Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1765 Special Five Shadows Meeting


Three rays of light and shadow filled the center of the Kingdom of Iron with darkness.

Uchiha Madara continuously integrates the power of the Six Paths into his body.

Slowly becoming familiar with the various characteristics and skills of Samsara Eye, the more you fight, the stronger you become.

Shenluo's celestial sign and all phenomena's celestial guidance.

The combination of gravity and repulsion became more and more proficient in his hands with his superb fighting instincts.

After combining tactics, it can play a decisive role in the duel between ninjutsu and taijutsu.

Chakra absorption, soul shock and other skills began to merge with the combat system left over from his kaleidoscope period.

The more you fight, the stronger your combat power becomes, and the more you fight, the higher you get.

Kakashi uses the power of divine power to cooperate with his superb swordsmanship and the ultimate lightning escape to engage in a battle of space and speed.

The use of divine power is superb, and the thunder chakra mode flashes in the form of light on the body surface.

It seems calm, but in fact, its power is highly restrained. Every time you touch it, the power to move mountains and reclaim seas instantly bursts out.

The Nine Lamas, on the other hand, used their endless magic chakra and the power of the fairy body to turn this place into a sea of ​​magic.

In the ninja world, all escape techniques based on the five elements of yin and yang have been reproduced.

Even magnetic escape, explosive escape and other blood stains combined with changes in chakra properties were also used.

The most egregious thing is that even three-attribute blood-stained eliminations like Dust Release cannot escape his grasp. He deserves the title of Doctor of Ninjutsu.

The natural energy is constantly tilting, and it can be clearly felt in the Three Holy Lands that the natural energy is gathering in the Kingdom of Iron.

Kakashi and Nine-Tails worked together to face Uchiha Madara's increasing combat power without any difficulty at all.

No matter how the opponent explodes, he can steadily suppress one end.

And the aftermath could scare the people watching the battle over there.

It's just that under Noah's supervision, not only can they not leave, but now they have to hold meetings.

The atmosphere was a little serious and weird for a moment, and the fluctuations coming from behind made everyone's hearts beat rapidly, but they had to read the information sent in front of them.

How can this meeting be held?


Noah glanced over, he needed someone to answer the question.

Two of the four people here are our own people, so it shouldn’t be difficult.

But he overestimated the abilities of a certain Kazekage.

At this time, Shuiying rolled his eyes, that Luo Sha was simply a fool, which was really embarrassing.

I can only allow myself to take on the role of a guide, which is a big plus.

What does Lord Noah want to tell us?

The promise Uchiha Madara said?

Onoki and the Fourth Ai looked at Mizukage with special admiration.

As a shadow, although I am not afraid of death, I also avoid fearless death.

At this time, Mizukage dared to ask such a sensitive question directly. He was really brave.

That's right, now that Madara has exposed it, I will speak out.

I hope everyone is mentally prepared. After all, everyone here is a good person who wants to benefit the ninja world, right?

Gudong, the three figures were a little nervous.

The shadow guards were also a little confused, as if something terrible was about to happen.

Yes, I met Uchiha Madara more than ten years ago.

He was already dying by that time.

Before he died, he found me to help Obito, the masked man in the Moon Organization, to complete the Eye of the Moon project.

After Noah admitted it personally, no one knew what to say.

It can only be said that part of the conspiracy behind this world has finally been revealed.

At the same time, he also stopped me because he didn't agree with the dream I shared with the elderly.

Uchiha Madara always thought I was an evil person, it's so ridiculous.

Huh? Why don't you laugh?

Let Madara Uchiha think there is nothing funny about the crazy plan

The expressions of the shadows were slightly stiff.

I have a plan called. Burn the World.

The specific content is indeed to start a war involving at least one million people.

But it's not evil or bloody at all.

Just as he was talking, a glazed light beam flew over, and the aura of destruction instantly covered the place.

It was Kyuubi's celestial tail beast jade that was bounced back by Uchiha Madara using the ability of six paths.

Noah shot back a five-layered Rashomon gate, guided the Tailed Beast Dama aside, and finally hit it directly into the sea, setting off a mushroom cloud.

Everyone was in shock, they almost died just now.

Noah seemed to be fine.

Go on, do you have anything else to ask?

The Tsuchikage wanted to ask if the meeting could be held at a different time and place.

But he didn't dare to say it. Ohnoki knew that if he was allowed to go back today, it would be absolutely impossible for the so-called Five Shadows Conference to be held again.

Who can bear to have to walk several times on the verge of death in every meeting?

Terumi Mei continued to play her role.

Can I ask Master Noah to tell you what the Burning World is?

Although she was also panicking, the more dangerous the environment, the better.

Very good, the question you asked is very profound.

Maybe everyone has misunderstanding about this term. Burning the world means burning the old world.

Then let the new world regenerate on the corpse of the old.

Furthermore, it has been burning for more than ten years. A lot of damn people have died, but the last part has not been burned. Please don't be nervous.

Nani! ?

It has been burning for more than ten years, how come they don’t know?

Ninjas are the most powerful class in this world.

In terms of intelligence, they are even more rigorous and terrifying. Every shadow knows the intelligence of their own country and village.

After the three wars, there was no major war in the ninja world except for the Thunder and Fire War.

There is not even a small friction, how did you burn it?

At this point, there was no need for Terumi Mei to guide them, and the Tsuchikage and others started asking questions directly.

Excuse me. What was burned?

Then Noah took out piles of information from the psychic scroll.

There is also a blackboard with a map of the ninja world on it, but it is covered with red marks here and there.

I'll tell you one by one.

First, let’s talk about the Kingdom of Wind.

Luo Sha is the honorary leader of our Akatsuki organization. He knows the situation in the Kingdom of Wind very well and can use this information for reference.

Luo Sha smiled.

Although he felt that what he knew and what the other party wanted to say might not completely overlap, it was always right to smile at this time.

“Tell me some interesting little stories about the construction of the Desert Train route in the Land of Winds.

In fact, there is a lot of controversy within the Kingdom of Wind over this route.

The minor masters and other big nobles are very willing to try to connect the oases.

There are huge differences in how to proceed, and who will pay for it, including the subsequent profit distribution.

Luo Sha nodded.

That's right, at that time, many nobles came to find them, hoping that the Suna Ninja would either protect the line construction or block the line construction. There were a lot of task orders.

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