Iron country.

The barren land, the starry craters, the canyons, the chaotic and extreme weather.

It seems to be an enlarged version of the desperate training ground in the Land of Rain.

Ninjas who reach the level of Six Paths can indeed dominate the rise and fall of civilization on the surface.

In such a harsh environment, the real Five Shadows Conference officially ended.

Plenty of time and detailed guidance documents have been left for everyone.

In order to usher in a new era, I ask you all to shoulder your historical mission.

Future generations will be proud of you.

This meeting took longer than expected, and the expressions of the four shadow figures were a little distorted.

What I just said is really hard to digest.

Fortunately, the cooling time given is enough, otherwise it would be really difficult to proceed.

They may not have lofty ideals, but the lifeblood of the country and the Ninja Village is being controlled by others.

The general trend is inevitable and must be followed.

Besides, using the Kingdom of Wind and the Kingdom of Fire as templates, there seems to be no problem in adjusting the feudal structure.

Finally, in order to quell the disputes and conflicts on this planet, the resounding slogan of overthrowing the mastermind behind the scenes, Uchiha Madara, must be given out.

We are the teachers of justice!

A terrifying enemy that is so powerful that even the combined efforts of several shadows cannot defeat it is the limit that ordinary people can imagine.

Furthermore, the people do not approve of the matryoshka doll.

Can Uchiha Madara really cooperate?

The Tsuchikage looked a little suspicious at Shura from the shinobi realm who was still driving the Susana Daibutsu on the sea.

It’s not like his Iwagakure Village was wiped out by the opponent.

Believe me, and please believe Uchiha Madara.

I have the ability to tie with him.

Noah said so, so everyone had no choice but to believe it.

By the way, Bubbles, Kirabi and the other jinchūriki will go to the Hidden Rain Village to find Kushina in a few days to help you solve some minor problems.

Although they were very reluctant, they could only accept it.

Anyone who knows what the Eye of the Moon is will be worried about their tailed beast.

The Akatsuki organization doesn't like it, but Master Madara needs it.

Then their respective shadow guards escorted the exhausted shadow to the limit and began to return to the village.

Sakura asked with some confusion as she looked at the retreating figure.

Lord Noah, what if they don't do what you said when they go back?

The ninja group basically does not distinguish between black and white and justice, and they are very pure tools.

In other words, how can a dark-side military organization be completely controlled by others?

Noah conveniently taught Sakura a lesson.

Terumi Mei has already talked with me once, and she knows very well what an unsolvable situation the Water Country is facing.

She was a smart person and joined the Akatsuki organization on the spot, so Kirigakure didn't have to worry.

Luo Sha doesn’t have to listen if he doesn’t want to.

The Sand Ninja Village can be replaced by a Kazekage at any time, and the difference between him and his absence is negligible.

If you still want to become the greatest Kazekage, then cooperate well with Xiaobai's work.

As for the Tsuchikage and Raikage, of course they wouldn't be so obedient, so I gave them plenty of time.

Let these people verify this information one by one.

The more they verify, the more desperate they become, and the more they see, the more they understand that the historical trend is rolling in and is unstoppable.

After weighing the pros and cons, there is no choice.

It is wrong to test human nature, but it is right to make the best of the situation and seek coexistence.

Noah would not impose his ideas, and the ninja world did not need centralized authority.

Moreover, Uchiha Madara's dance also made these people sober up a lot.

Back then, the two heroes were able to subdue the ninja world with pure force, allowing the four countries to make a reasonable choice.

Then now the more powerful Ninja Shura wants to throw everyone into genjutsu as a threat, which is more useful.

What a great script for the five countries to join forces, suspend their hatred, put aside their past grudges, and jointly defeat the big devil.

Noah, who made remarks that sounded more like a villain, felt a little helpless.

It's still rough, but it's never smooth sailing.

Now, it’s time to end the first battle of the Lord of Dance.

If the fight continues and the battlefield continues to expand, it won't be just the Iron Kingdom that will suffer.

You guys should go back to Konoha first.

After saying that, a flying thunder god appeared on the head of the powerful Nine-Tails.

Uchiha Madara's heart sank when he saw Noah appear.

In his current state, it is already difficult to beat Cassie and Kyuubi. If Noah is added to the mix,

Being able to train Kyuubi and Kakashi to their current strength would not be the same as they were more than ten years ago.

Even the detection ability of the Samsara Eye did not see a crack in the opponent's body.

Although I hate to admit it, the reality is that in this situation, Noah is the last mountain that breaks the camel's back.

For the first time, the feeling that the situation was over began to appear in the heart of Battlefield Rose.

It's a pity that if Black Zetsu could give me both eyes at that time, the situation of the battle would definitely be different.

Success or defeat, or is it fate?

But I, Uchiha Madara, have no intention of surrendering to fate.


The more he was in this situation, the more he laughed wildly, and his unruly aura was fully unleashed.

Noah, you are indeed my favorite opponent.

In just over ten years, you have overturned my decades-long layout, and even allowed you to teach so many top combat powers.

But even so, I won't admit defeat.

Just like back then, let's have a real fight and risk our lives.

His pride has not diminished, and he is worthy of being a shura in the ninja world.

Okay, let's go!

Noah agreed immediately, and then led Kakashi and Kyuubi to start beating Uchiha Madara.

? ? ?

What is so good about you?

Noah thought to himself that I am a serious Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki, so fighting together is not too much.

Kakashi is my direct disciple, and he also bears the blood feud of his close friend, so it’s normal for him to be next to me.

Being able to challenge this legend of the ninja world with his disciples is also a lucky thing for Kakashi.

Who calls you the legendary shura of the ninja world?

You can't just ask the other party to come up and show off when you win. When you can't win, you have to fight alone. All the good things will be left to you alone.

Our Shuangyue Kendo is about teamwork and united efforts.

Nine Lamas and Kakashi are also swords in my hands. This is called a great swordsman who is not limited to external objects.

Madara didn't say anything, but Hei Zetsu, who was hiding on the beach, blurted out a shameless sentence.

This is how the atmosphere of the Akatsuki organization came about.

Noah didn't have any psychological burden at all. He was ready to pick up the sword and start killing people.

Even Kurama and Kakashi have released their majestic and fairy fox forms.

The two of them raised their hands at the same time.

Immortal magic. King Kong blockade!*3

A golden light emerged from the void and illuminated dozens of miles of sea. The sound of metal shaking covered up the surging sound of the sea.

Endless chains directly tied up Susana Daibutsu, and Senju Hōsōō was entangled with several times the golden chains and turned into a golden ball.


The chain is strong!

In an instant, this miracle standing on the sea was cut into pieces.

This is a path that the Uzumaki clan has never imagined in their entire lives.

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