Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1767 Burning? It's almost done.

Hurry up and fight like a wild beast, okay?

Hashirama won't fight so slowly.

Madara Uchiha remained silent because he was shocked to find that his former little pet was no weaker than Kakashi in terms of swordsmanship skills.

He even has Noah's unreasonable kendo style.

Although he has only one reincarnation eye, it shouldn't be.

Unexpectedly, he was still blocked by a person and a fox in front of him.

Damn it, I clearly saw Noah talking to those losers in the distance, but he couldn't even get close.

This is so embarrassing. You can't even defeat the opponent's disciples and pets. How can you argue the merits of two ways of changing the world?

It was this mentality that got Madara caught.

The fox used the illusion of the strongest sound combined with the singing of the toad from Mt. Myoboku to trick the opponent.

An illusory killing move that he had never thought of hit his soul.

In the confusion of his senses, Madara was slashed with a series of moves until he was covered in blood, and finally he was sent flying.

The Nine Lamas became even more proud.

He shook off the blood on the long knife and deliberately lowered his voice.

Since when did you have the illusion that you won't fall into illusions?

Ban Ye is furious.

You're just a beast. I'm going to cut you open and take back my eyes!

Under the violent situation, there was a high-frequency output, and even the sword energy was bounced away.

Only then came the episode of the aftermath of the sword energy.

Noah continued to take his time presiding over the confession round.

Mizukage asked a question at this time, that is, whether the Yue Organization and the Eastern Three Kingdoms were also used.

“I’ll also talk about the monthly organization.

It was an organization formed by Uchiha Madara's men, specifically to oppose the Akatsuki organization.

Therefore, they also have to bear a certain responsibility for the confrontation between East and West.

It's just that we did play a leading role in guiding the changes of the times, taking advantage of Sarutobi Hiruzen's desire for revenge, and also taking advantage of Uchiha Madara's mentality of wanting to resurrect and collect tailed beasts.

They wanted to control the power of the Three Kingdoms, and they did do a lot of work.

This is worthy of affirmation.

Perhaps the positive role of these people should also be recognized in the history books.

The misery of the Yue Organization cannot be described by ridicule or murder.

The person is still alive and well, and Noah is ready to seal the coffin.

As for the three countries in the East, the problem is more serious.

For example, the Kingdom of Earth is now in a very dangerous situation. The head of the great nobles, the Yrateda family, is preparing to launch a crusade against the daimyo.

Because now the loss of fields and distribution rights has reached a point that many nobles cannot bear.

As the spokesperson of the original aristocratic group, the daimyo's inward-wielding knife was really sharp.

The new aristocracy and merchant capitalists will also participate.

This group's thirst for population resources and land resources has no limit.

The competition has reached a fever pitch, and a spark could ignite a horrific civil war.

By then, not only will the ninja villages be fighting, but the war among ordinary people in the country will be even more terrifying.

In addition, the technological development of the Earth Kingdom has extremely poor foundation due to shortcuts, making it difficult to support industrial upgrading to the next stop.

This burst of productivity is coming to an end, and the problems exposed after the bonus period are shocking.

Therefore, the Earth Kingdom has no choice now. Only a simultaneous internal and external war can absorb some of the disadvantages.

Onoki looked at the information in his hands tremblingly, feeling more and more desperate.

No one has ever used these perspectives to analyze the national situation. The country of earth is over.

But why does it feel like someone has specially designed it to reach this point? How come there is no room for struggle.

The Fourth Raikage's face looked ugly. The Kingdom of Earth had fallen into this situation, so how could the Kingdom of Thunder be any better?

Sure enough, Noah took out the second document.

The situation in the Kingdom of Thunder is slightly better than that in the Kingdom of Earth.

The strategy of becoming a technologically powerful country is still relatively correct, but it is biased towards military and heavy industry.

There were some weaknesses in light industry and people's livelihood, but fatal mistakes were made in the cultivation of grain.

With the increase in population and the advent of war, famine may occur.

There have always been some problems with food production in the mountain country.

These people's livelihood problems were finally solved after the opening of the Eastern Three Kingdoms trade routes, especially the sea trade.

But when the Ninja World War breaks out, the supply of food can no longer be guaranteed.

It seems that the Kingdom of Thunder has no choice.

When talking about this, everyone no longer had any expressions of gloating.

It is obvious that the internal problems in the Kingdom of Earth and the Kingdom of Thunder have reached a very serious point, but there is no way to solve them. This cannot be killed with a sword.

Okay, let me talk about the methods of the Akatsuki organization.

That's the Burning World, and we need one.

Oh, wait! Why don't we talk about the Kingdom of Water? Their problems should be serious too.

Raikage interrupted the meeting. Most of the maritime trade in the Kingdom of Thunder relies on the numerous seaports and routes in the Kingdom of Water to serve as hubs.

So I still care about my old neighbors.

Noah gave the opposite person a look, and the original plan was abandoned, so to speak.

Well, actually, I became the honorary leader of the Akatsuki organization some time ago.

Terumi Mei's words made Ohnoki, Yondaime Ai, and Rasa dumbfounded at the same time.

After the death of the Fourth Mizukage, after using the Flying Thunder God Kunai to attract Noah, the other party had already explained to her the economic and livelihood difficulties that the Kingdom of Water would face.

Being the decisive new Mizukage, she made a decision right then and there.

Find the best way out for the Kingdom of Water and the Hidden Mist Village.

As for the Daimyos of the Kingdom of Water, they are said to be among the first batch of Daimyos to be killed. There is not much to say.

For the sake of the Kingdom of Water, I hope everyone can understand.

Luo Sha's mood was a little strange.

What the hell, who in the world doesn’t know this?

The Hokage, Kazekage and Mizukage in the five major countries are all members of the Akatsuki organization, and this woman probably joined the organization before me.

That's a win.

This is equivalent to making the right decision at the last moment. Sure enough, I am the greatest shadow in the history of Sand Ninja Village.

And Onoki's face turned green.

You Mizukage, the Fourth Yagura's body is still cold, so you led everyone to the Western Continent.

In the previous meeting, he vowed to cause trouble for Kakashi, but now it seems that he is setting a trap for our two villages.

If they really fought together, and the Mizukage led the Kiri Ninja to switch sides, then the Tsuchikage and Raikage would be defeated.

It was a very dangerous situation, but Uchiha Madara had to expose the conspiracy in advance, otherwise they would have died without knowing any information.

Of course, nothing can be changed now. The big deal is that there are just a few more sensible people.

Then he looked at the Raikage in confusion. This black-skinned man had always been at odds with the Hokage, and kept making noises to beat Kakashi every day.

But the more this happens, the more suspicious it becomes, and he might have betrayed the Eastern Ocean Organization.

Lei Ying was furious and yelled, Shut up your eyes. I sit upright and have never done such a thing.

Onoki gave Raikage a thumbs up and then turned his head.

I am willing to join the Akatsuki organization. For the sake of peace in the ninja world and the safety of the Earth Kingdom, I think Ohnoki is a bit thin-faced.

The defection was very straightforward.

Nonsense, now it is obvious that the combat power of the Western Continent Convention completely crushes the two countries here.

The Kingdom of Earth, the Kingdom of Rain and the Kingdom of Fire are next to each other. This battle will be extremely embarrassing. They may be directly destroyed in internal and external difficulties.

The big name is gone, the country is being manipulated, the economic lifeline is in the hands of the other party, and there is no choice.

And without waiting for Noah to promise anything, he immediately began to persuade Raikage to surrender.

The general idea is that we do not call it betrayal for the sake of the villagers. Making the right choice for the sake of the country is the magnanimity of a shadow.

Do you really want to fight one against four? Raikage!

Standing in a positive position is called a positive stance.

The angry Raikage's face turned dark red, but there was nothing he could do.

He originally wanted to say something harsh.

The Thousand-Armed Buddha statue on the sea in the distance exploded directly, and the dark blue Susanoo also materialized.

Majestic outfit, Susanoo. Transform into a Buddha on top!

The Great Buddha of Susanata is about to destroy the world.

Uchiha Madara was so angry that he pushed his sweetheart's power to the extreme and activated the two's combined skills.

It's just that the two people opposite are not vegetarians. Noah's disciples are not weak to others.

Kakashi and Kyuubi also temporarily cooperated.

Majestic outfit·Susanohu.Nine-tailed fox!

Two behemoths are fighting on the sea, like a real god's mansion.

The ninja world is really small with the power to turn the world upside down.

Under such power, Raikage could only smile bitterly.

No matter who wins between Uchiha Madara and Noah, it doesn't take much effort to destroy them.

I was wondering why you didn't unify the five countries earlier if you have such power.

And the burning world, what stage has it reached.

As soon as these words came out, Raikage was also ready to surrender.

As long as it's not something anti-human like Eye of the Moon, there's no need to fight to the death.

“The Five Shadows, including the ninja system, are not the most important in our eyes.

What is difficult is the education and development of thousands of civilians, the establishment of a welfare system from scratch, the development and progress of science, and the conflict and integration of ideas.

You have been very successful in the existing East-West confrontation system.

Understand, confrontation can stimulate vitality.

We shadows are all tool people.

So what does a war that burns the world look like?

The so-called burning means to kill all the institutions and people of the old era.

It has been going on since I appeared in the Kingdom of Rain. Currently, the bottom system exists in name only, the middle system is in danger, and those at the top can only be destroyed by force.

So it's pretty much the same thing as burning the world.


A cheerful smile appeared on Noah's face, and the others felt cold in their hearts.

The burning world turned out to be like this.

Counting the impact of new ideas on the entire ninja world, it was really an alternative war mobilization worth hundreds of millions.

During this period, there was friction among the nobles and the rise of new forces. Everyone who died among them was more or less trapped by the times.

Before you know it, the world has been ignited by flames.

Are we losing now?

The Tsuchikage Raikage was a little confused, and the absurdity of how your destruction had anything to do with you appeared.

It seems that in the other party's plan, the existence of Ying is not that important.

Ninja is just a relatively useful tool in changing the world.

Humiliation? Yes, but I don’t know how to take revenge.

Fear? Yes, but there is no way to escape the vortex.

Alas~~Actually, I have a very gentle way of guiding you. It's just...

Looking at the crazy Uchiha Madara on the sea.

You understand.

So, for the sake of peace in the ninja world, are you willing to contribute.

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