For the first time, the tens of thousands of ninja troops behind him felt in awe of the power of life.

The terrifying trees ignored the growth rules and terrain restrictions, and grew crazily without making any sense.

Dust Escape can destroy a forest, but it can regenerate ten times in the blink of an eye.

Ohnoki was also very chilled when he saw it from behind. How could such a person be a ninja? It's unscientific.

But Wu was entangled in the trees and unable to move, hanging in front of everyone.

Hashirama might have thought it was a bit too much, so he smiled sheepishly.

Sorry, I'm in a hurry.

There is no expression on the face, but in fact you are roaring in your heart and you don’t have to explain it.

But Mr. Ban, who was originally indifferent in the ruins of Loulan, sensed the appearance of his best friend, his eyes suddenly became energetic, and he looked in that direction and laughed.

Hashirama! Come on!

Come and see my divine power and the peaceful world I want to create!

The Dance King was very sure that the other person threw himself into Senju Hashirama just for him, so he couldn't wait to get ready to meet.

And Hashirama also sensed the familiar yet unfamiliar terrifying existence in the distance.

Madara, why did you come back from the Pure Land to do these things?

So he turned around and left.

After dealing with him for so many years, he was not in a hurry.

Why not go meet other old friends.

Madara felt helpless as he sensed his friend's aura and ran around on the battlefield.

Taking the initiative to run out at this time is a bit of a licking.

As expected of you, Hashirama.


The frontal battlefield continues to advance, and messages seeking help from the Akatsuki organization continue to be sent out.

So all the honorary leaders who didn't have much important work to do in the decisive battle ran out to increase their presence.

Kakuzu came out to kill, he came to get battlefield subsidies.

Each time a strong enemy is sealed, there will be a clear material reward, which can make up for part of his investment deficit in the Kingdom of Wind.

Under the force majeure of war, many businesses have suffered a devastating blow, and Jade is feeling miserable.

Sanshouyu Hanzo came out to use his remaining energy, and his age has reached the point where he will die at any time.

This last battle can be regarded as my boyish madness, intending to participate in the greatest historical change in the ninja world and leave a mark.

The Yahiko trio came to help Jiraiya-sensei.

Jiraiya met the second Kazekage and had a hard time fighting.

The opponent's puppet technique combined with the immortal body was a bit difficult to deal with, but it became much easier after Yahiko joined in.

Shuoyue Kendo is a perfect match against traditional puppets, and all kinds of moves are no match for this passionate sword of will.

Of course, the most amazing thing is Xiaonan.

She has stored too many detonating talismans, and it is estimated that there will be no chance of a large-scale war in the future.

So he fluttered his paper wings and flew across several battlefields, scattering endless detonating charms in front of a hundred thousand ninja troops.

Wherever it passes, life ends and the earth mourns.

The scorching firelight and endless smoke accompanied the steps of the people in the sky throughout the battlefield, leaving indelible traces.

With his own strength, he destroyed most of the White Jue army and created a gap with Loulan as the center.

The Ninja Army were all frightened, looking at the white limbs in front of them filling the battlefield, someone wrote in a pen.

His name is the Wings of Death, the Destroyer of Destiny, the terminator of all things. Unstoppable and irresistible, the red clouds on a black background represent a catastrophe.

Even Nagato and others didn't expect that their little friend who got along day and night could have such a cruel side, killing tens of thousands of people.

Yahiko was even filled with tears. It would be fine if the official leader of the Akatsuki organization appeared and didn't get a kill. Even the famous and high-profile scenes were completely covered up.

It is estimated that the leader of the Akatsuki organization is a puppet leader, and that little yellow guy just joined the organization early. After the war, the spread of rumors will be unprecedentedly powerful.

When Konan landed, what he saw was Yahiko who was almost in tears.

What's wrong?

It's okay, there is too much sand in the Kingdom of Wind.

Nagato smiled like he was watching a show. Yahiko really understands this guy's heart.

Then he turned around and continued fighting. With his double bloodline added to his body, his chakra had surged to an exaggerated level after losing his reincarnation eye.

Without the suppression of Yin attributes, one's own Yang attributes can awaken on their own.

The hidden power of a thousand hands began to exert force.

Forming seals, the power of life rages in the desert.

Wood escape. The tree world is born!

Orochimaru can play with both hands, so why can't Nagato.

At this moment, the Mu Dun, which was comparable to the first generation, attracted the attention of the ninja army at the rear. Everyone was surprised as to why the mysterious Mu Dun appeared everywhere like a ruined street today.

And Nagato used the Bokuren Jutsu, and started to charge with Jukai as if he was on board Unit 1.

There are also records from passers-by.

Wooden Escape is the path for the strong, why should you rely on other people's eyes?

Yahiko cried again, and Konan was concerned and asked why.

There is more sand in the Kingdom of Wind.

Of course, not everyone is happily playing in a group.

For example, when Tsunade came to the battlefield, she found the Jōnin Kato Dan who was reincarnated in the dirty land. Dan was controlled by the reincarnation jutsu and wanted to resist, but his limbs were blown away by Shin.

I don’t know what the two of them would say in private.

Scorpion came to the front from the rear and took away the reincarnated father and mother.

There are others doing the same thing.

One meeting after another is going on in the corner of the battlefield, as if they will finally fill up the regrets of this life.

I want to see my family members who need to be seen, and I want to see my friends who have passed away.

Some people fought with blood on the battlefield, and some battlefields were so warm that they made people cry.

Director Sarutobi Hiruzen worked silently for the arrangements of these people. With his current state of will, it would be a struggle to control so many details.

It's just that as the reincarnated strong men are sealed, there are fewer and fewer people to control, and the further back they go, the easier it becomes.

Seeing this expression, Hei Jue thought that the current fighting situation of the powerful men of the dirty land was gratifying.

The front was fierce and the rear was unstable.

Many elite Bai Zetsu have already sneaked in here and are ready to take action.

Hey, brother, that medical base in front is mine.

A White Zetsu looked at the new companions who came over and expressed dissatisfaction. Although most of them were silly and naive, the ones who performed the invasion mission were still the more reliable ones.

Then poof!

The tip of the knife came out of the chest and was stabbed!

.Fuck you, I'll stab you too!

This Bai Jue feels a bit dreamy. Is it necessary for our group to engage in Infernal Affairs?

So he died with doubts, and the body was buried in the earth and became the nourishment of life.

Xiao Bai's face was expressionless. This was the thirty-fifth Bai Jue stabbed today.

Not all Zetsu can escape the control of the sacred tree, but it relies on the power of Noah's will to cut off the connection.

Moreover, the combat arms cultivated by humans thousands of years ago should return to dust, and dust to dust.

Relying on his strong strength and perception, Xiaobai secretly guards the safety of the logistics.

The scene of chaos at the rear of the ninja alliance that Black Zetsu expected did not appear at all, and everything was calm.

Camouflage tactics also encountered great setbacks.

Zetsu's disguise ability is indeed the strongest in the ninja world, but it is difficult to hide from the person who controls everything in the world.

With Kakashi and Xianhu sitting behind, none of the White Zetsu could do anything, and they were all killed in advance.

The total number of these elite White Zetsus was not very large, and they soon disappeared without any news.

Black Zetsu knew that his strategy was completely over.

So I went to ask Sarutobi Hiruzen with some anxiety.

I see that your face is much more relaxed than before the war started. Is it because the result of the head-on battle was good?

No, the frontal battlefield has been defeated. There are fewer and fewer strong people who can control it. This technique has become less and less burdensome to me.

Oh~~That's it.

After a moment of calm, Hei Jue went crazy, wondering why the battle was going so fast.

I thought it would take at least two or three days to fight, and even if we lost, we could use up some of the opponent's strength. But it looked like we were going to fight Loulan tomorrow.

how so? !

Madara didn't care, he was even looking forward to it.

It's unnecessary. Tomorrow I will let the world witness my success!

Especially Hashirama, he's sure

Black Jue

Sarutobi Hiruzen is already ruined, and Uchiha Madara is looking forward to a good friend from beginning to end.

I'm tired and can't carry it anymore.

You will all die when mother comes out! I'm going to kill you all!

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