Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1795 There is not much time left for Madara

Kakashi and Noah actually plotted something together in front of the outside demon, and he didn't dare to go there. He just hoped that Master Madara would get rid of this weirdo quickly.

He is familiar with Konoha's Black Jue. This green-skinned man is quite powerful, but he is not strong enough to intervene in this kind of battle.

Oh, the one with power comparable to that of Hokage?

There was a hint of playfulness in his tone. He knew that technique, and in Madara's opinion, it was the only option for ninjas without talent.

The bloody steam is only comparable to Naruto, which is the standard of sideshows.

We haven't decided the winner with Kakashi yet, so we really shouldn't waste time.

This is not the calm boss fight in the original timeline, but the peaceful idealist Uchiha Madara who fell into some kind of conspiracy.

Now I don't care what kind of weirdo you are, but anyone who stands in my way will die.

Immortal method: Lan Dunguangya!

A laser-like technique is spit out from the mouth. Powerful enough to interrupt Naruto's Taoist Jade Black Rod.

The description of the Book of Formation is: This is a ninjutsu for those who have gained the power of the Six Paths to emit light and cut the enemy in two. The flash of light speed can cut everything, and it is an attack that the enemy cannot defend against.

The evaluation is not low, but the green-skinned ninja opposite also completed the memory-killing moments from childhood to the time when his father died.

The muscles all over his body were tense, his hands were clenched into fists, his skin turned into blood, and the veins on his face had popped out.

The invisible door in the body is being opened by the power that has been tempered over many years.

Open the door, close the door, live the door, hurt the door, do the door, view the door, startle the door, open at the same time.



The blue light beam reaches the sky and the earth, stirring the boundless wind and clouds. The air began to tremble, and the sand in the Kingdom of Wind was beating.

The violent chakra caused changes in the celestial phenomena, and the atmosphere of the battlefield was abruptly changed just by relying on the outward momentum. As for the cutting of immortal magic...

Exciting Konoha Vajra Power Cyclone. Arashi Kick!

The blue air blade directly smashed the laser.

Madara's eyes almost popped out.

Is this blue steam?

Is this the Eight Gate Armor Formation recorded in that scroll?

The book of seals is lying to fools!

Does just the blue steam have such terrifying power?

Madara, who still knew something about the new information about the ninja world, was speechless, and Black Zetsu on the ground was also dumbfounded.

Doesn't the scroll say that opening the eight gates will give you power comparable to that of Hokage?

Oh, it turns out that you are comparable to the power of the Fifth Hokage, not the Third Hokage.

Sarutobi Hiruzen made a mistake!

Madara doesn't care what Kakashi is doing, now he has met an opponent that he has to take seriously.

Perhaps the limit of physical skills can also threaten oneself, but it is just a flash in the pan.

And after Kai felt the power of the Seven Gates, he felt himself swelled, and he actually thought he was still a little strong.

Don't be careless, this is just your own illusion.

Emperor Kai looked at Uchiha Madara seriously, with a solemn expression.

This is the only ninjutsu passed down to me by my father, and it is also a ninjutsu that Lord Noah appreciates.

Today is the time for me to practice the Way of Ninja.

At this time when you have to protect what is most important to you even to the death, release the restraints!

The air gathers towards the hands, using the ultimate control of the body to harness the power brought by the seven gates.

The Secret of the Six Forms. The Biggest Wheel. The Day Tiger!

The blue tiger, which was as huge as a hill, seemed to cross the space and reach Madara's eyes.


Master Ban was a little shocked when he looked at the jade scepter in his hand. It seemed that the space was distorting?

Then he flew sideways. While flying, Madara realized that the water in the ninja world was too deep.

This is the power of pure wind pressure. The ability of the Six Paths to absorb chakra has little effect. The only thing that is useful is the immortal body.

Kaihuang, on the other hand, was talking about what he had and what he didn't have while chasing.

Youth! Passionate! I will do anything to buy time for Kakashi!

These words, accompanied by the power of extreme wind pressure, continuously bombarded the Dance King.


Just the sheer power of the seven gates has distorted space, but what about the eight gates?

Wouldn't it mean to let me die? !

Uchiha Madara!? Come and hit me!

Kaihuang felt insulted that the other party allowed him to attack.

It is indeed a monster that Noah-sama must work hard to deal with!

Master Madara, you are probably the most powerful in physical skills.

Prison on the edge of the wheel tomb!

The four shadows pounced forward with the power to hammer the Explosive Tailed Beast.

Kakashi can see with his samsara eye, so you, an ordinary low-level ninja, should die in ignorance.

As a result, Emperor Kai's eyes flashed red and he saw it!

His feet stepped on the air at high speed hundreds of times, and his body flashed four times within a square inch as if teleporting.

Swish, swish, swish!

They all dodged and even took advantage of the situation to counterattack, throwing out four punches and knocking the shadow to the ground.

However, this move also interrupted the rhythm of the battle and allowed Madara to breathe a sigh of relief.

This green-skinned monster is unusually strong.

Madara-sama, look at Kakashi!

The angry Madara saw another horrifying scene out of the corner of his eye. Kakashi under the heretic golem used a psychic technique to attract a Shukaku, who seemed to be feeding the Ten-tails.

They are catalyzing the Ten-Tails and seizing the qualifications of the Jinchuuriki!

Needless to say, Black Zetsu made Master Madara's hair stand on end in shock.

Damn, I understood everything instantly.

Noah actually wanted to bring together the tailed beasts to resurrect the Ten-Tails and then turn them into jinchūriki.

How shameless!

The Jinchuuriki plus the power of Senra Wanxian are the real Six Paths Sage. They are creating their own Sage, what about me? What am I?

The extremely angry Dance King abandoned his dignity and directly opened the Jade of Seeking Dao.

We must kill this beast on the other side as soon as possible!

The Seven Attributes Seeking Tao Jade is a move that people who have not understood the power of the universe cannot face. This is the gap in life levels.

Facing Emperor Kai who was running freely in the sky, Madara threw nine Tao-seeking jade and directed four shadows to fly up.

Make sure to kill with one blow, and at the same time, the power of the pupils in the reincarnation eyes goes wild.

Immortal method. Heaven hinders the earthquake star!

Nine huge meteorites fell from the sky. They would rather destroy the Kingdom of Wind than let Noah and others succeed.

Such a world-destroying attack scares all living beings.

Emperor Kai also understood that it was time to fight.

Sure enough, Uchiha Madara is indeed a peak that he cannot cross. In this case, let Konoha's lotus bloom again!

Press your thumb to your heart, and an inexplicable power burns from the human body.

The Eight Gate Dunjia Formation. Open!

The bloody steam dispersed the aura of destruction, and a suffocating sense of oppression erupted from the blue beast's body.

The ground in the Kingdom of Wind began to crack, and tidal heat burst out from the source.

Kakashi in the distance was shocked. Akai actually surpassed himself who had done so many tricks? !

Noah nodded happily. A strong man who focuses on the body has the power to ignore the rules.

This style of painting... red steam is swirling around the body, and the hair is standing on end, which shows his fighting power.

Sure enough, Madara's four shadows were beaten alive by fists the moment they approached, without any resistance.

Madara in the field is comparable to Hokage, and then surpasses him?

I feel like the samsara eye is broken, why is this samsara prison getting more and more broken the more I use it.

But it doesn't matter, the Dao-seeking jade is a power of erasure that ninjas cannot resist, thousands of times more domineering than the Chendun.

Nine free-flying Tao-seeking jade has blocked all the space around Emperor Kai.

If you had taken out the bloody steam earlier, you could have fought me, right now.

Now is the time to implement your beliefs.

Emperor Kai finally inspired the power he needed to survive on the moon when he faced something that flesh and blood should not touch.

Black air flow emerged from deep inside the body and wrapped around both fists!

boom! ! ! ! ! ! !

The nine sounds were almost superimposed on top of each other, and the black Taoist Seeking Jade was... slapped away?

? ? ?

Receive Taoist jade with bare hands? ? ?

Madara. I don’t understand!

Even after repeated observations with the Samsara Eye, I still don’t understand what kind of power that is!

Noah in the distance showed a smile, Loulan was not ordinary at this time.

He came here two years ago and left something behind. Two years later it was time to bear fruit.

Kakashi, hurry up, Madara's time is running out!

Yes, the art of psychics!

I have a fever. I have been having a fever since last night and now, I can’t even type. Sorry everyone, it’s only 4,000. I’m going to bed.

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