Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1788 Hei Jue’s hidden special move

Smoke and dust are everywhere, and murderous intent is rising into the sky.

The ninja alliance gathered again and followed the Kages for the final charge without saying anything.

All supplies have been completed, and all wounded soldiers have been withdrawn to the rear of the Kingdom of Wind.

Those who can still fight are the last elite.

Five combat troops launched wave after wave of attacks around Loulan's defense line.

The team commander was given exact instructions before setting off.

So he yelled three times after approaching Loulan's defense line.

Empty the ninja bag, empty the ninja bag, empty the ninja bag.

In the final battle, there is no such thing as waste. I threw the shuriken detonating charms for free.

Except for the price of detonating charms which are still strong due to technical barriers, other shuriken, kunai and other equipment are really not that valuable in the industrial era.

So everyone naturally throws it away casually in such a rich war.

It's very cost-effective to use expendable ninja tools to save your own life. Things like shurikens are all products of the assembly line, and the production speed is measured in seconds.

The time and resources it takes to train a ninja from school to graduation are expensive.

Ordinary ninjas throw really hard, but some ninjas who focus on ninja tactics are even more violent.

For example, Tiantian is the eldest lady in the ninja shop.

Since the advent of the industrial era, their family has actively embraced changes and jumped on the wagon of the times.

Therefore, the ninja tools in the eldest lady's scroll are exaggerated countless times.

The starting point is the Eight Sheng Dragon. The art of confusing hundreds of weapons! Manipulation Tool·Super Heavenly Blade Chaoswan!

Eight long scrolls flew around her and transformed into a dragon, while people jumped into the air and spread a large number of ninja tools from the scrolls to attack indiscriminately.

This wave of firepower can be used by one person to defeat 5 teams.

After the beating, these blank seal scrolls were not recycled, but were thrown out and exploded.

The Shenhao style of play has begun to take shape.

The teammates next to him didn't react at all, but the other ninjas in the village remembered this wealthy man from Konoha.

After throwing away all the projectiles, there was still a combined ninjutsu bombing.

He became more and more proficient in combined ninjutsu such as wind, fire, water, earth, wind and thunder.

After the five-village alliance fought hard for a day, everyone's tacit understanding skyrocketed, and the ninjutsu they released became more and more powerful, because the commander asked them not to use chakra to fight hard.

A wave of frightening fluctuations continued to explode on the battlefield, and the desert could no longer look like it was before.

The remaining tens of thousands of Bai Zetsu on the opposite side were blown to pieces and scattered all over the ground.

But Black Jue still directed the remaining White Jue to continue charging regardless.

Anyway, he doesn't care about these losses. As long as he can consume more of the enemy's power, it will be a pure profit. After his mother is resurrected, if he hangs all these ninjas on the tree, he will complete the recycling and reuse of resources.

Environmentalist Heijue has his own worldview.

Hiruzen, let the remaining filthy reincarnated masters be released together.

In front of Black Zetsu, the Sandaime could no longer perform small tricks, so these strong men began to kill wantonly under the control of the curse seal.

Although all the shadow-level powerhouses were killed yesterday, the remaining dirt-level powerhouses who were purely killing were causing more damage than yesterday.

It caused a lot of trouble for the Ninja Army who were not familiar with the rhythm.

It was only with the support of the five village strongmen and the Akatsuki organization that we were able to control these people.

What followed was a brutal close-quarters battle.

The morale of the allied ninja forces was like a rainbow, and they moved forward more and more.

In the end, you can even see Hiruzen Sarutobi, the biggest traitor in the ninja world, and the black-skinned monster from a distance.

But they couldn't go out without orders, and the other shadows didn't kill them. These were traitors to Konoha who should be dealt with by Konoha.

Seeing that the battlefield was about to collapse, Hei Jue also gave up the idea of ​​command.

That being the case

He took out an ace card that he had saved for a long time and handed it to Sarutobi Hiruzen.

This is?

Hiruzen was a little shocked, he didn't expect this black man to hide this trick.

Was it obtained using time and space while Obito was still here?

No, this guy should have gone to Konoha to find it himself. He was very brave. If Hei Jue did this, I'm afraid the end would be extremely miserable.

But it is indeed troublesome.

It’s just that we have taken 99 steps, and we have to take the last step even if we are reluctant to do so.

I hope the Fifth Hokage can stabilize.

Make a seal with your hands.

Dirty soil. The art of reincarnation!

Another coffin came out of the ground, and everyone was already used to it. Seeing the coffin in the past two days made me want to vomit.

But the figure exposed inside is a bit remarkable.

On the battlefield in Loulan, there are many shadows of the second generation and the third generation. It would not be so surprising if another shadow pops up on the battlefield. After all, even mythical figures like Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara have appeared. .

But the identity of this resurrected person is a bit unusual.

His name is Hatake Sakumo.

Black Jue was quite proud.

This is something he risked his life to get, a surefire way to disrupt Kakashi's mentality before the war.

It must be interesting for a father and son to kill each other.

In any case, a slight flaw in the mentality of a strong opponent will have a huge impact on combat effectiveness.

Especially when facing an illusion master like Uchiha Madara, who has practiced his eye power to the level of the Samsara Eye.

At this time, the staff at the rear and most of the people turned their attention to Kakashi Hatake, who was holding the battle in the rear.

Everyone understands the enemy's sinister intentions.

So what do Hokage-sama think?

Kakashi's eyes penetrated the entire battlefield and saw the familiar figure.

Has your mentality wavered? Really shaken.

Not anger, but a touch of warmth and expectation.

It was a blessing to be able to see my father before the final battle.

The art of reincarnation in dirty soil has an unspeakable temptation for the living who have regrets. Tsunade's determination was shaken by Orochimaru in the original timeline.

Kakashi relied on his own will to kill this desire to rebel against life and death.

But it has nothing to do with him if the enemy is summoned.

Taking off the Hokage's hat, Kakashi, wearing the Hokage's robe, walked forward calmly, exuding an invisible aura.

All the ninja troops in front were clearing the way for the Fifth Hokage, who looked murderous.

Just like parting a sea, a passage appeared on this battlefield, a passage leading directly to the other shore.

Hatake Sakumo, who had already understood the current situation, also saw the silver-haired figure in the distance.

Uncontrollably holding the White Fang dagger in his hand, he strode towards the target.

I was thinking as I walked, is it the Hokage of the Uchiha clan? It's really unexpected.

I didn't expect that one day I would be able to swing my sword at the Hokage, but it was a pity that it wasn't the old guy named Sarutobi Hiruzen behind me.

Having already died once, when he saw this old face again, he always wanted to swing his sword a few times.

It's a pity that he turned out to be a puppet reincarnated from the dirty soil.

But why does the Hokage opposite look familiar?

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