Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1804 The world is really burning

Chapter 1804 True. Burning the world

Elders, if you start a war, many people will die.

Kazekage-sama, Gaara is still young.

After all, Markey couldn't hold back and still made a retort.

He just received a severe reprimand.

Shut up, the blood feud between us and Konoha can only be washed away with blood. Have you forgotten the comrades who died in the Battle of Mount Kikyo!

Konoha must pay a thousand times a hundred times the price for this!

Luo Sha said even more coldly.

Gaara is just a weapon of the village, a monster that can be thrown onto the battlefield even if he is only three years old!

Finally, an elder gave a warning.

Maki, don't forget your identity as a ninja.

Tools cannot have emotions.

Ma Ji left in a state of despair. He found three disciples and explained this top-secret mission.

Gaara showed a creepy smile, as long as he could kill at will, he didn't care who he killed.

Temari and Kankuro were a little worried, but the village and their father's decision could not be resisted.

It's just that the disciples agreed, but Ma Ji was unwilling.

Without Lord Noah's Akatsuki organization, going to Konoha this time will definitely be a bloody fight to the extreme.

Then the two sides went to war, war, death, hatred

Do you think the Konoha Collapse Plan is correct?

The teacher's question made the three disciples startled.

Is it really right for you, as children, to participate in such a war?

Gaara was a little impatient, and his eyes were full of ridicule and violence.

Only killing people can make me feel alive. You only controlled me not to kill people in the village before, but now you don't even let me kill enemies outside the village. So what is the meaning of my existence?

Ma Ji took a deep breath, feeling angry at his predecessor, angry at Luo Sha, and angry at the village's education.

I'm sorry, Gaara.


In fact, the world is not only about killing and betrayal, but also about love. It's not about loving yourself, but about loving others.

The teacher failed to teach you such an important lesson. It was the teacher's dereliction of duty.

At this time, Ma Ji felt strange to the three disciples. There was an unfamiliar emotion in the eyes of Feng Ying's most capable cold-blooded subordinate.

In the next few days, he did not prepare them to go out and fight, but took them to walk in Sunagakure Village.

He also talked about plans such as how much sandstorms could be blocked if improved Haloxylon ammodendron trees were planted here, and where underground rivers could be led up.

Also, here is more suitable for building a new Sunagakure school, and over there is a general school for ordinary people.

A factory area can be built further north, and a station is more suitable to the south.

Through clumsy language, he described a new Sunagakure Village to his disciples that was too beautiful to be true.

at last.

do you know

I love the ninjas of the village and I love you, so I won't allow this plan.

Temari, Kankuro, I know you still love your brother, so take good care of Gaara.

Maybe teacher, I don't have the ability to change everything, but... I always have to have this determination.

Remember, Shura who only loves himself does not exist in this world.

It's hard to make everyone love you, so become the Fifth Kazekage, Gaara.

After speaking, Maki walked resolutely towards the Kazekage Building in the distance. He did not have the strength to calm down the ninja world, nor the knowledge to guide the change of the world, only an angry heart.

Wind Escape. New. Wild Wind Blade!

In the 60th year of Sunagakure, Jounin Maki launched a rebellion, killed six elders of the elder group, and fought against the fourth generation Kazekage Rasa. In the end, he was defeated and died on the spot. The Kazekage was seriously injured and unable to participate in the Konoha Chunin Examination.

Gaara, who was standing outside the ruins of the Kazekage Tower, had something more in his eyes.

At this moment, the cocoon surrounding Ma Ji seemed to be lit with fire.

Not just Marky, everyone will be angry when they return to the old world, and then do something.

Sakura suddenly emerged during the Chunin Exams. She first secretly contacted Orochimaru and Sunagakure Village to continue the plan to collapse Konoha.

Then he used two exams to pave the way for his image as a wise man. In the third exam, he powerfully defeated Shukaku, and used his own bravery to kill several Jonin in Sunagakure Village to complete his gorgeous debut.

He even took away control of the first and second generations in front of Orochimaru, and read out the great achievements of the third generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen, Nebe Shimura Danzo and the elders in front of everyone. ’

The Nidaime-sama personally cleaned up the house and recognized Sakura's strength and scheming.

Since then, the Fifth Hokage Haruno Sakura has officially taken over.

This is Sakura's anger and methods.

Everyone else had their own experiences when they returned to a timeline without Noah.

Konoha's, Kumogakure's, Kirigakure's.

Ninjas, businessmen, workers, farmers, everyone.

Some are for three views, some are for strength, some are for profit, and some are for a reason.

Face injustice, face oppression, face enemies.

Let ordinary people, ninjas, and people who are accustomed to obey feel the impulse of anger.

Anger makes people do something.

Some ninjas like Ma Ji drew their swords in anger, some workers lifted up their hammers and swung them down, some farmers smashed their heads with wooden sticks, and some just cursed behind their backs.


When you are angry, you can draw a sword, you can punch, you can overturn the table, you can spit thick phlegm, you can curse a slang, you can burn.

Then extracting the hottest, terrifying and domineering power from everyone's heart, Noah guided everyone's anger and smashed the shackles of the source of chakra.

When Kaguya came out of the Heavenly Palace, it was already too late. These billions of beings had already rejected the will of the past.

The visible fire was officially ignited, and this huge torch spread from the branches of the sacred tree to every corner of the world.

Looking at the planet from outside the earth, veins of red flames have enveloped all areas where life exists.

Really. Burn the world!

Kaguya howled miserably, feeling the billions of rage burning her own will in the chakra.

The ancestor of chakra fell to his knees and rolled crazily, his body began to twist, and the power of the Ten Tails in his body was completely out of control.

Finally, at the critical moment of life and death, she gave up, and the god gave up.

She separated the chakra fruit she had eaten and gave up her identity as the originator of chakra in this world.

He also gave up on the Ten-Tails body after a thousand years, and completely fell back to the state when he first came to the ninja world.

【Guardian】Kaguya Otsutsuki.

Since then, the will of the Goddess Uda scattered in the ninja world has been completely eliminated and burned. The chakra born in this world belongs to human beings, and it only has its own will.

And the body of the sacred tree slowly turned into nothingness during the burning, or it turned into nutrients and began to feed back to the planet.

Walking down from the top of the fire, the weak Noah looked at Kaguya and felt a little pity. He originally thought that the BOSS would be burned to death with dignity.

Now it's a bit troublesome to do last hits.

After all, if you die with this sword, you are truly dead, and there is no need to seal it anymore.

Kakashi asked Naruto and Sasuke to support Noah who was exhausted. As the commander-in-chief of the ninja alliance, he was ready to personally execute this woman and Black Zetsu.

Without the essence of chakra fruit and the sacred tree, the goddess is far worse than Uchiha Madara. Everything can end in just a blink of an eye.

Then an old figure walked out of the gap between life and death.

The Six Paths Immortal has officially arrived.



The sword is instantaneous, powerful, domineering, and sword-like, cutting down without reservation.

Kakashi was not disturbed at all, but the blade was blocked by the black scepter.

.Please keep your hands.

Tomorrow, the Naruto chapter will end

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