Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1813 Defeat and Special Training

The strong wind caused by the swing made Tazmi marvel at his good marksmanship and good figure.


A big hand came up.

I'm Brand, please take care of me.

The sunny man's enthusiasm made the boy very happy. There are still normal people in this base.

Brand also proposed a technical competition, but was interrupted by Leonai.

Then he quietly told Tazmi some very personal secrets, such as this macho guy is gay and so on. Don't spar with him casually, it's not good for your health.

Juvenile Night Raid is indeed a legendary killer group, with hidden dragons and crouching tigers as expected.

Even the iron bars on the back were given a [? 】

But Tazmi's road to shock isn't over yet.

Leonai took him to find the sneaky green-haired killer Lubbock.

With an extraordinary interest in the opposite sex and the ability to act on the edge of the law, this is one of the night killers who seems to be very smart.

The howling of Lubbock, who was being tortured by his big sister, felt a little happy. It was so scary.

Tazmi has completely lost her filter on the killer group.


what about me?

The young man fell into deep thought. He was praised as talented by Leonai, which meant that it was terrifying to think about it carefully.

Leonai also noticed the incompetence of his teammates, so he confidently took Tazmi to find the last member.

I believe she can definitely win her respect.

Dang Dang Dang! Chi Tong, the organization's ace!

Super cute girl!

By the river, she has beautiful black hair, red eyes, a look that refuses to admit defeat, and a pretty face that does not require makeup.


The girl's body was covered with blood, and behind her was a terrifying monster that was three girls tall. There was a hideous wound on her neck that was bleeding.

And this ace killer was skillfully cleaning the internal organs of the monster, showing off his skillful skinning skills.

Ingredients for the night.

Chi Tong's originally calm eyes suddenly felt a hint of fighting spirit after seeing Tazmi. Just from the corpse of the guard last night, he could feel the powerful and terrifying sword skills of the other party. There was no hesitation, no waste, all the power. They all gathered into the sword's edge, which was very terrifying.

Such a strong person deserves to be discussed.

Although Chitong showed no enthusiasm at all, Tazmi felt the best about this person.

Although he is a little obsessed with the ingredients, he really fits the image of a killer in his mind.

Cold, calm, cold-blooded.

So handsome.

Leonai was a little proud when he saw the completion of Red Eyes Reunion. Yes, this is the night attack.

Our boss is still at the headquarters and has not returned. He will probably arrive in a few days. Now

call out!

Tazmi instinctively turned her head, and a wooden knife penetrated the position where her head had just been and inserted into the tree.

This this.


When Chi Tong swung out the wooden sword from nowhere, there was a swipe, and several members of the night attack behind him also ran out from nowhere.

Leonai immediately jumped to the outside and became a crowd-pleaser.

Everyone is curious.

Someone who can create the Sun of Fire would be very powerful even without the use of a Teigu.

Do you want to prove your strength?

Tazmi still held the handle of the knife.

He has never seen the combat power of this killer organization with his own eyes.

Even without the blessing of the mysterious weapon behind him, he shouldn't be far behind. After all, the title of the village's number one swordsman is no joke.

Recalling everything that happened last night, the young man took a deep breath and drew his sword.

Then be careful.

He exerted force under his feet and swooped down to kill him. His momentum was explosive, like a beast.

The light and shadow of the sword bloomed within a square inch, and the momentum was like a rainbow.

20 seconds later, the boy spun backwards and flew back onto the street.

After Tazmi got up, she blushed a little, wondering if she was too embarrassed.

So he continued to charge and flew in another direction half a minute later.

The battle is over.

Chi Tong was at a loss. This swordsmanship was not bad, but it was just not bad. It was far from a dominant level of combat power.

Judging from the boy's foundation in swordsmanship, age, and instincts, he can be said to have the qualities of a general, but his immediate combat ability is not very good.

After all, Chi Tong is at the top of the combat force under Esdeath. He has been trained in the regular imperial assassination department since he was a child. After joining the night attack, he has lived a life of licking blood every day.

The assassination swordsmanship can be said to be superb, especially the instantaneous explosive power of one-shot killing is even more terrifying.

The boy in the village is no match for his current swordsmanship.

The onlookers were also a little speechless at this disparity.

Fortunately, everyone in Night Raid has very good character, and it just makes the boy's Teigu ability higher again.

Tazmi can accept it, but Iron Bar cannot accept that its holder is so weak. It is simply a crime for Heart of Heart to not have the matching level of swordsmanship.

[Immediately, special training. 】

Teigu trains Teigu users?

Can we take a look?

Leonai was so curious about what kind of outrageous development this was. Although the others were not very familiar with it, their eyes were full of expectation.


In the training ground, everyone stared at the young man closely, expecting some incredible scene.

Tazmi placed the iron bar across her knees, and under the guidance of her heart, she assumed a standard sword Zen posture. She closed her eyes and her breath was extremely restrained, as if her mind was immersed in the Teigu.

Until now, the young man didn't know what kind of trial he was going to.

Hey, what kind of practice is this?

I don't know, it's probably the process of communicating with the Teigu.

My demonic haunting doesn't come this far.

Not even a pumpkin. This newcomer is so good at stealing the limelight.

It's such a profound realm, I can't understand it at all.

Leone, I haven't seen how Tazmi's Teigu looks when it explodes. Will it be very handsome?

The pillar of fire soaring into the sky is super cool.

Everyone was chatting at night, no one had ever seen this kind of practice.

Then the aura on Tazmi's body began to become weird, rising and falling, and even slowly became dangerous, becoming more and more dangerous.

An hour later.

In that short body, the most brutal aura of a deadly battle suddenly erupted, which was unmatched by those who barely survived in a war involving millions of people.


The young man opened his eyes and touched his neck.

Before he finished speaking, he fell to the ground, and the breath on his body began to decline rapidly, like a dead person.

Everyone was shocked and rushed forward to check.

There was no bleeding, no fractures, and no internal or external injuries. He was extremely exhausted and fell asleep.

Strange, why is there a red mark on your neck?

Chitong seemed to have thought of something and directly tore Tazmi's clothes apart. She was sad because her comrades died because they concealed the poisoning, and the memory of the past was awakened at this moment.

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