
Everyone's pupils shrank, and countless red marks appeared on the young man's body, like sword marks.

Brand frowned, he was still very optimistic about this simple and clear little brother.

Do you think this Teigu is a magic sword?

Who knows.

When Tazmi woke up, she felt the benefits of the night attack.

First, Leonai gave her a big warm hug, giving her as much care as suffocating.

Then there is the natural hug from Seele, which is another paradise.

Ma Yin, Chi Tong. We are killers.

Young man, tell me what happened to your Teigu.

Everyone is really concerned about this matter, how could anyone be hurt like this by Teigu.

Tazmi was silent, then fearful, looking at the inconspicuous Teigu next to her with eyes that were unimaginably complicated.

He estimated that he might not contact Him for a while.

Of course, I still share this experience, hoping to hear similar experiences from others.

After entering Sword Zen, I kept walking in the darkness, and as I walked, I arrived at a special place.

Although the country boy had never seen it, he knew that he had arrived at the sea based on the description in the story.

The bright moonlight hangs over everything, and the endless ocean is undulating with the sea breeze.

Underfoot is a red wilderness with countless ownerless sword tombstones. Nearly a thousand swords stuck in the ground make it even more desolate.

A middle-aged man wearing a black cloak with black hair and red eyes stood among the swords.

Uncle, are you the Teigu?


There was a mocking smile on the middle-aged man's lips.

I am just an ordinary weapon looking for fire.

As for the emperors and gods, they are just souls killed by the sword.

Tazmi is speechless, why is her personality not so easy to get along with.

Okay, young man, since you have the consciousness to draw the sword, don't waste this passionate heart.

There was once a natural sword whose bones were completely transformed in someone's hands. This is my first time teaching, and I don't want to lose too much.

I would like to ask, do you have the consciousness to embrace death in order to become stronger!

The middle-aged man's question was engraved into Tazmi's soul, and the breath of death was like a chain wrapped around the survival instinct.

It's just that when it comes to enthusiasm and consciousness, the young man has never lost to anyone.


Then block the sword. If you block it, you will be qualified to know my name.


At this time, Tazmi was still naive. He just felt that this was the same as what was written in the storybook.

There will definitely be a test when the protagonist wants to obtain a certain kind of powerful inheritance.

It's just that the middle-aged swordsman actually doesn't know how to teach students according to their aptitude. He is just imitating a certain shadow.

Therefore, Young Man's preparation was far from enough.

The middle-aged man lowered his head and enveloped the world with an aura that the young man had never felt before.

The bottomless murderous intent broke out, and the aura of laying down millions of corpses made Tazmi's eyes shrink.

He finally realized that he seemed to have agreed to a very bad agreement.

The middle-aged swordsman seemed to be nostalgic for a certain period in the past.

Before you practice sword practice, let me first show you how vast this world is.

Of course, the power used will not exceed the upper limit of the world.


A black sword that was almost as tall as a man was pulled out from the ground. The blade was a T-shaped sword with a heavy blade and was inlaid with various precious gems.

Black Knife. Night.

The Twelve Skills of the Supreme Sharp Sword, wielded by Joracol Mihawk.

The greatest swordsman in the sea.

Drawn by the aura, the young man seemed to see the past of the weapon.

There are millions of warriors gathered under the red continent, and the smell of smoke and fire makes it difficult to breathe.

Battleships, artillery, meteorites, machinery, gods, twenty-three warriors launched a crusade against the gods.

The endless shouts of killing overwhelmed Tazmi's brain. Is this a battlefield? ! ! !

Swing your sword!

Time became very slow, and green flying slashes across thousands of miles filled Tazmi's eyes.

will die! ! !

Without any hesitation, he instinctively rolled to the side, pulled out a white short knife at hand and tried to block the aftermath, but his arm was broken instantly.

At the same time, what was disconnected was the endless sea behind him and the clouds in the sky.

Before Tazmi could feel the pain of a broken arm, a shadow fell behind her.

too slow!

The giant black blade cut off the boy's head without hesitation.

Tazmi, die!

The middle-aged swordsman's claws were numb, which was different from what he thought. The young man named Emiya Shirou is not that good at it.

Wait, it seems like you've used too much force.

If it were Noah, he would probably make some adjustments.

ah! ! !

The boy woke up from his nightmare and saw Uncle Teigu cutting off his head.

Just now, just now.

The young man touched his intact arm and his head that was still connected to his body and wanted to say that he was hallucinating, but

It's not an illusion. I just killed you once.

It's just that I control the time and space here, and what I kill is only the will.

So, continue. If you can't block the sword, just stay here and fight forever.

There was once a boy who used this to set up an illusion during special training and called it 'Infinite'.

Interesting, isn't it?

Gudong, Tazmi swallowed in fear.

Is this special training from hell? ! ! !

The middle-aged man pulled out a somewhat broken ordinary long knife, but the aura on it could almost be said to be the incarnation of war.

White Fang, wielder Hatake Kakashi.

The reforged blade was reforged in the Forge Star Territory in the 20th year of the Burning Crusade. It killed countless strong men of the Otsutsuki clan.

He is also the creator of Wu Jian and a very excellent disciple.

Thousands of birds chirped in unison, and the blue light in the sky assimilated White Fang into light.

Tens of thousands of meters of steel creations and monsters with ten tails clashed in the galaxy, and strong men were fighting on a star that was so huge that it was unimaginable.

The waves of destruction shattered time and space, and with this chaos, the white fang finally came out of its sheath.

The sword light turned into thunder and descended with such swiftness that people were desperate.

Tazmi instinctively pulled out a snow-white, simple long knife from behind and tried to resist, but she chose this knife very well.

The middle-aged swordsman who was controlling his strength suddenly stared at the boy, who was cut into pieces with random knives.

Resurrected again, the middle-aged swordsman's eyes were still a little complicated.

The name and Tao of the blade you held were destroyed in the Western Sea, O'Hara.

Young man, it seems that our fate is really good, so please take it seriously.

This is a trial for both sides.

Tazmi fell into the endless hell of swordsmanship. She drew her sword, resisted, and died. Draw your sword, resist, and die.

The infinite cycle is constantly tempering the young man's will and instinct.

The middle-aged swordsman is also adapting. After coming to this world, he was affected by the rules and his sanity finally improved.

It’s just that the control and behavior are still in the imitation stage.

One person and one sword make progress with each other, but the young man's progress is accompanied by endless pain.

When Tazmi pulled out a gorgeous knight's sword that was as gorgeous as gold and enamel, the imitation magic weapon was touched by the persistence of justice and glorious yearning in her heart.

Although the golden light was broken into pieces, it still blocked the sword.

At this moment, Tazmi was still preparing for death, but she had not waited for the execution sword for a long time.


You blocked it, boy, well done!

Having passed the first special training for now, I look forward to your next arrival!

After hearing the recognition, the young man's consciousness began to blur, and his thoughts retreated into his own heart.

Finally I heard a name.

Young man, my name is Hedao.

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