Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1789 Father and Son Bureau


Uchiha people should have black hair, they never have silver hair.

A bold idea appeared in his mind.

It's not that Hatake Sakumo doesn't dare to recognize Kakashi, but that his image and temperament have changed too much.

His silver hair didn't change much, but his eyes were the iconic Sharingan.

Kakashi only had ordinary eyes when Hatake Sakumo committed suicide.

He knew how xenophobic the Uchiha clan was, and how much they valued the boundaries of blood succession.

The second is the difference in temperament.

Kakashi was injected with a lot of yang-type potions during his growth, and after practicing senjutsu, his immortal body has become fully mature. The terrifying vitality cannot be matched by the Senju clan, not to mention the Hatake clan.

Coupled with the aura that Noah preached about the power of his will, it was as majestic and masculine as the blazing sun and thunder.

The whole person's temperament is completely different from before.

The eyes are different, the temperament is different, only the silver hair is the same. At this time, Hatake Sakumo can still have such a bold idea, it can only be said that father and son are connected.

Full of doubts, the whole person shot forward like a stream of light.

The sharp white teeth are once again unsheathed in the ninja world.

And Kakashi also casually drew out a white short blade and killed him.

The father and son were like mirror images, sparring with each other in the art of Hatake swordsmanship.

The seemingly fierce swords and swords are blooming here, and the obviously dangerous father-son game is inexplicably very warm.

When the opponent took out the dagger, Sakumo confirmed the bold idea in his mind. It turned out to be Kakashi.

My son actually became Hokage! ?

A lot of questions filled his mind, but the curse mark on his body was prompting him to keep using the knife.

What was both gratifying and complicated was that his son's sword skills far surpassed his own.

Although Kakashi has tried his best to suppress his kendo realm, under the influence of many years of training, even the Hatake sword technique that Izuku has not used is still a crushing level existence.

The light of the sword may be like an antelope hanging its horns, or it may be like thunder.

Hatake Sakumo was unable to resist after a few moves. Konoha White Fang's swordsmanship to kill Sunagakure seemed a bit crude here.

But yes, only with this kind of strength can one become Hokage.

When the two sides were holding their swords in a stalemate, Kakashi introduced himself.

The Fifth Hokage Hatake Kakashi.

Father, long time no see.

Then the Mangekyo Sharingan bloomed red, bringing Hatake Sakumo's mind into the illusion space.

In the blink of an eye, the father and son were sitting on the steps of the courtyard of Hatake's old house. The sky was warm and warm, and the breeze brought the smell of vegetation.

An illusion so powerful that it's unimaginable. Is this the legendary kaleidoscope?

Hatake Sakumo is a person who is not good at expressing his emotions, so he is still talking about strength at this time.

But actually he wanted to know what Kakashi had been through these years.

Kakashi, who was almost thirty, could understand his father's mentality, so he calmly talked about what happened after his father committed suicide.

Without any resentment or hatred, telling these things in a straightforward manner made the old father feel extremely remorseful.

Because of his departure, the child went to extremes again.

There was clearly a chance to come out again, but the closest friend was tragically plotted and fell into the Land of Grass, giving birth to two heroes with the Sharingan Eye.

Then he personally killed his teammates who were missed by his teammates.

Later, the teacher Minato Namikaze also died tragically on the night of the Kyuubi.

When talking about this, Hatake Sakumo already regretted his choice.

Just unwilling to go along with the darkness, he fell into self-collapse and ended his life.

The disciple left a little boy to face the cruel ninja world and experienced all kinds of miserable things in life.

It makes me very distressed just thinking about it.

Full of guilt, he was about to apologize to Kakashi but was blocked.

At this time, the Fifth Hokage stood up like a child and shared what he had done with his father in a proud tone.

After meeting a famous teacher, he got out of his inner knot and acquired the amazing swordsmanship. He followed the teacher and continued to learn the essential laws of the world.

On the top of the snow mountain, he saw through the obstacles and fog that blocked his progress, and realized his own path under the sword of Kaitian.

In the battle of thunder and fire, a thousand birds sang for the first time, and the killing was unparalleled, and they won the title of bloody thunder.

To protect his companions, guard the will of fire. He re-entered the Kingdom of Thunder alone, defeated the Eight-Tailed Jinchuuriki, and put an end to the war.

In front of the Hokage Tower, he angrily denounced Sarutobi Hiruzen, used force to overthrow the dark forces of the Elders, and became the Fifth Hokage.

Leading Konoha onto the path of reform, and working with the teacher to promote changes in the entire ninja world.

Hatake Sakumo's heart was up and down as he listened to each item one after another, unable to control himself.

After finding his goal in life, this child experienced such a magnificent life.

It can be said that Kakashi has surpassed himself in all aspects of his life and has become a new legend in the ninja world.

Paths never envisioned in life are realized by children.

What made him happiest was that at the critical moment, Kakashi chose to protect his companions and undermine the so-called overall situation and the so-called rules.

This was a decision countless times heavier than the responsibility Konoha White Fang had to face back then.

Father, now I have the most trustworthy teacher, many like-minded comrades, and a vast world where I can use my skills.

Now we have to break the most basic rules of chakra in the ninja world.

The world will be different from now on. It will no longer be as cruel as it was when I was a child. Ninjas will no longer be tools to kill each other, and the village will no longer be so dark.

The proud Fifth Hokage exudes dazzling light.

Hatake Sakumo's expression became a little downcast after he praised him without hesitation.

To be able to accomplish such a great deed, the price must have been much higher than what this child said.

What I have achieved today is entirely due to your hard work and the guidance of the teacher. I, as a father, have really failed.

People who are so cowardly that they commit suicide have not set the best example for you, and have made you experience so many cruel things in your youth.


This was a belated apology from Sakumo Hatake.

Kakashi did not stop his father's apology. If he refused even such a thing, his father would be even more painful.

It's just comfort that needs to be comforted.

Father, you have tried your best no matter what.

I understand your choice back then. Under the twisted will of fire, you broke the rigid rules for the sake of your companions. This courage can be said to be the first of its kind in Konoha.

I'm proud of you.

Hatake Sakumo just smiled bitterly, but he felt more or less comfortable.

As long as you are willing to forgive me, then I can go to your mother with peace of mind.

Konoha White Ya, who had let go of his last trace of care, now has a clear soul and has no regrets. To use the words of the Fire Temple to describe it, he is about to become a Buddha.

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