Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1762 The Shock of the One-Eyed Dance King

Black Zetsu rushed to the Kingdom of Iron.

It is very difficult to move forward in the earth veins, with deep pits and chasms everywhere.

But this can't stop a fiery heart.

Ahead was Kakashi's sword energy and ninjutsu storm, but he still plunged in without hesitation.

After passing through countless aftermaths and going deep into the center of the battlefield, he finally got the chance to break out.

I'm late, Madara-sama.

Master Ban is in a good mood. He was in such a good mood now despite being depressed before.

He was definitely the male protagonist of a cool novel, so he smiled evilly.

No, just right.

To be honest, Madara's domineering aura can still control this kind of smile.

Seeing the appearance of Black Zetsu, Kakashi's attack accelerated significantly, and red power faintly appeared on the sword.

To make a filial son feel intimidated is to damage his will power.

In a hurry, he could only hold out an eye and then sneak into the ground again, avoiding dozens of subsequent immortal spells to clean the ground.

Madara excitedly took the eyeball without washing it, and stuffed it into his eye socket with a pop.

Then he opened his eyes, and the bloodshot eyes in Samsara's eyes had not dissipated.

What a wonderful feeling.

The filling of the power of all things made him feel fuller, and the feeling of weakness was dispelled.

Then he smeared the blood on his palms.

Seeing this scene, Hei Jue opened his mouth to remind him, but it was too late.

Psychic art!


Huge smoke rose into the sky, and the flow of chakra was very real.

But there was nothing in the smoke.


My heretic golem is wrong. It’s not the golem’s fault, it’s my eyes!

Uchiha Madara felt something was wrong. Why did he feel a strange emptiness from his samsara eyes, as if he hadn't slept for several days and nights.

The terrifying resilience of the power of the universe cannot be repaired in a short time.

Even if he could locate the heretic demon, he couldn't summon it. Currently, he was unexpectedly embarrassed with only one eye.

Gritting his teeth, Madara broke through his defense again.

He actually attacked the Immortal Eyes. He was originally worried that the trio from the Land of Rain would die together if they knew the truth, so he agreed to let Noah keep Nagato in his custody.

In the end, did this group of people really not take their own things seriously and use their samsara eyes to plow the fields? !

That guy Nagato is really good

My eyes. You are going too far!

The absence of the heretic golem will not affect Madara's combat power at all. After all, the current Ten-Tails body is just a body.

Kakashi on the opposite side felt the ultimate sense of crisis, and the Dance King began to go crazy.

So they immediately bullied him and the two faced off again, but the situation was completely different.

Even Uchiha Madara with only one Rinnegan is incredibly powerful.

The instinct of recovery and the terrifying eye power.

The combat power has far exceeded the performance of the dirty earth body, and even in close combat, it can still fight back a few times.

What's more, some of the unique skills of the Samsara Eye can also be released.

Wheel tomb. Border prison!

The unique ability of Madara's Rinnegan is to use the Rinne Grave to split his own shadow. The shadow can be used to block the opponent's attack for the main body, and can also be used to surprise the opponent.

But now he has one eye, so he can only distinguish a shadow.

But even a shadow can defeat nine tailed beasts based on Madara's fighting power.

Of course, the most important feature is that ordinary people can neither see nor perceive these shadows. Only those with the Samsara Eye can see these shadows, and those who have learned the Six Paths Immortal Technique can perceive these shadows.

Even the top Eternal Kaleidoscope couldn't see through it. The second pillar was pierced through without being arrogant after a few blows.

Logically speaking, Kakashi shouldn't be able to see it either.

So from Madara's perspective, the shadow had already circled around this hateful bastard and struck hard.

It's just Kakashi. He can see it.

Although his eyes were not visible, he could clearly see the movements of the illusory shadow.


In the eyes of the outside world, it just happened to be sideways to avoid this attack, and then continued to kill.

Good luck, come again!

A thunderous blow from the top of the head! The tailed beast can resist, but the human body can only die!


Can you see?!

Madara, who swung empty for the second time, didn't believe it was luck.

He asked in disbelief, could it be

Practice to the highest level of Shuangyue Swordsmanship will make one's five senses sharper, and one can detect the breath and emotional changes of surrounding creatures, and avoid danger.

Nonsense, Madara really wants to complain like this.

When did this kind of power appear in the world of ninjas?

The limit of the power of perception is that of Hashirama and the Uzumaki clan.

Kakashi continued to answer seriously.

This kind of power is an innate ability, and it exists like instinct. It can be naturally activated when you practice swordsmanship and mind, and reach the realm of swordsman. If you practice it to the extreme, you can even predict the future.

The look like you don't understand because you are not a swordsman really frightened this battle-experienced battlefield rose.

It is precisely because of many years of bloody battles that I have learned that the power and use of the ninja world are all kinds of weird. It is not like I have never cut down miko, monsters and similar things.

And he has never seen Noah's swordsmanship that goes beyond the limits of the human world, so this argument is surprisingly reasonable.

If he wasn't so powerful, how could he be his opponent?

It just feels very subtle.

Even if it can be sensed, the shadow can still divert Kakashi's attention.

When the battle resumes, Madara, who has only one reincarnation eye, has the belief that he will win.

And once both eyes are gathered together, killing the Fifth Hokage is just a simple matter.

So Madara looked for an opportunity to join Black Zetsu while fighting.

Kakashi was fighting Madara Uchiha while enlarging his moves to bombard Black Zetsu underground.

Endless power is exerted through divine power, and the hit rate is extremely high.

It's just that Black Zetsu can be regarded as a special life form with extremely strong vitality. He has suffered a lot of beatings in the battle of wits and courage with the Akatsuki organization over the years.

Ninjutsu is just a matter of washing the floor and sprinkling water.

The scene was a bit stalemate for a while.

You chase me, and I chase you. The outcome of the battle depends on who makes the mistake.

No, the only one who can't make mistakes is Black Zetsu.

The people watching the battle also figured out something. The abilities of several Kage to read the battle situation and analyze intelligence were top-notch.

It seems that the black skin of the month organization has Uchiha Madara's back-up, and if they want to help the Fifth Hokage, now is the best time to intervene.

No matter what conspiracy is behind the Akatsuki organization, at least I don't want to be thrown into a genjutsu and live like a fool.

Kumo Ninja can fight to the death, but he cannot be fooled.

Raikage was going to fight tooth and nail, he couldn't let Uchiha Madara win.

The Tsuchikage sighed, since Deidara was in the village, the brat would be fine.

It's better to give it a try, even if the ninja world really fights against Iwagakure Village, there is nothing to fear. (End of chapter)

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