Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1859 This is the Revolutionary Army

Two more chances.

Rosinandil, who was wearing a white navy uniform, said happily.

This little guy is still very fierce, he can challenge Akainu alone.

This is a battle that even Teacher Noah finds difficult.

Um, brother Rosinandi, I want to ask what I should do.

I don't know, it depends on your choice. You can betray the navy and join the pirates, or you can join Akainu's absolute justice. I can only say that in the end, you will have the opportunity to enter the final battlefield.

I wouldn't choose Akainu.

Tazmi plunged into the snow again without hesitation.

Rody, we are brothers.

Why betray the family!

Tazmi's mind is now filled with thoughts about what to do after joining the navy.

Facing the flamingo's questioning, he was very perfunctory and just lay on the snow to recover his blood.

Facing Doflamingo's Thread Fruit, it lasted for several rounds before being knocked away. The Navy's special training was very effective. Although his physical fitness did not change, his fighting will, fighting experience, and knowledge and color The level has improved by leaps and bounds.

This made Don Quixote very angry, but before he could do anything, he was beaten away by Noah.

Tazmi came to the door again, but this time the question was very direct.

How to defeat Akainu?

Yes, it is dangerous to have him at the Navy Headquarters.

Noah felt a little numb, this guy's goal was a bit big. Although he had already beaten Akainu at this stage, the battle process was carefully calculated.

Your thinking is wrong. Akainu's hawks are the orthodox force within the navy. Without Akainu, there will still be Green Dog.

I will avenge my personal grudges for you.

Tazmi still listened to what the teacher said.

After returning to the navy headquarters boot camp, this second-generation backdoor player showed results that made Zefa's eyes shine.

Although his physical fitness is poor, his willpower and learning ability are very good, and he can be said to be a genius.

The progress of learning the six styles and domineering skills has also improved rapidly, and he is a talent that can be made.

At this time, Rosinandi had more time to develop his own power within the navy, and young leaders had gradually taken shape.

The rising star of the navy climbed up step by step, constantly fighting on the front lines in the four seas and the great sea route.

He also took advantage of the opportunity to go to the South China Sea to complete the connection with Noah and pass on a large amount of precious information.

The effect of the Silence Fruit behind enemy lines is really extraordinary, and combined with the strong physical fitness to steal intelligence, there is no disadvantage.

Tazmi felt like she could step onto the final battlefield for the second time.


Akainu went to the Grand Route Demon Valley Town, and the confidentiality level is extremely high.

After seeing this information, Tazmi from the Navy Headquarters planned to pass the information to the South China Sea in the Shampoo Islands in a few days. During this time, there was a world conference, and all navies could not deviate from their own missions.

His task is to assist the CP department with security in the World Conference Hall in the Holy Land.

Although Luo Nandi had contact with the revolutionary army, his identity as a former Tianlong man and the adopted son of Navy Marshal Warring States still ensured that he had an upright background.

So this task is led by him.

Results three days later.

Revolutionary Army cadre Ivankov was defeated by General Akainu, and the South China Sea was exposed.

“Behind us are the people, every ordinary person on the sea, farmers, workers, fishermen, you, me, and them.

In the end, we will not fail. Even if our bodies are destroyed, our spirits are already floating over the mainland.

The Nanhai representatives showed confident smiles and bit the poison sacs in their mouths.

Thump, thump, thump.

The delegates fell one after another in the large conference hall, right in front of them.

Tazmi watched all this happen, and her soul was shocked beyond words.

That is fearlessness, that is nobility, that is the glory of humanity.

He almost used up all his strength to restrain his behavior from revealing any flaws.

I shed silent tears after insisting on returning to the room.

The fruit of silence opens.

In this quiet space, he was in so much pain that he couldn't stand.

His fingers dug into the palm of his hand, and he lay on the ground wishing to smash this dirty holy place.

Today he suddenly understood the sentence contained in a certain book by Teacher Noah.

For the sake of sacrifice and ambition, I dare to teach the sun and the moon to change the sky.

for! have! sacrifice! Sacrifice! many! strong! Chi! dare! teach! day! moon! Change! new! sky!

The whole world knows that when the world government gets serious, it will definitely have the power to destroy any force.

Even Noah's letter to him contained instructions to Rocinante to keep him useful.

The arrangement, which was almost like a suicide note, did not extinguish the anger burning in Tazmi's heart.

It’s all sacrifice, why can’t it be me.

The battle for Pioneer Island has officially begun.

The real war scene is terrifying, with the black steel Great Wall, the red Overlord color, the blue ice field, and the golden flash.

Life continues to disappear on this battlefield, especially after the revolutionary army's division tactics were successful, it entered a white-hot state.

Tazmi decided to contribute her own strength here.

On the chaotic battlefield, he activated the power of the fruit to wrap his body, and then disappeared from the main battlefield.

The CP director who was torturing the big bear had a crazy smile on his face, and he had achieved success.

laugh! Huh?

This should be the sound of a sharp blade piercing the body, and it is also the sound that the CP chief should hear.

Just why.

The excruciating pain came from my back.

He was so alert that he didn't notice the situation. He could only turn his head and see a figure wearing a navy uniform with his peripheral vision.

Don Quixote Rossinandi?!!

Do you know what you are doing!!!

The CP chief roared angrily. If it hadn't been for his body's instinct to dodge a little, he would have almost died.

It was just that his mouth was wide open, but no sound came out.

Fruit of Silence?

It's just that there is no need for sound on the frontal battlefield. Everyone who paid attention to this battle watched this scene. The live phone bug even gave a close-up.

Navy backstab?

The Warring States Period was furious, this child!

If you get involved when the revolutionary army is about to be destroyed by the world government, isn't this looking for death?

Tazmi stepped in front of the big bear and released the Silence Fruit.

I, Don Quixote Rocinante, am the revolutionary soldier.

It's a bit tricky, this kind of ex-Celestial Dragon is not easy to kill.

Doflamingo, a scumbag, fell into the hands of the navy and was just locked up, even with some small privileges.

Rocinante's identity is really a powerful obstacle to the CP department.

As a dog of the Celestial Dragons, the chief is also afraid that it will arouse the suspicion of his masters.

Otherwise, according to the temperament of Chief CP, the rising star of the navy in front of him would have been torn into pieces.

On the contrary, it was the Warring States Period in the distance that made the decision that the South China Sea must be destroyed in this battle. (End of chapter)

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