In the quiet and scary ninja world.

The color of the sacred tree is undergoing a special change from the top.

In other words, it is being infected by a force that is difficult to transform.

And the rate of conversion is getting faster and faster.

The top of the sacred tree seems to have produced a red fruit, which is glowing with charming brilliance in this dark night. Unfortunately, no one in this world can see such a bright red.

This change made Kaguya, who was fused with the sacred tree, feel intensely uneasy. She seemed to hear the Ten-Tails' frightened roar.

Kaguya, who is in the middle of a battle, cannot escape temporarily. The ninja named Kakashi can always interrupt her teleportation opportunity.

In this case, we can only let the sacred tree in the outside world spit out the poison-like thing first.

It's just that it's too late now.

The sacred branch at the top of the sacred tree that wrapped Noah in layers like a lotus was rioting.

Its fear and Otsutsuki's orders overcame its instincts and controlled the extending branches and leaves to leave the energy source.

It's a pity that the petals of this flower just opened a crack, and nine white tails stretched out from Noah's sealed space and tightly wrapped around the branches, tightly connecting the sacred tree and Noah.

This is the last half of the Nine-Tails, and is theoretically an indispensable part of the Ten-Tails' origin.

Using the source as a bridge to connect, the sacred tree was completely locked.

This is the reverse operation of the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki, forced feeding.

Today, I can’t do it without eating!

Noah felt a happy smile on his face as he felt the life force, energy, and will being sucked out of his body.

The overlord color in his mind is pouring crazily into the sacred tree, and is constantly washing away into the distance.

His target is not just the Ten-Tails itself, this kind of thing can be cut down at any time, even Kaguya in the complete victory stage can be cut down.

But it doesn't mean much. The target this time is the hundreds of millions of humans hanging on the sacred tree.

I want to thank Madara Uchiha for his infinite Tsukuyomi, and even more, I want to thank Jukai for his birth.

At this moment, there is really no spiritual barrier between people in the world, so let him come and have a heart-to-heart talk with everyone.

The crimson light and will flow along this trunk toward all intelligent life in the entire world.

Although the body is weakening, the power of will is more pure.

As time passed, a critical point was finally reached where a certain move could be launched.

Noah's domineering power is no longer the violent force in the pirate world, but has been sublimated into the most powerful magic under the magic in the moon world.

Instead, the magician's mental landscape rewrites the reality of magic's inherent enchantment.

At this moment the concept comes.

The red light shines on the top of the sacred tree, using the sacred tree as a carrier to spread all over the world.

I am the light of the lamp, and this body is also made of firewood.

Ordinary is the bones, flame is the heart.

In the dark night, use thoughts as inspiration to look at the world again.

I can't bear to see, I can't bear to hear, I can't bear to think.

He draws his sword in anger, and after hundreds of battles, his body may die but his will remains unchanged.

Gather hundreds of millions of people and change the sun, the moon and the sky.

The inherent barrier is activated!

This time, the mental world does not invade reality, but directly invades billions of dreams.

The wind blew among the endless monthly readings of hundreds of millions of people

This is free will.

Kaguya is going crazy, she wants to lift Tian Zhizhong and go to the outside world.

Just when her uneasiness reached its peak, the connection between the Ten Tails in her body and her suddenly became intermittent. It seemed that a force was isolating the connection between Chakra and the ancestor of Chakra.

It's incredible.

Kaguya's chakra will is implemented in the bodies of everyone in the ninja world.

It's all humans, not just ninjas.

This planet has been transformed by the sacred tree. Life will carry chakra from birth, and the chakra will contain the will of Princess Otsutsuki Kaguya.

So as long as enough energy is finally gathered, her consciousness can escape from any seal and reassemble her body.

Kaguya, who swallowed the Chakra Fruit, truly became immortal.

Theoretically, it is only possible to kill her if the entire planet is wiped out. It is not an exaggeration to say that she is a god.

It's just that at this moment, the most powerful energy of this god and the source of immortality are drifting away from her.

The frightened Kaguya didn't intend to fight with these little Karami, but at this moment it was very difficult for her to get out of the Heavenly Palace.

The ability to escape from this truly independent space requires a huge amount of chakra, which is difficult for the Otsutsuki clan who have not swallowed the chakra fruit.

Kaguya is also based on the original support of the 10 tails to be able to replace and rewrite space at will.

At this moment, she is trapped in her own world like Kakashi and others. She can move within the small world. It is really difficult to escape.

Even if she wanted to calm down and accumulate chakra, Kakashi chased after her as if he got some kind of signal.

Unexpectedly, the acquired Otsutsuki could easily hurt her with his weird power. The pupil technique of time and space made the goddess very passive, and could only constantly shuttle back and forth in the small world.

The dog-headed strategist Hei Jue also knew that the situation was urgent, so he hurriedly made suggestions.

Perhaps after being a gangster in the ninja world for so many years, there are not many successful cases in conspiracy.

However, Heijue is very used to stopping losses in time, especially in the past ten years.

Now that Noah has drawn a clear path, he can still save a little chance by withdrawing earlier.

Mom, give up Tianzhi Yuzhong.

Hei Zetsu's decisive advice made Kaguya a little reluctant to give up.

Weaving a small world is not that simple, but the ten-tails' wail has made her body become unstable.

The white nine-tailed beast form ran out of control several times. If this continued, she would lose this planet.

Forced into desperation, Kaguya could only give up her Heavenly Majesty.

Since it cannot be lifted, then use your own power to smash several small worlds with the Bei Sphere Space as the core at the same time.

The space turned again, and Kaguya came to a special place.

There is nothing here, and the goddess looks ferocious.

At this moment, there was no choice. Since he could not absorb the chakra of the humans in the ninja world, he could only drink poison to quench his thirst and increase the intensity of absorbing it from the Ten-Tails body.

A black sphere appeared from his hand and expanded rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Expand the Taoist Jade!

Swallowing all the properties of the five elements and yin and yang together, it hides the power to return the world to nothingness, and it is also the starting point of a new space.

This is what is called the power of creation.

Of course, what is created is the world in Tianzhiyu, not the real world.

Kaguya planned to use this move to explode her own Heavenly Palace, and at the same time destroy the three ninjas who had been chasing the gods.

It's just that while she was still gathering strength, she ignored a problem.

That is, after traveling through many times, Kakashi's divine power has completely adapted to the rules of the world here.

After many attempts to travel back and forth, I managed to reach this small world again and saw the black sphere that was so huge that it was close to a thousand meters.

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