Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1807 Peace in the Ninja World?

The Amanuma Spear Sword in his hand really wanted to throw it at that bastard's face. He felt a little bit like the feeling of becoming an enemy with Noah before.

So, sage, stop it.

After Noah finished speaking, he pressed the final signal.

The signal was sent, and Kushina, who was hiding deep in Loulan, released all the sealing techniques. At this moment, the souls of all the reincarnated strong men returned to the pure land with special missions.

The white light and fluctuations gathered together were too conspicuous, and Hagoromo finally found his lost soul.

In the eyes of reincarnation, you can see the first generation of the eye, the second generation of the Hokage, and the third generation of the shadows, all returned to the pure land, but everyone's souls have special runes carved on them.

Flying Thunder God?

Kushina looked at the flying thunder god kunai in different time and space on the altar and smiled.

Seal. Lift.

The violent dragon veins soared into the sky with the Holy Grail in his body, and the chaotic power of time and space also found a new target for venting.

A blond soul above the dragon's head guided the direction.

Flying Thunder God. Three stages. Spiral Flash Super Dance Roar to the end.

call out!

The name of the move disappeared into the material world before it was finished.

This time the dragon vein does not travel through time, but across life and death.

Taking the Flying Thunder God as the coordinate, he rushed into the Pure Land.

The Great Holy Grail system began to forcibly take over space authority, and began to establish a unique way of contact with the ninja world.

Doesn’t the wishing machine make the impossible possible?

Pure Land. Hall of Valor!

Soul. Transformation into a heroic spirit!

The ten shadow-level souls who were originally recruited were forcibly recalled by Pure Land, and the chakra of the Six Paths Sage was also forcibly recovered by Pure Land.


The Immortal of Six Paths was stunned. Was his home stolen in the blink of an eye?

Otsutsuki's mother and son had the same fate, and the world they weaved was invaded by black hands.

Good on you Noah, I didn't take any action when you caused trouble in the ninja world, but you ended up thinking about my last place of residence.

So despicable.

Even someone who has cultivated his mind for thousands of years is still furious, and he is going to fight Noah with the sword of Amazing Spear.

Then he was stopped by the nine tailed beasts.

Forget it, forget it, old man.

The world is different than it used to be.

Now that you're here, I'll invite you to wash your feet and watch a movie.

During the time when the nine tailed beasts blocked him, the Sage of Six Paths lost his greatest support, and his aura began to decline rapidly.

Hagoromo knew that he had completely lost his qualifications to compete with Noah. That guy marked all existences as enemies.

He is fully prepared and has rich experience in fighting.

Then the immortal Nine Tails gave an order to the nine tailed beasts, and everyone performed a gorgeous sealing technique together. The immortal was dumbfounded and was locked without any defense.

You use the sealing technique on me!

I'm making you great again, old man.

Sen. Kyuubi was helpless. This was the only way to keep the old man out of the situation, so it shouldn't matter if he left the scene a little less honorably.

The nine tailed beasts forcefully carried the immortal away.

let me go!

I am the Sage of Six Paths!

I have shed blood for the ninja world

I want to share life and death with Noah!

Damn it

With the departure of Otsutsuki Hagoromo, Kaguya and Black Zetsu in the field

There is no need to change the established destiny.

Kakashi swung his sword extra hard this time, just to see if anyone in this world wanted to rob the magic field.

The result was very smooth.

The mother and son who had brought trouble to the ninja world for thousands of years were beheaded directly, and then their bodies were sent to the still burning fire.

There is no chance of resurrection.

The flames that enveloped the entire planet are also dissipating, and people are returning from their dreams.

Since then, the old world has been burned to the ground and a new world has arrived.

Peace in the ninja world!

Three years later, the Kingdom of Iron.

The third Five Kage Conference, no, or the opening of the Ninja World All-Congress.

Mifune once again warmly entertained everyone with a helpless mood.

The first thing discussed were trivial matters, such as determining that the day the sacred tree burned was the beginning of the ninja world's calendar.

In the future, the timeline will no longer follow the recording methods of the five major countries, but will be unified into the Burning Calendar.

Secondly, regarding scientific development and the integration and mobilization of resources, many small countries have received a generous resource package.

However, the past governance structure must be abolished and re-created according to the democratic regime structure of the Akatsuki organization.

The highlight of the meeting was the signing of the Universal Declaration by Kakashi Hatake, the Hokage, at the meeting. After being recognized by all sovereign countries, it was sent to the Hall of Valor for safekeeping by all generations of Kages.

In a general sense, the whole world has unified the three correct views.

Finally, the Akatsuki organization also proposed a new crisis of annihilation, the invasion of the cosmic race Otsutsuki clan.

The legendary Immortal of Six Paths was also invited to attend in person to testify.

Otsutsuki Hagoromo always felt weird when talking to the microphone. Why was he fooled here by that Kyuubi guy?

After a simple self-introduction, I received a lot of exclamation, the living Immortal of Six Paths! Why don't you take a few more pictures?

Under the light of a flashlight.

Ahem, the Otsutsuki clan comes from a distant alien planet. They have a lifespan of thousands of years and can use the wedge to reincarnate. They are existences that transcend death.

They have only one purpose, which is to devour the life of the planet. After achieving their purpose, they will leave and go to the next planet.

The Divine Tree and the Ten-Tails are tools to devour the planet. In order to cultivate the Chakra Fruit, all life will die.

Chakra fruit contains huge energy and genetic information. Eating the fruit will allow the Otsutsuki clan to evolve. This is the Otsutsuki clan.

The reporters blasted that such a race that feeds on the planet is too scary.

At the meeting, representatives from all countries looked sad.

Everyone knows the main content of today's meeting. Although the disaster of annihilation three years ago was overcome under the leadership of the Akatsuki organization, the process of being hung on a tree as nourishment was not a pleasant one.

The Raikage felt a little heavy. Their domestic transformation was not yet halfway through, but the threat from Otsutsuki was so urgent.

I wonder what the Six Paths Immortal can do?

Yes, the legendary immortal should have a solution.

It's just that Hagoromo stepped aside at this time, allowing the real leader of the Akatsuki organization, Yahiko, who had no sense of presence, to take the stage.

The middle-aged Huang Mao sent a thick document to everyone.

He elaborated on the impact that future wars will have on the planet, saying that everyone can regard the day when the sacred tree burns as the entry standard for interstellar war.

Everyone's breathing became heavier.

Will the enemy definitely come again?

A leader from a small country asked: Human beings still hope for some good luck.


The Otsutsuki clan has visited our planet and planted sacred trees.

We survived only by killing those invaders.

So how could these gods not come and take a look.

And the time left to us is not very long, the longest will not exceed about ten years.

Yahiko's cold words shattered everyone's illusions and their desire to retreat.

Deidara, the fourth Earth Shadow, stood up and said that the Kingdom of Earth will not be afraid of alien invaders at all. Our will of stone will crush the enemy, so you just need to tell us what to do!

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