Forget it, what happened after death was even more infuriating.

The dirty reincarnation of this white-haired bastard was leaked, and the forbidden technique of desecrating the soul of the dead was so evil that it made his dignified second-generation water image be manipulated by his descendants like a puppet.

What's even more annoying is that this evil technique is now in the hands of the Third Hokage.

That is, Senju Tobirama's disciple.

Therefore, the hatred between Ghost Lantern and Naruto lasted from life to death.

Now that he saw that the other party was also summoned by the reincarnation of the dirty earth, he felt so complicated that he couldn't even explain it.

Senju Tobirama, I didn't expect you to be reincarnated by the dirty earth. Have you ever thought about the day when you will be controlled by your own forbidden technique?

The Second Hokage nodded seriously.

My purpose in creating this technique is to allow future generations to summon me to solve the troubles of the living.

Ghost Lantern Huanyue hates such people who have no morals and no bottom line.

Even among Kirigakure, there is no one more evil than Senju Tobirama, returning the will of fire. Bah!

Water escape, water iron cannon technique, continuous fire.

A secret ninjutsu passed down from generation to generation by the Oniden clan. Make your hand like a pistol and shoot a bullet-like liquid from the tip of your index finger to pierce the enemy.

The continuous shooting of water droplets is as dangerous as a heavy machine gun.

It's just that Senju Tobirama didn't even have a defense, allowing water to escape through his body. He had already adapted to the fighting style of the dirty earth body.

Close your eyes and press on the ground to perform the Sensing Ninjutsu.

found it!

The desert suddenly began to collapse, and water vapor was extracted from underground rivers at unknown depths.

Zabuza can do it, there's no reason Senju Tobirama can't do it.

But the scope and volume of water were a bit exaggerated, and the thousands of ninjas behind him seemed to hear the sound of the waves.

Ghost Lantern Huanyue, you are a bit boring like this.

A battle between water escape experts begins.

For these two people, making waves in the desert couldn't be easier.

It's just that Tobirama has the blessing of the Senju bloodline, and he is both a body of filthy earth, but his ninjutsu surpasses the second generation Mizukage in both quantity and power.

In front of tens of thousands of ninjas behind him, he once again proved that water escape is orthodox in Konoha.

Although the second-generation Mizukage had already taken over, he frequently used various killing moves, including the power of steaming danger that killed the second-generation Tsuchikage.

Unfortunately, this time Tobirama still didn't block it, relying on his immortal body to take this attack head on.

The water formation wall that even rose tens of meters high and hundreds of meters long helped the ninja army behind block the aftermath.

The calmness of the posture makes people yearn for it, and the angry look and embarrassed appearance of the second generation Mizukage can be said to be decisive.

The ghost lantern and the moon, the winner is decided.

You fart!

The second generation Mizukage's face was distorted, and then he saw Senju Tobirama disappearing in place, and sensed the aura behind him.

Flying Thunder God

With a flash of silver light, the second-generation Mizukage was captured on the spot and thrown into the desert.

Senju Tobirama is also very good at sealing techniques.

Being completely humiliated in front of the Fifth Mizukage and tens of thousands of ninjas, Kiden Hangetsu really wanted to bury his head in the sand and didn't want to lift it up.

This filthy land reincarnation is so evil, it even has such terrible consequences as social death.

He could only pray silently, hoping that other reincarnated shadows would also encounter such an embarrassing scene.

Especially the bandaged man from the second Tsuchikage.

Second Tsuchikage

What he met was his disciple Onoki.

I was very satisfied with this duel. It felt good to see my disciple still alive after so many years, but then came worries that had not been expressed before.

Getting older.

Onoki defeated all the Kage in age.

Therefore, in terms of physical fitness, neurological response, and total amount of chakra, he is absolutely at a disadvantage.

Although the body of dirty earth has the weakness of lacking instincts, Onoki's body is not much stronger. It is normal for him to be knocked down in the continuous bombardment of ultimate moves.

The old man had a bloody head and was about to fight to the death when a figure appeared behind him.

Hey, can this old man give in?

Oh no! In terms of age, I should be your grandfather.

But you look so familiar.

These insulting words made the old man angry for a moment, and when he looked up, he was immediately stunned.

Then walked away silently.

Kurotsuchi helped his grandfather to the back to receive treatment and explained casually.

I saw that your battle situation was slightly at a disadvantage, so I applied for support from the headquarters. Who would have thought that this person would be sent?

Ohnoki knew that this was a flattery, but he was finally relieved.

It's just that the second Tsuchikage was in a state of shock.

Senju Hashirama! Okay, the bad things you did in Konoha finally got you out.

Don't you give me an explanation for what Uchiha Madara and Sarutobi Hiruzen did?!!

Wu has been a decent person in his life. Even if the skin on his body is burned, he does not feel humiliated. This is the honor of a warrior.

The only place where I lose face is in Konoha.

Back then, he took his disciple Onoki to Konoha to discuss the alliance.

It was that time when I met Uchiha Madara outside the village.

Just like adults beating children, they were all knocked down easily.

He was severely humiliated by the other party, and a grudge began to form from then on.

It can be said that Ōnoki's repeated attacks on Konoha during his decades in power have something to do with what happened that night.

As one of the two heroes of the Warring States Period, Senju Hashirama was not a white lotus in the eyes of other ninja villages.

If you don't have some means, how can you suppress a madman like Uchiha Madara? He just pretends to be better outside.

Moreover, this Hei Changzhi is extremely perverted at heart, and will show his respect with enthusiasm every time he fights.

Then let the opponent use all his abilities to fight him, and finally use the Wood Escape to defeat the enemy head-on in an understatement.

Playing with the enemy's inner dignity and admiring the opponent's bravery afterwards made countless people have to swallow this humiliating scene.

If you don't accept it, let Uchiha Madara come out and send him away.

All the strong men who survived in the ninja world had suffered from this.

Ah, you are Ishikawa's junior, right. Madara said you are a very interesting person. Hahahahahahahaha.

An innocent smile is considered the ultimate mockery for some people.

The second Tsuchikage planned to fight Senju Hashirama to the death and then be defeated calmly.

Yes, this is the reputation of Senju Hashirama. The belief that he must win has appeared in the hearts of ninjas since he came to the battlefield.

The status of the Ninja God was forged and shaped by decades of legends.

As the enemy, the second-generation Tsuchikage just wanted to lose decently.

This request was not met.

Hashirama is unwilling to lay a deadly hand on the living, and Hashirama is unwilling to hold back on the dead.

There is no hearty battle.

Immortal method. Wood escape. The birth of the tree world!

A primitive jungle appeared in the desert, and a large number of trees sprouted endlessly from the desert.

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