Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1764 It feels so good to dig out my heart!

Although every tremor was an attempt to break through the control of the illusion, the mental defense was still retreating steadily.

Uchi. Ha. Madara, you.

The Nine-Tails, which had not yet released a serious ultimate move, was still helpless before restraining the power of the tailed beast, and its eyes gradually dimmed.

Kakashi was a little anxious, and began to use various ultimate moves randomly, but even this could not stop Uchiha Madara from recovering his pet.

The shadow blocked the Fifth Hokage very tenaciously.

In just a few minutes, the situation of the battle will be completely changed.

Uchiha Madara walked closer, ignoring Black Zetsu who was still imprisoned.

Seeing that Kyuubi's appearance had improved several levels, he smiled disdainfully.

The will is good, but only good.

It was just a fun show.

Let me put the collar on you again.

Master Ban reached out and planned to carve the psychic contract again.

Um? !

No, Kyuubi's vertical pupils have not been changed, it has not been controlled!

My eyesight goes dark, is it dark? ! ! !

The magic that can block the samsara eye. The magic of darkness!

Instinct told him to leave the place, but Kyuubi's trap was not so easy to escape.

Hua la la la la~~~~~

Within a thousandth of a second, the chains hidden on the ground fell like a dragnet. No matter how powerful Battle Rose was, her hands and feet were entangled and she was hoisted into the air.

The ultimate kill that had been prepared long ago had been carved into the earth's veins.

Immortal method. Five elements seal!

Immortal method. Positive and negative Bagua seal!

Immortal method. King Kong blockade!

Sealing technique! ! !

Kyuubi is the leading sealing master in the ninja world.

Moreover, he is also the orthodox successor of Uzumaki, and his techniques are all improved and high-end.

In particular, the move of King Kong Blockade once caught the fastest fourth Hokage in the ninja world, Namikaze Shuito, and trapped the god of ninja Senju Hashirama. Now even Shura in the ninja world is unable to escape!

Poof! ! !

White light flashed, a tail pierced Uchiha Madara's chest, and hot blood spilled to the ground.

Then he pulled it out ruthlessly, only the beating heart was wrapped around the tip of his tail!

The nine-tailed demon fox likes to eat its heart and liver. There is a legend that goes like this, right?

But people, it doesn't taste good.

Kyuubi's bad jokes echoed across the battlefield.

Hei Jue, who had his head covered in blood, was stunned. What did he see? !

Uchiha Madara! He was hung up with a diamond blockade, and then his heart was taken out! ! !

My vision went dark. Is this a dream?

And the eyes of the people watching the battle in the distance are about to pop out. Is this a victory?

It's not that the Kyuubi is not strong, but shouldn't the battle be a more cruel and heaven-destroying battle to determine the winner?

At the very least, the entire Iron Kingdom shouldn't exist in order to be worthy of the big shots participating in the war.

Mifune thought so too.

The four shadows are the main dish, the Hokage turns the tide, and the Kyuubi determines the outcome.

Is the end of such a mythical battle too childish?

Noah then said while preparing the materials for the meeting.

Even half a Sage of Six Paths has embarked on an inhuman path. Coupled with the existence of his beloved Hashirama, he cannot die.

Hashirama's physique is even more powerful than Shiro Zetsu's physical body and is a legend of immortality.

Even Madara himself was half kicked out by Ye Kai in the original timeline, but he fully recovered in the blink of an eye.

Naruto and Sasuke are also people who have died once, and they still cheat and return.

Therefore, the boundary between life and death is not very accurate in some special situations.

Madara only made this mistake because of his long-term contempt for tailed beasts and his confidence in the power of the Rinnegan.

After all, the Samsara Eye really has the power to create and destroy the world. He is also the strongest person after the Sage of Six Paths who truly embarked on the road to surpassing the ninja.

You should have this kind of confidence. Who would worry about the little pet back then?

Compared to humans, tailed beasts have their limits.

Kirabi and the tailed beast inside the bubble didn't say a word. The tailed beast was indeed a bit underwhelming in front of the monster.

Noah continued.

Madara will probably be very angry, so the real battle will come next.

The people watching the battle had cold sweats on their faces, and they would not die even if their hearts were dug out.

Is it just a warm-up before the real battle?

Of course, it was just a warm-up. Uchiha Madara died before a formal battle after opening the Rinnegan.

His previous battle with Kakashi was also to familiarize himself with his own combat power.

So the fun is about to begin, but Kyuubi should be very happy now.

Of course the nine lamas present were happy.

It was so refreshing to have a heart-wrenching conversation with Madara Uchiha.

Hey~~ You won't die like this.

Madara, you are too dangerous.

Uchiha Madara, who was hanging on the King Kong Blockade, slowly raised his head, and his beloved, whose chest was exposed, was running Muji Healing at full speed.

The power in Samsara's eyes was already brewing like a storm.

Were you also changed by Noah, Kyuubi.

Next, I will tell you with strength.

This contradictory world created by Hashirama should be destroyed.

Shinra. Tianzheng!

The repulsive force without attributes began to erupt with Uchiha Madara as the center.

As the true master of the Samsara Eye, Super Shinra Tianzheng's power has no restrictions.

The huge power shattered the endless chains, shattered the seals of the five elements, and shattered the earth.

The terrifying repulsive force expanded rapidly, and the boundary was constantly shattering everything in the material world.

Fuck me!

Kyuubi swallowed the reincarnation eye, and then quickly evacuated the place, one kilometer, five kilometers, ten kilometers.

The range of the white light has far exceeded the one-hit kill technique that Nagato used when he declared war.

Kakashi also used his Kamui to escape the area, and Uchiha Madara went crazy.

Black Jue was pressed to the endless underground.

The people watching the battle group felt very lucky, glad that they and others had run far enough.

Look at the white light shining on the earth like the sun.

The destruction area of ​​more than ten kilometers is too scary.

At the same time, there is also a strange feeling, that is, right, this is the taste.

Such a battle must have such a big scene, and even Mifune felt relieved.

When the white light dissipated, a super-large place of death appeared, and the crater had swallowed up everything here.

Noah spoke slowly.

You are happy too early. A god with infinite power over his emotions will not be able to restrain himself.

Six Paths Sage is a rare strong man. If Madara cannot control his mind, he will only become the next Otsutsuki.

Sure enough, Kyuubi and Kakashi suffered a second round of blows before they returned.

Three more meteorites that were twice as big as before appeared in the sky, trailing long tail flames and falling down. This was a determination to wipe out all life on the earth together with them.

The nine tails are numb.

We can't let him go crazy anymore.

Kakashi, go back and continue fighting.

I will go back to help you after I deal with the meteorite.

The troops were divided into two groups, and Kakashi immediately returned to the main battlefield and began to deal with enemies who were several times more dangerous.

The Nine-Tails stepped on the ground and restored its true body.

Mobilize chakra, mobilize natural energy, and then use the power of will to force the fusion.

Immortal method. Tailed beast jade*3!

Three beams of light shot into the air, directly shattering the meteorite.

A large amount of stone debris fell like rain, and the Iron Kingdom had no more left.

Even the Nine Lamas found it difficult to mobilize so much energy at once.

Uchiha Madara, this old guy, can't afford to play with him.

Why don't you just blow him away and then set a trap to take out his heart?

Jiulama rushed to the battlefield helplessly, its revenge was not over yet.

Then the blood-curdling chakra fluctuations hit the battlefield one after another.

The spectator group is numb.

Noah finally sorted out all the information at this time.

Sorry, I came in a bit haste.

Originally, I was supposed to tell everyone in the high tower of the Land of Rain or in an auditorium with a more suitable scene, but the misunderstanding caused by Uchiha Madara was a bit big.

It's better for us to explain things clearly here to avoid causing you some unnecessary casualties.

Good guy!

Causing you unnecessary casualties

This is quite realistic. (End of chapter)

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