Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1858 Death at the hands of Akainu

If he hadn't stimulated his will to survive at the critical moment and squeezed his body to use a thin weapon, it wouldn't have been as simple as flying away.

Armed colors are also available

As expected of a navy elite who can be an undercover agent!!!

Each of the five fingers creates a thin, almost transparent thread, assuming the posture of a beast's claw, and uses this five-colored thread to tear the traitor apart.

The breath of death blocked all Tazmi's escape routes. No matter how kind he was, he couldn't bear to be bullied like this.

He was going to die soon anyway, so he had to mock this bastard severely. Many memories related to Doflamingo appeared in his mind.

I instantly found a few heart-wrenching points.

Idiot, I am the navy, I don't even think I am the overlord of the North Sea!!

You wretch who wants to return to the Holy Land will never have a chance, coward! ! !

Doflamingo felt his heart twitch for the first time, feeling like he was really a clown, such a damn clown.

It turns out that my younger brother is not only good at talking, but also good at talking.

go to hell!

Just as he was about to wave his hand and row, there was an overwhelming pressure, and the entire island's snow was crushed by a foot.

How could he have such a strong overbearing look!

Doflamingo panicked, was this a trap for him?

Then Tazmi, who was lying on the ground, saw a familiar figure descending from the sky.

One punch knocked away the flamingo, and a few sword strikes cut the opponent into a bald chicken. If the navy's artillery offensive wasn't too powerful, this student brother would have been left here.

Then Tazmi and Luo were taken to Drum Island to start the rescue. The appearance of the two emergency patients made Dr. Kuleha feel good, because Noah has always been inhumane when it comes to medical fees.

By the way, there is something wrong with that yellow guy's brain. He always says that he is not Rosinandi. This kind of short-term memory disorder is a common phenomenon in the normal pathological recovery stage, so the consultation fee will not be refunded.

Kuleha cursed and gave Roddy an excessive dose of sedatives.

After Tazmi woke up, she became much more honest. She tried countless methods but could not get rid of Rosinandi's identity authentication. Even Teacher Noah ignored many things that were wrong. It seemed that she could only use this identity to practice. .

Then he was led by Noah to start learning cultural knowledge.

Tazmi, who had already learned and practiced some of the content, easily won the teacher's praise.

Rody, your understanding is really good.

This kind of praise made Tazmi very proud, which was something she had never received in the original world.

Noah didn't expect that he would be so in tune with Rocinante, who he wanted to develop. This natural revolutionary seed must be cultivated well.

The content began to deepen rapidly, and Tazmi was very tired.

How is it possible for humans to accept so much knowledge?

Finally outside the imperial palace on Cigu Island.

Do you think social order can be maintained without a king?

These words made Tazmi a little confused.

How can we survive without a king???

The current situation of the Drum Kingdom seems to be that the king has a negative influence on the people. If the idiot named Valpo dies, he will die.

So would the empire be better off without the emperor?

Tazmi fell into deep thought, and then followed Teacher Noah's train of thought and began to run in a certain direction.

Before leaving, Tazmi joined the revolutionary army camp again.

The progress is much faster than Rosinand.

As for returning to the navy to work undercover, instigating rebellion against the navy's top brass, the task of propaganda and ideological propaganda was also taken over.

He is Tazmi, praised by Esdeath as the second Tazmi in the empire.

It was easy to return to the Navy Headquarters with the identity of Rosinandi, and the identity of the invisible second generation was very easy to use.

Entering the boot camp smoothly.


The muscular hunk with purple hair covered Chick Roddy's body in shadow.

My place is a training camp for elite navy recruits, and every graduate's goal is to become a general.

Since you can let Sengoku come over, be prepared to come to hell.

Chief Instructor Zefa looked down upon people who used the back door very much, but he had to give Warring States face this time.

And we also have to see how talented this yellow boy is to let the marshal of the navy come and stop people. Even the marshal's adopted son can't get away with it.

Tazmi is naturally full of confidence. Teacher Noah’s theory class requires a high level of wisdom and understanding of human nature.

The young man's growth experience is still far behind even after traveling through the northern border.

So it was very difficult in the later stages, so I had to take the book back to the headquarters to continue studying.

But special combat training

It's not his fault. He has received special combat training in the village since he was a child, and also experienced endless special training from Uncle Ichimonji.

Has strong resistance to countless deaths.

Just special training

Listen to my command! Run around the island 10 times to warm up first!

Around the island? Malinvando? ? ? ?

Tazmi ignored the physical difference between the world of pirates and the world of slayers. Without a domineering body, how could he display powerful weapons?

When Huang Maozi started vomiting, Zefa was ready to fight with Warring States. He was really stupid to dare to come here to stuff people with anything.

When Huang Maozai insisted on running down and fainted, Zefa planned to talk to Warring States. The kid had a good will, and maybe it would be good to go to an ordinary training camp.

When Huang Maozai woke up quickly, he continued to run, continued to vomit, continued to faint, and repeated ten laps.

Zefa thinks that Seng Guo, an old guy, still has good vision, and such a great young man should be sent to an elite training camp.

Very good, the warm-up is over, and the others will go climbing the mountain for five rounds.

Rosinandi, can you still hold on?

Tazmi. It turns out that death is not so painful.


My body was completely left to these crazy people to toss around, such as climbing, running, boxing, kendo, and carrying weights. If it weren't for the fact that I couldn't practice swimming due to the Devil Fruit, I would probably have to fight against the wind and waves.

After training, I eat, and there are big pots of meat to dazzle with.

No wonder there is a strong man in his memory who can blow up a hill with one punch. If he keeps practicing like this, he will become a physical monster as long as he doesn't die.

Being as tired as a dead dog every day, he had no energy to read the books in his room.

It took Tazmi a long time to adapt to the intensity of the boot camp and still stand out in it.

He has earned the title of Immortal Roddy. After all, this mentality gained from countless deaths is not weak even on the sea.

As for swordsmanship, swordsmanship only has an advantage in battles of similar strength.

Most people play the powerful Brick Flying Haki horizontal push, and the strange development of Devil Fruit, Tazmi's advantage is greatly offset.

After he completely recovered, he began to continue reading and spread ideas in the navy.

After observation, he found that the nature of the Navy was indeed biased toward justice, and he liked the atmosphere here very much.

Just maintaining the rule of the world government is very bad.

Young navy recruits have a strong adaptability to the theories promoted by Rossinandi. This more righteous and fair idea has a strong market in an environment that is not contaminated by the truth of reality.

It was General Zefa who monitored the boot camp very closely and always looked at him strangely.

A somewhat nervous Tazmi decided to slow down the erosion of the boot camp and began to try to develop in the headquarters, but it was slightly difficult.

His theoretical ideas were not very effective for those veterans, and the progress was stuck here.

Perhaps the top brass of the Navy can understand better. After all, they wear the word justice on their bodies.

Especially the three generals have very good reputations.

Two years later, Tazmi followed one of the three generals on a mission to sea.

This was not his first mission. The two generals, Aokiji and Kizaru, would occasionally take people from the training camp to see the world.

The island was lit with flames, and Tazmi killed countless pirates with a long sword. There was no need for these scum of the sea to exist.

He stopped when he led his comrades around him to the depths of the island.

The pirates despicably took the islanders hostage. Even though these villains were scared to death, their ferocity was also aroused.

Let us go, just let us go

Big fire!!!

A cold voice and hot magma descended here together, and the pirates and hostages died.

The mission is over, close the team.

The back wearing the coat of justice walked back as if nothing had happened, except that Tazmi's pupils shrank to a small dot.

Right in front of him, the few crying children were burned alive by the magma.

General Akainu. With your strength, you can take back the hostages. Why.

Tazmi asked with a trembling voice.

His strength is not enough, but the general's physical skills are definitely enough

No one responded to him. Akainu would not pay attention to such a soldier's questioning.

Ridiculous, he is a general, there is no way he would fall into the enemy's trap just because he was rescuing hostages.

Until Tazmi drew her sword and stood in front of the general.

Lieutenant Rocinante, return to the team.

answer my question!!

The answer was a large fire breath, and Tazmi dodged it, but the general's attack was not that simple.

A fist made of lava pierced the body of the blond young man from behind.

Akainu whispered with a dark look on his face.

You don't think I can't figure out where those thoughts come from. Go to hell and wait for Noah.

Then Navy Lieutenant Rocinandi was reduced to charcoal.

Navy Lieutenant Rocinante died heroically in the battle with the Blizzard Pirates on Dete Island, and it is recorded in the book.

The scene changed and we came to Mignon Island again. (End of chapter)

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