Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1867 The South is in chaos

Things have changed in the north.

After that devastating battle, the entire Northern Territory was in a state of panic.

The sudden outbreak of the White Disaster almost made people give up their will to survive. The power of ice swept away everything in sight, leaving no place to hide.

Then the shadow of the sacred mountain in the sky not only covered the wasteland, but also caused ordinary people outside to kneel on the ground.

The destruction of the world in ordinary people's imagination is nothing more than this.

Even the army in the north couldn't suppress this panic, because no matter how powerful the soldiers were, they were only imperial soldiers.

Their courage comes from Esdeath, not their own beliefs.

My lord has not come back yet

Should it be

The only queen in the north can mobilize the power of natural disasters. I don’t know what kind of enemy is worthy of using such terrifying power.

A time of panic.

I'm back.

Esdeath came back as if nothing happened, with that pretty face on her face.

Nothing's wrong, just go back.

A simple sentence calmed hundreds of thousands of troops, and the ordinary people in the north also breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that life can continue as it is.

After returning to the room, Esdeath asked Tazmi to help her write a reply to the empire's inquiry. ,

There is a blizzard in the imperial capital, and it is not something that can be ignored by simply saying that it is okay.

With Tazmi's polish, a somewhat reasonable story is completed.

The northern aliens have attracted super S-level dangerous species and are preparing to defeat the imperial army. At the critical moment, Esdeath intercepts the opponent's path in advance.

There was a shocking battle outside the empire. The blizzard was an anomaly created by the combined efforts of both sides. After the battle, it returned to nature.

The final winner was still Esdeath, and that dangerous species was buried under the ice sheet.

All in all, the North is very safe.

The minister looked at this ups and downs story with some disbelief, but it was very reasonable.

Except for unknown dangerous species, there should be nothing in the human world that can threaten the strongest empire.

His eyes were a little gloomy, and he always felt that something out of his control was happening in this world.

Since the hunter is going to protect Berlik, let's inform Sheila to come back early. This imperial capital cannot survive without the Teiju user troops.


On the one hand, the Teigu troops are needed to maintain deterrence, and on the other hand, Sheela's Teigu Dimension Phalanx Shangri-La is a rare space movement Teigu.

As long as the device is set up, the target can be moved to a predetermined marked position instantly.

It can be called the most powerful life-saving Teigu, and even Esdeath will be transferred to the southern seaside without any precautions.

Ernest gave this Teigu to his son just to keep it firmly in his hands. It was a very critical trump card.

Esdeath. Esdeath

After hesitating for a moment, the minister still believed in this general who was very loyal to the empire.

Because the interests of the Empire and Esdeath are in the same direction.

Then those alien races in the west should also make repairs.

That group of people with their own culture, alchemy, and other special powers has always been a hidden danger on the borders of the empire.

Send the order and let General Esdeath lead his army to pacify the foreign races in the west.

After receiving this order, Esdeath looked at Tazmi.

Although this little man said he wanted to be a common friend, the instinct of the strong to dominate everything is not easy to change.

Go ahead, I'll stay in the north. Appropriate killing and shock will be the main thing.


Esdeath immediately ordered his troops to set off, leaving the northern border completely to Tazmi.

The boy has experience in playing three games in a row in the pirate world, so he has no problem handling military and government affairs.

He easily took control of the remaining garrisoned troops and began to arrange a tour of the northern border.

All those who committed crimes were dealt with secretly.

Anyone who dares to object will immediately pull Esdeath's tiger skin. Anyone who dares to say a word will be brought to the general for a chat.

It calmed down in an instant, and this trick has been tried again and again.

In addition, the new teachings of An Ning Dao spread very smoothly here, and even provided official assistance.

The spread of ideas and the spread of education have begun to take shape.

The icy North is turning red on the map.

Noah was also ministering in the South when the changes in the North began.

The first generation of lights led night raiders very slowly, almost stopping for a long time every time they reached a large city or every important level.

Don't worry, I will use some means to leave space and time for the reform of An Ning Road.

The content and ideas in the doctrines and scriptures are in deep conflict with the rules of the current world.

In order to get through the most vulnerable period, someone needs to use some drastic measures.

Lord Noah, there are revolutionary forces in the south, An Ning Road, the Empire, and the three forces are mixed together. The situation is quite complicated.

At the same time, Najexitan was looking forward to it. She learned too much from Noah.

You don't understand. I see a lot of vitality here. It's heartbreaking to see that there are no one to harvest the leeks all over the ground.

Using the information from the night raid, he easily screened out a large number of social celebrities and wealthy businessmen, and summoned everyone in the name of the deputy leader of Anning Road, Berlick.

This deputy leader likes luxury and is somewhat famous in some secret circles.

And some well-informed people also know who the real person is standing behind the deputy leader.

After all, it was almost a given that the Hunters were stationed in Geralt, and the relationship between the Empire and the Peace Road was very close.

So when Noah revealed his identity, he was looked at in a different light.

In the salon, the representative of An Ning Dao was walking around chatting and laughing.

Talking about art, money, and all kinds of aristocratic and wealthy businessmen shocked these southerners.

This person from the imperial capital is different, he is so good at it.

Moreover, his posture is more noble and classy than them.

Many wealthy businessmen don't dare to get too close, as they will look like cowards.

And the people who protected him at Night Raid were a little dumbfounded. Isn't this a Teigu?

This ability to change temperament is much more advanced than Chelsea's.

Ahem, the canal is indeed one of the empire's greatest projects. It connects the north and the south and creates a golden road.

Who wouldn't be jealous of the daily cargo throughput and the large amount of funds involved?

With such a good business, we at An Ning Road also want to get involved.

Someone was keenly aware of the hidden meaning behind this sentence.

So he quietly went to Noah to inquire, and after paying a huge price, he said that he would never let the news out.

Don't tell others that Anning Road and the Empire plan to build multiple railways across the country.

Railway? Sir, can you give me some advice?

Suppose, I mean if, there is a steel creation on land that can transport goods and people from one place to another at an extremely fast speed and with very powerful transportation capacity.

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