The dog-headed strategist Hei Jue emerged from his sleeve at this time.

Mom, go kill Noah first. The remaining three people are nothing to worry about.

Black's emotion towards Noah was mostly fear, especially the sword strike just now was simply outrageous.

Therefore, He was not worried if the man did not die.

Besides, Naruto and Sasuke are the chakra reincarnations of Indra and Asura. The upper limit of the blood successor limit power cannot exceed the source, so there is nothing to worry about.

Although Kakashi is special, he would be the same without the Ten-Tails.

After all, Hei Zetsu-sama is also a figure behind the scenes who has been ups and downs in the ninja world for thousands of years. Of course, he has extraordinary wisdom.

This is how Uchiha Madara was played by him and applauded. This time, let him continue to use his extraordinary wisdom to assist his mother in completing the great cause of integrating with the ninja world!

Of course Kaguya agrees with her younger son's suggestion.

I decided to leave these three insignificant little Karami here first, and go outside to kill the variable myself.

A black space behind him was separated, and Huangquan Hirasaka appeared silently.

It's just that some people don't want to see the enemy escape.

Divine power!

The power of space distortion disrupted Huangquan Hirasaka.

Kakashi was holding a long sword and his face was neither sad nor happy. The teacher said that he wanted to reason with the goddess, and he could not leave until he finished speaking.

At this time, the Fifth Hokage can also be regarded as a quasi-sixth path. The samsara eyes evolved from the twin divine powers are temporarily unable to program space, but they are not weaker than Otsutsuki in the use of space.


Why can't I do anything after being resurrected?

You want to disobey me too? A sinner who steals blood through despicable means!

Without taking action, the ice and snow world turned into jagged canine teeth and bit directly at the three people under the control of the integration of heaven and earth.

The iceberg in a small world began to activate and attack, and the scene was extremely shocking.

There seemed to be no room for the three of them between heaven and earth.

Then it was directly broken by Ming Zuo's combined force.

Kakashi didn't even move amid the ice that was flying all over the sky.

Now is the peak version of the two Destiny Children. At this time, their combat power can be said to have reached the peak of their lives.

When time comes, heaven and earth all work together to transport heroes without freedom.

In the next era, any small BOSS may be able to disgrace these two people, but it is different at this moment.

Kaguya Otsutsuki also needs to be taken seriously.

The eighty-gods air attack that had not been fired before was no longer suppressed at this time, and the purest and most violent physical fist in the ice hell was blasted.

The violent wind pressure brought down the air-conditioning from the sky.

It's just that Yasogami's air attack has always been very powerful, but it's difficult to achieve success with direct attacks.

Especially Jin Yu, who had seen the red dragon across the sky and the earth before, and then looked at the giant fist that although it could shake the world, but lacked the invincible will, was a little less interesting.

The three of them used their own methods to escape.

I wonder if you have a feeling.

That's because the enemy doesn't seem to have a stronger sense of oppression than Uchiha Madara.

Naruto thought about it for a while and finally expressed his feelings.

Although Kaguya's appearance has indeed increased the damage in the past few times, the sense of crisis is not that strong.

Your feeling is correct. It seems that the enemy is not very good at fighting. This is good news.

With this kind of power, you may rarely encounter life-and-death battles.

But be careful, the battle has just begun.

Kakashi remained calm and even suspected that the goddess opposite was pretending to lack combat experience.

Because in addition to the legend of the goddess Mao coming from the sky, there is also a legend of calming chaos and strife on the earth.

And he and his two sons fought a war on the surface that almost wiped out human civilization.

Logically this shouldn't be the case.

Afterwards, Naruto sent out a large number of clones to conduct various tests, and Sasuke also waited for opportunities to launch many surprise attacks.

Kaguya also took out the rabbit hair needle to kill the Ash Bones together, as well as all the blood successor abilities created by the combination of the ten tails, such as boiling escape, unparalleled strange power and so on.

The fight between the two sides was very fierce, and the goddess started to beat the two grandsons very arrogantly.

Almost all of his moves are special moves with full damage points, and every move is very powerful.

Especially the rabbit hair needle, which is the plus MAX version of acupuncture.

The strongest member of the Hyuga clan can only hit one hundred and twenty-eight palms in the Bagua field. It is too buggy for Kaguya to throw thousands of hair strands at one time for acupuncture.

You can attack the human body, you can attack Susanoo, and you can also attack skills.

Rather than tapping acupuncture points, it is better to say that it is a weak point attack in conjunction with the Byakugan.

If Uchiha Madara had this skill, then only Teacher Noah could suppress it personally.

Putting it in Kaguya's hand is like a bright pearl.

It seems that this goddess is really not very talented in fighting.

At this point, Kakashi felt a little relieved. It turned out that not all enemies were as insidious as the teacher and liked to disguise themselves.

In that case, it's time to be reasonable.

The flames between the Fifth Hokage's brows rose to the sky, and the inexplicable power in his body was gathering.

The fire obtained on the snow-capped mountains is blossoming and bearing fruit.


The red flames spread from the heart to the vast world.

The domineering energy that had been tempered for more than ten years was finally released.

There was a vision of rolling dark clouds, lightning, and thunder in the sky of the ice and snow world.

Anger, sacrifice, blood, lofty sentiments, the will to change the world, and the determination of one and all, all turned into a rich red, this is the color of overlord!

boom! ! !

The violent mental pressure came again, and the flying snowflakes and ice were directly shaken away.

At this moment, Kakashi was wrapped in red power, and he felt how terrifying the power of will was.

It turns out that this is the core of power passed down to me by my teacher.

Almost instinctively, he wrapped his domineering energy into the long sword.

Aim at Kaguya and strike hard.

Shenwei. Dominate!

The red sword energy flew through the space in front of the goddess.

Ice escape, break! Boil escape, break! Eighty Gods air strike, break! Seeking Daoyu for defense, break it!

No matter what the defense was, it was broken by the overlord-colored slash combined with divine power, and finally a handful of blood was cut out of the goddess.

God, it's bleeding.

This makes Kaguya unacceptable. Does this unknown domineering power have an inheritance?

And so powerful!

Kakashi also understood why Akai could almost beat Uchiha Madara to death. Haki has extremely powerful damage to special life and energy.

At this time, there is no difference in nature between himself and the Six Paths Madara, but he can still retrograde and hurt Kaguya, who is one with the Ten-Tails.

Especially the overlord color, as long as the heart is infinitely strong, it can attack without limit.

His eyes instantly became hot.

The sword points at the goddess.

Go on! Goddess!

Then Kakashi took Naruto and Sasuke to start a life-and-death fight with Kaguya in the five spaces.

During the fierce battle, Princess Kaguya no longer cared about saving the lives of humans on the sacred tree outside. Remaking Bai Jue was far less important than her own life.

The sacred tree began to absorb for the second time.

This is the time Noah has been waiting for.

He put the Nine Tails into his body, reached the top of the sacred tree, and then dispersed the domineering defense on his body.


It’s just that I didn’t wait for the scene I imagined.

The Ten-Tails' consciousness was somewhat resistant. Although he was greedy, he was even more fearful.

So Noah summoned the power of the fairy fox to sway on his body, and the top of the sacred tree seemed to be lit with a swaying light.

He even took out the word Hedao and began to threaten the sacred tree at his feet.

hurry up!

Such a group of creatures containing unimaginable vitality and energy was placed in front of the sacred tree and continued to provoke. The Ten-Tails' instinct could no longer bear it, not to mention Kaguya's order.

Numerous branches crazily wrapped Noah in them.

The sacred tree began to greedily extract all the energy from this strong man, both life force and domineering energy were sucked away.

It's just that Noah's body may have limits, but he is domineering.

It's like an endless sea gushing out, and the sacred tree is also swallowing it endlessly.

If someone can observe from the outside, they can see that a flash of red begins to infect the sacred tree from the top.

Kaguya, who was fighting fiercely with chakra in the Heavenly Palace, suddenly looked frightened. Something happened to the sacred tree. (End of chapter)

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