Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1805 The Ninja Sect’s Determination

There are two horns on the head, gray hair, wearing a white coat, and six black magatama-like patterns on the chest, floating in the air.

Liu Dao's appearance is still very consistent with the appearance in the mural, and his actions are very decisive.

The old man knows very well what people who are proficient in Shuangyue Swordsmanship will do. This scepter can be used to collect the body of my mother later.

At this moment, Princess Kaguya had fallen to her knees and could not move.

First, he took the initiative to strip away the fruit of the sacred tree, and then cut off the connection with the sacred tree. His strength dropped to a level that can be beaten by many people in the ninja world.

The sword of death and the black scepter were wrestling in front of him, and he didn't dare to move at all, and the same was true for Hei Jue.

Although I don’t know why this rebellious son of the Otsutsuki clan is still alive and why he took action, this is the hope of survival.

Without the status of gods, they are just one of the creatures whose first instinct is survival.

Kakashi was speechless looking at the enemy that suddenly appeared.

The old man's seemingly skinny body contained a terrifyingly powerful force, otherwise he would not have been able to stop this seemingly insignificant sword, which could actually separate the mountains.

And this scepter doesn't even tremble, its strength is a bit scary.

Noah looked at the battle situation seriously, and was also estimating this guy's true combat power.

Sure enough, the comics are all lies.

When the Six Paths Sage ran out in the original timeline, he specifically explained to the First Generation Eyes and the others why Uchiha Madara's separated body after becoming the Ten-Tailed Jinchuuriki was used, as well as the chakra gathering between Hashirama.

He couldn't run out until everything was collected. Anyway, he had to explain a lot.

But now it seems that this old guy can come out if he wants to.

And the amount of chakra is terrifying.

It doesn't look like he needs to rely on the power of the first generation Kage in the Pure Land.

Noah really didn’t want this old guy to jump out in the end.

Although he put a seal on himself when he put himself into the ninja world, it was still considered protection.

Moreover, he has the ability to intervene in the situation of the ninja world in recent years but has been waiting and watching. He is more or less a kind and neutral NPC.

The background board shows up in person to save the blood-related boss, which is really a bloody development.

What's more important is that the Six Paths Immortal's frontal combat power is definitely not bad, and his own physical strength has been exhausted by the sacred tree.

Therefore, if you delay and delay, at least you will have the strength to strike out with a sword and then stand still.

Ahem, Kakashi, don't be impulsive.

Kakashi failed to break through the scepter despite applying many times of force, so he walked down the steps given by Teacher Noah and withdrew his weapon as if nothing had happened.

He stood up straight and had to go through a process as the commander-in-chief of the ninja alliance.

Who is coming?

My name is Hagoromo, the founder of the Ninja Sect. You can also call me the Sage of Six Paths.

This introduction is full of character, and it is very meaningful in conjunction with the old man's fairy-like appearance and abnormal strength.

Unfortunately, Naruto and Sasuke had already met the old man before his death and took the hook from him, so he was not surprised at all.

Noah and Kakashi had already made psychological predictions, so they calmly accepted this fact.

They were just thinking about how to fight this mysterious immortal.

Including Nazuo's two sons who were separated from each other, they did not waver in their stance. No matter what, the enemy is the enemy.

This wave is to kill dad and grandma, and overcome the upper limit.

Otsutsuki Hagoromo. He could tell what these people were thinking without using any abilities.

No one present seemed to respect the identity of the founder of the Ninja Sect.


Outside the world, Hagoromo has been watching the development of the Akatsuki organization, watching the changes in the ninja world, and watching Black Zetsu release Kaguya step by step.

Before today, he was still very calm and grasped the future development.

Even he couldn't think of a way to break Kaguya's immortality, so returning to the seal was the best option.

The reincarnation of Indra Asura was given the power of yin and yang for the purpose of gaining favor in the end.

The world was saved, the future of the ninja world had a new direction guided by the Akatsuki organization, and the mother's will continued to sleep in the seal.

Everything is perfect.

I just didn't expect that Noah actually had a way to solve his mother's will from all chakra individuals.

Reverse tracing and burning the fruits of the sacred tree requires a decision made by all mankind.

How could such an outrageously imaginative operation be thought up by a humanoid creature?

What's even more terrifying is that the fires on the entire planet are still burning, and the branches of the sacred tree are burned by illusory flames. A special power system is combining with chakra in this way. When the fire burns out, this The world's chakra system was completely freed from Otsutsuki's control.

This is an impossible possibility, and the seemingly simple steps are actually billions of times more complicated.

Planetary energy, two systems, collision of rules, human complexity, etc.

But at this moment, judging from the flames surrounding the world, it seems that it is almost successful.

It's as abrupt as if it were accomplished with the help of the omnipotent wishing machine in the novel.

At this moment, I just hope that I can betray my old face once and take my mother to the pure land to seal it and let him take care of her personally.

But, is it possible?

At this time, a white fox popped out of Noah's body, which made the Six Paths Sage feel a little more relaxed.

Nine Lamas, long time no see.

Kyuubi looked at the Sage of Six Paths who was like his father after not seeing him for many years and felt very complicated.

If it were a different time and place, it would definitely be very happy.

You might even consider taking the Sage of Six Paths to the Kingdom of Yu to wash your feet, but that's not possible now.

“Old man, if I were you I would leave now.

Kaguya has committed too many crimes. You must know very well how the 100,000 White Zetsu came from a thousand years ago.

And a thousand years later, your little brother encouraged Madara Uchiha to commit more crimes.

At this point, they will definitely be sentenced for crimes against humanity, and you can't save them.

Nine Lamas are very knowledgeable about the legal and human rights issues that the Akatsuki organization has been promoting.

He knows Noah very well.

No one can save Kaguya this time, not even the Sage of Six Paths.

Whether it works or not, you have to give it a try.

Kyuubi retreated and stopped trying to persuade him.

Sure enough, the Immortal of Six Paths did not intend to give up, even if he saw the methods of Noah and others.

After all, he can be regarded as an advanced being from birth, and there are still some differences from ordinary humans.

Doing things is more of a compassionate mentality for the world.

Sympathizing with humans, helping humans, fighting against his mother for humans, and creating Ninja Sect to spread his ideas and share his power with humans.

This is a son of God walking on earth, and finally returned to heaven through spiritual practice.

To a certain extent, the realm and perspective of Sage of Six Paths is closer to the gods than that of Princess Kaguya.

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