaders of the revolutionary army can come and listen.

Noah said, I've made so many concessions before, but you don't even agree to this small request. It's really hard to do.

Finally, we agreed to lend him the square and auditorium.

We are in peace

The essence of the new doctrine was explained by Noah in a simple and easy-to-understand manner, and the key points mentioned by many in the middle and lower ranks of the revolutionary army were thoughtful.

The senior management was a little strange, and they were not very satisfied with a few words.

But when it comes to teachings, it’s normal to talk about false and empty things.

Noah's style changed.

Today we will talk about why the empire became corrupt and the significance of the creation of Anning Road.

Thousands of years ago, the first emperor was also a wise and powerful man. He drove away the foreign races from all directions and created 43 imperial tools.

But 50 years after the empire was founded...

The erosion of rights must be curbed with systems and ideas, so democracy is the only thing that exists.

The new ideas spread by Anning Road had a huge impact on the revolutionary army. After all, they started from the ordinary people.

The middle-level people are also progressive people who came up from the bottom, and they are very pure and passionate in their hearts.

Rather than simply overthrowing an empire and creating a new country, religious democracy and a scientific development path are more promising.

Facing the mature new world framework and system, as well as new revolutionary ideas, people will unconsciously fall into it.

It’s really exciting to see someone describe the new world so clearly.

The early founders of the Revolutionary Army were elites who were persecuted by the empire, such as former imperial generals like Najexitan, as well as scholars, businessmen, etc.

He has an instinctive desire for control and desire for power, especially after the climate has changed, he has something else to shake the rule of the empire.

If they rebuild the empire, they can also be in high positions. Although they didn't have many ideas of doing whatever they wanted in the early days, this is the harvest they deserve.

But if they accept that kind of rebellious idea, then why are they working so hard for it?

Deconstruct power and put these things in cages.

Good is very good.

But it's uncomfortable, very uncomfortable.

The treatment of Anning Dao representatives here at the Revolutionary Army Headquarters has undergone a subtle change.

A senior executive found Noah after an internal meeting.

Promise to wait until the empire is overthrown and Anning Tao can be recognized as the state religion. Give high status and honor, as well as various resources.

I just hope some teachings can be revised.

Ideas such as science and culture are fine, but equality and democracy should not be so radical.

We need to give people time to change their minds.

Noah sneered in his heart. People who often burn the world know that if they are not radical at this time, they will end up with endless compromises and nothing after the founding of the country.

Only an idiot like Senju Hashirama would fall for this little trick.

So he nodded in agreement on the surface, but still did not change a word when he went back to preach.

Because the relationship was initially good on the surface, it is now inconvenient for the revolutionary army to drive each other away.

Therefore, people can only keep asking questions to stump the representatives of Anning Road.

It’s not that we don’t cooperate, it’s that there is something wrong with what you said.

This idea is correct.

There is no way to create a new world without making mistakes. Many tricky problems are the kind that cannot be solved in history.

It’s just the accumulation of three worlds. Pediatric problems such as the world of beheading girls can’t trouble anyone at all, and even gave Noah more shining moments.

This question is not difficult.

This comrade has a good question.

I'm very happy that you can think of this. In fact, as long as

You are wrong to think so,.

It can't be said, it can't be said at all.

There were even a large number of middle-level members of the revolutionary army who began to follow Noah in imagining what the new world would look like, and even the top leaders began to wake up.

After all, there are still many people who are sincere in the revolutionary army at this time.

Under Noah's words, the planned uprising of the Revolutionary Army seemed to be in trouble.

A serious disconnect developed internally.

Najiexitan finally breathed a sigh of relief now and no longer had to think about taking sides.

I have to admit that the trend lies with Noah.

The truth carried by the opponent is the most powerful weapon in the world, which completely reduces the dimensionality and attacks backward thinking.

Next, I have to ask everyone who is attacking me at night to protect this fragile Teigu of mine.

Noah began a large-scale speaking tour within the territory of the Revolutionary Army, and the assassination came as scheduled.

He never underestimated human evil.

The deprivation of rights and the deprivation of life are unbearable pain.

Especially at this time, interrupted ambition can really drive people crazy.

However, under the protection of nine top Teigu users, unless 100,000 troops are mobilized or Esdeath is invited, there is no way to get close.

It's just that the frequency of assassinations in just one week has made those who attacked at night feel exhausted.

Najexitan had never been so agitated at this moment, and she did not expect that it would reach the point of fighting so quickly.

Let them come and assassinate. The more people come, the better.

The truth is not afraid of the sword.

Not even a sword can hurt you, that's what I say.

Despite the constant undercurrent of gunfire and bullets from the outside world, Noah still remained in the revolutionary army without wavering at all.

In addition to speeches, we also hired people to rehearse a lot of plays. Rhymes, folk jokes and other forms of communication emerged in endlessly.

The revolutionary soldiers at the bottom were confused, and their understanding of the revolution was slowly increasing.

Taotao's momentum was established and he began his final attack.

“Revolution is not as simple as overthrowing an empire and rebuilding it.

If we want to carry out a thorough revolution, we must break through classes, break through traditional thinking, and break down the hierarchy.

First we are.”

The transformation of the top leadership of the revolutionary army has entered the final stage.

Any high-ranking Noah who has not gone to the stage of assassination will give them a chance. Those who can still resist under the pressure of the empire are at least courageous people.

No one with a righteous heart and a zealous heart can resist Noah.

Light has an indescribable attraction for true revolutionaries.

In this way, the transformation of the revolutionary army was firmly promoted in the assassination.

A few months later, the last of the old guard finally went crazy.

They couldn't accept that one person defeated an army of millions with just one mouth.

So a small mutiny was launched, intending to bring the revolutionary army back on track.

If the opponent is killed, then the revolutionary army will still be a pure revolutionary army, an untainted revolutionary army, and they can continue to overthrow the empire.

But before the night attack could be carried out, Noah mobilized others to suppress it internally.

With his rich experience in struggle, how could he not see that some people are eager to jump over the wall.

In order to preserve some dignity, these people were dealt with secretly.

These people are so naive.

There is no need to fight at all, as long as Noah is allowed inside, the revolutionary army will be great.

The South is set.

The map was revised again, and the alien races in the west had long been beaten back to their hometowns by Esdeath.

Looking at the imperial capital and the sea to the east

Will, it's time to go back to the Navy to visit family.

The train will go back to my hometown tomorrow, so I’m not sure about the update.

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