Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1808 The Burning Crusade!

Yahiko loudly praised the bravery of the Earth Kingdom, and then Kirigakure Terumi, not to be outdone, led the people around him to start encouraging, and the atmosphere suddenly became brighter.

Ohnoki behind him rolled his eyes, Why do you, the Akatsuki organization, still want to find someone to take care of you?

Seeing that the situation was getting better, Yahiko distributed information to everyone.

Everyone, please take a look.

This time, we can no longer place the battlefield on the Ninja Continent.

To defend against enemies beyond the stars, we must even shoulder the heavy responsibility of rescuing other planets destroyed by Otsutsuki.

So our Akatsuki organization has formulated a slightly bold three-stage plan.

The first stage is to liberate the planet, get rid of the constraints of the chakra system, and establish the foundation for scientific development and modern civilization.

The second level is divided into two aspects. On the one hand, it creates a space port and establishes a battleship group in the material world. On the other hand, it helps to establish the local Valhalla guard system and provides support across time and space.

The third stage is to counterattack the Ōtsutsuki ancestral planet, eradicate the interstellar cancer, and restore peace to this universe.

So we named this plan The Burning Crusade!

Everyone applauded, otherwise the Akatsuki organization could burn the world, and they all considered the expedition.

During Yahiko's passionate speech, Noah had already arrived at the Hall of Valor.

Looking at the newly released Naruto World's World Declaration, Noah felt a little emotional, he finally made it.

Then he picked up this manifesto and crossed the space gate to an ordinary place.

There was only a man with pigtails on the back of his head in front of him, sighing helplessly.


Well, I didn't expect to see you in this situation.

Ci Xian felt no anger or madness after seeing Noah, only calmness and a sense of relief.

You know what I'm here for today.

I know, you discovered me three years ago, and now you are sure to kill me completely?

Ci Xian has not had a good life these past few years. The Akatsuki organization has gained deeper and deeper control over the ninja world, and civilian technology has been eradicated in every corner. As a result, the great villain of the Boruto era has been unable to establish any decent conspiracy organization at all.

We need funds, but we don’t have them, we need talents, we don’t have them, we need territory, we don’t have them.

The secrets and bases buried for thousands of years were unearthed one after another. Uchiha Sasuke and Naruto were dedicated to doing this.

In terms of fighting power, apart from myself, there are really few people on this planet who can match the two former Children of Destiny.

Even Amado, the most core member of his subordinates, has brought his resources to find the Akatsuki organization and surrender.

He is now a loner. There has never been such a down-and-out BOSS.

Yishi is also very helpless. It’s not that I don’t understand, it’s that the world is changing too fast.

And Noah did discover this foreign object on the day the world burned.

The reason why they didn't immediately find people to surround and kill them according to the glorious tradition of Shuang Yue was also because of the power of the wedge seal.

Information copy parasitism resurrected

The Otsutsuki clan's Xiaoqiang-like survival methods are hard to guard against, and there's really nothing to say except that they're disgusting.

Now that he is sure, it is natural to send him on the road to find Princess Kaguya as soon as possible. It will not be good for the master and servant to be missing each other.

Now you can die honestly.

The wind stood still, the chakra stagnated here, and the Hall of Valor, which was sitting outside the world, came here to isolate the world.

boom! ! !

A torrent of red gushes out of the void, and colors invisible to ordinary people begin to saturate the space.

The unimaginably powerful will struck the parasite directly, and the pressure was so great that even the Tsutsuki clan found it ridiculous.

Concepts come and completely erode reality with the world of mental images.

I am the light of the lamp, and this body is also made of firewood.

Ordinary is the bones, flame is the heart.

In the dark night, use thoughts as inspiration to look at the world again.

I can't bear to see, I can't bear to hear, I can't bear to think.

He draws his sword in anger, and after hundreds of battles, his body may die but his will remains unchanged.

Gather hundreds of millions of people and change the sun, the moon and the sky.

this is:? ? ? ? ?

The wind blows, and the land is barren. The most dazzling thing you can see is the ubiquitous flames.

Ci Xian came to Loulan.

A sacred tree that reached the sky and the earth was burning. With the sacred tree as its veins, the entire planet turned red.

The burning will filled the whole world, and the gods received special 'care' in it.

This is Naruto Noah's strongest moment.

Ci Xian's heart tightened. This method of weaving the world was completely different from Otsutsuki's approach.

As a result, his form changed drastically, because the body in his body felt a fatal threat and ran out on his own.

The standard form of the Otsutsuki clan has revived, with pale skin, a white coat and black magatama, and twisted and curved horns like a crown on the head.

The special eye skills of Zuo Bai and You Jin could not bring him any sense of security.

All the magical arts poured out, and the pupil technique in the right eye had no effect like a moth flying into a flame.

He even released the second Ten-Tails that was locked in a special space, intending to fight to the death.

Unfortunately, these are all in vain.

Noah waited three years before taking action just to get the sure kill that would cut off any chance of resistance.

Naruto's declaration of the world was amplifying, with endless heights almost standing in another dimension.

Spreading on the endless high wall is a complete world declaration and the signatures of countless representatives of the Hokage world.

【World Declaration】——Fantasy Arms

A contract signed by all intelligent races in the world of Naruto under the link of the Akatsuki organization.

A decision that represents all life on this planet.

Taking the will of all intelligent races in the world as the criterion, ignoring the rules and rejecting any changes that are not led by itself, and ignoring the rules to implement any changes that are led by itself.

All the words are sparkling and blessing the word Hedao.

All men are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed

“Everyone is entitled to all the rights set out in this Declaration.”

Noah read the Universal Declaration for the second time.

Use the will of all humans in the world to decide, kill!

The light on the word Hedao was so powerful that it was impossible to look directly at it. Noah slowly raised it with both hands and lowered it.

Carrying the human will of a world, it is unimaginably heavy.

It was useless to scream, beg for mercy, and run away.

On this planet, the body, energy, consciousness, wedge, and information are all destroyed.

Now all the nails of the Otsutsuki clan on this planet have been removed, and a stable rear has been built.

The inherent barrier is lifted, and Noah returns the World Declaration to the Hall of Valor.

Waiting quietly.

Five years after the Burning Calendar, the Ninja Continent has entered the information revolution, and productivity has exploded again.

In the seventh year of the Burning Calendar, the Akatsuki organization announced the existence of the lunar base and lunar port, and began to recruit battleship pilots for training.

In the 9th year of the Burning Calendar, through the study of the Holy Grail system, the ninja world made a major breakthrough in the field of communication.

In the 10th year of the Burning Calendar, through the information of the Otsutsuki clan, the evolutionary tree of life was discovered.

In the 12th year of the Burning Calendar, three members of the Otsutsuki clan invaded the Ninja Continent and were intercepted by the Moon Base.

Otsutsuki Ura Shiki and Otsutsuki Kinshiki were killed on the spot.

Otsutsuki Momoshiki was arrested, and after being tortured by Orochimaru and other scientists, the ninja world who had obtained sufficient space information finally took action.

Still with Hatake Kakashi as the commander-in-chief, massive resources began to gather.

Finally, the commander-in-chief issued a declaration of war on live television.

The combat department organized by Noah and Akatsuki, and all the people in the ninja world who are eager to become stronger and eager to fight, all boarded the ship.

Burn, burn, burn.

Burn, burn, burn.

Burn, burn, burn.

Hundreds of space battleships set off from the moon base, and the war to liberate the entire universe begins!

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