The world doesn't need a second god.

Uchiha Madara was very angry after knowing that he was not the only Six Paths level sage.

The feeling that one is special, that one has a noble mission, that one is destined by destiny is destroyed.

Although he has always been disdainful of fate, if a second person does appear, he might as well die.

After all, the King of Dance regards himself as the god who leads human evolution. How can he allow himself to be not the only one? When the sacredness appears in the plural, it is no longer sacred.

Uchiha Madara made a very serious decision to kill Kakashi and also Noah.

Even traces of the existence of the Akatsuki organization must be erased, because the immortal eyes created later are heresy.

The black seeking jade turned into a scepter, and he wanted Kakashi to know that he didn't have to just barely step into the power of the universe to be qualified to compete with him.

The battle between the immortals has begun. This is a battlefield countless times more terrifying than the Valley of the End and the Kingdom of Iron.

Senluo Wanxiang combines seven attributes into one, and can be divided and used at will.

Even if you do it casually, it can be called the Six Paths Immortal Technique.

Wind, fire, thunder, water, earth, yin and yang, Uchiha Madara used his decades of experience to harness this power and begin to destroy everything.

The rivers and seas were turned upside down, the earth was turned upside down, and the last bit of sunset above the desert was shrouded in dark clouds.

Only endless natural disasters are raging here, and extreme climate problems have even begun to spread around the world.

The chakra flow of the entire world was flowing between the two immortals, causing various strange celestial phenomena.

The temperature in the Kingdom of Snow began to rise, and the interior of the Kingdom of Water entered a severe cold. Countless waterspouts appeared on the coast of the Kingdom of Thunder.

This is the horror of surface war, especially since Otsutsuki's ability to control and influence chakra is beyond imagination.

The retreating ninja coalition forces in the distance are also under great pressure, and the order has changed from evacuation to escape.

Even wanting to leave through modern transportation is a luxury. The suddenly harsh environment has a great impact on precision machinery.

So I can only move forward physically, which is considered a return to the original.

The four shadows looked at the blurred light and shadow behind and felt strange. Could this be a human being?

The battle between the two immortals is barely bearable for this planet. After all, the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki has not yet been born to become the real Six Paths.

Noah stood aside and watched the battle, with a look of satisfaction in his eyes.

Although Uchiha Madara is a middle-aged and elderly man pursuing his dreams, he has caused too many blood debts in the process of pursuing his dreams, and Noah has no intention to help him clear his name.

What I still have is giving Kakashi a one-on-one private lesson.

Whether it's the Sharingan or the Rinnegan, or the application of various skills. The seniors are worthy of being the pinnacle geniuses in this world.

In the last period of his life, he sat in a cave and discovered many skills and applications for his reincarnation eye.

This valuable experience is very difficult to replicate. After all, the Samsara Eye is the most advanced production material in the ninja world.

But Kakashi just got the admission pass, and the harvest of this life and death battle became more.

This is also knowledge that Noah cannot give. After all, he is not following the path of a ninja.

It can be said that Kakashi's template is indeed very similar to Uchiha Madara's. Both of them reached the end of the Sharingan and then relied on Senju's cells to evolve.

They have accumulated a lot of ninjutsu knowledge and have their own understanding of high-level power.

Along with the battle, Kakashi's proficiency in using the Samsara Eye increased rapidly.

For the Akatsuki organization, the outcome of the battle between the two quasi-Six Paths Sages is not important. When the time comes, they will help Uchiha Madara take that step.

At this time, Noah and the Nine Lamas were outside studying this heretic demon who had just become somewhat domineering.

This thing always arouses awe every time it appears.

After absorbing the Yang Jiuwei just now, it became more active, and the greedy desire could not be hidden in Noah's eyes.

He is much more active than when he was in the Rain Country.

As Noah approached, the huge heretic demon actually trembled a little.

It sensed that the white fox contained a lot of its own original power, but it did not dare to stretch out the chain.

There is always a feeling that if you stick it out, you will die.

Oh, instinct? Instinct can be restrained by reason. It seems that the fire is not enough.

Noah took out the word Hedao and made blind gestures on the body of the outer demon.

Can I still feel half of your body?

It's okay. Even if the ten tails digest the nine tailed beasts, it's not that simple.

We tailed beasts have our own thinking space. As long as we unite together, we can resist the devouring of the Ten-Tails in a short period of time.

The fairy fox could sense that in the special space, Jifu was already shivering, and Banshen was stretching his body out of boredom, as if he was on vacation.

This guy didn't tell Sanwei their plan at all, he was really a mean-spirited fox.

Then let's speed up. Over time, it will have a permanent impact on the planet's climate.

Noah didn't want to turn this planet into an existence like the Grand Line, and he happened to have finished the Samsara Eye experience pack.

Then a red sword energy flew into the sky.

The signal was sent, Kakashi used the black Jade Sword of Seeking Tao to drive back the Dance King, and the space in the void was distorted.


Kakashi used his divine power to disappear from the spot, and when he reappeared, he was beside Noah, under the heretic demon.

But Metkai, who had finished warming up in the divine space, was left behind.

Uchiha Madara stopped cautiously. The ninja who could be sent out at this time was definitely not an ordinary ninja.

But can this ninja in green also open his fairy eyes?

That style of painting.

She has white bangs, long flowing hair on the back of her head, a green tights with magatama on it, and a samsara eye that symbolizes the power of God.

Ah, this damn mental pollution is more terrifying than illusion.

Emperor Kai didn't expect so much. His mission was very simple, which was to give this BOSS a little shock to Konoha.

I am able to get this opportunity thanks to Master Noah's trust, but I can't live up to everyone's expectations.

Ho, my blood is already burning.

This sentence was spoken in reality, not a literal narrative.

Sure enough, Uchiha Madara was mentally contaminated again, and this kind of narration-style burning of blood was even worse than him.

The majestic aura rose from the beast's body.

But it was still the aura of chakra, not mixed with other things.

The Dance King felt a little curious and troubled. How could an ordinary ninja dare to stand in front of him without understanding the power of the universe?

Could it be that he is really cannon fodder?

Madara-sama, this is the ninja heritage of Blood Steam.

Hei Jue was a little anxious. The battlefield was so chaotic that he could no longer understand it.

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