Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1761 Resurrection, the real madman is coming

The Immortal of Six Paths outside the world sighed as he looked at the manifestation of the power of the outside world.

The fate of Indra's reincarnation

It's just that the rules are the rules. Unless he intervenes personally, he can only watch everything continue.

Invisible waves emanated from the cave, crossing time and space and arriving at Uchiha Madara, who was fighting Kakashi in the air.

This flaw in the stunned mind was discovered by Kakashi, and the divine power slashed through Susana to Uchiha Madara's body, knocking him to the ground.

However, the victor looked solemn as he landed on the ground and put away Susan.

When Uchiha Madara fell to the ground just now, there was extreme joy in his eyes.

The art of heretics.

If the teacher doesn't come, I may really have to open my eyes to the next battle.

Not only Kakashi felt troubled, but the spectators in the distance were not happy about Uchiha Madara's fall.

A heart-stopping feeling rose from the large hole in the ground.

Green light appeared and fell into it from unknown places.


The laughter came from there.

The powerful momentum swept across all directions, directly sweeping away the smoke and dust.

The cracks in his body have disappeared, the beating of his heart has returned, and the strongest legend in the ninja world has truly emerged from the past.

This is what a heartbeat feels like.

Sure enough, this is the only way to feel passionate!

Feeling the temperature, breathing, and the smell of war in the air.

It feels so good to be back!

Clenching his fists, the fluctuations of chakra became more vivid.

After being fully resurrected, the Samsara Eye in Uchiha Madara's eyes also turned into ashes.

The reincarnation of the dirty earth will restore all the states before death, and the only thing that can be combined with its own power after true resurrection is the universe.

So temporarily losing his eyesight, he was at his weakest stage.

But don't worry, Black Zetsu's Mayfly Technique only moves slightly slower than time and space.

At this moment, Hei Jue was indeed traveling at high speed across the earth with his two reincarnation eyes, as if he were teleporting over short distances.

Just today, remove all obstacles and resurrect mom! ! !

In the battlefield, Mr. Ban was confidently waiting for the express delivery, and at the same time, he was prepared to say a few words.

Before the return of my reincarnation eye

Uchiha Madara, who was about to say something, suddenly paused. He had a premonition that there might be a catastrophe if he didn't leave.

But it can only be regarded as an inner demon in a weak period.

A strong person will have weak emotions when he is weak, but he, Uchiha Madara, is a man who has defeated him countless times and ignores all this.

Besides, with the healing power of Muji given by his sweetheart, it would be very difficult for him to die.

So he said to Kakashi even more arrogantly.

Do you really not regret it now?

I will become half a Six Paths Immortal soon, and then the world will be under my control.

Peace is coming!

Then there was a sword energy.

Kakashi would not tolerate this guy, and the oppressive attacks continued, but Uchiha Madara was like a small boat in the wind and waves.

No matter how fierce the attack is, a way out can be found.

All his six senses have returned, and his fighting instinct at this time is completely different from before.

The spectators in the distance were even more anxious.

It turned out to be a resurrection that violated the law of life and death? !

Moreover, after being resurrected and not retreating without the reincarnation eye, it shows that Uchiha Madara has the means to make a comeback.

He will soon be half a Six Paths Immortal. Damn!

The ups and downs of emotions controlled the four shadows' mentality.

They are too far away from the battlefield now. If they were closer, they could pounce directly and pay a huge price to kill one of the two terrors.

Metkai Jonin, do you have a way to contact the Hokage?

Let Kakashi find his special move and kill that ghost immediately.

Kai reluctantly said that he must believe in Lord Hokage and believe that justice will prevail.

Ohnogi was anxious and his head was full of blood. What you Hokage and his teacher planned was a war between the ninja world, okay? Don't say that justice will prevail.

I must have been seriously injured, otherwise I should have raised my thick eyebrows first.

And Uchiha Madara's hunch just now was right, because Noah is here.

Just as the two Susanas were fighting in the sky, Noah brought Sarutobi Hiruzen to the border of the Iron Kingdom.


What about the Iron Kingdom?

They only saw a large number of civilians evacuating to neighboring countries under the protection of samurai, while several huge dog-headed earth flow walls blocked the direction of the battlefield to reduce the aftermath.

The original country of warriors has become a Jedi even more desolate than the country of Wave.

It seems that Kakashi failed to control it and escalated the situation.

Through some means, Noah already knew what happened before.

In order to recruit Kakashi, Uchiha Madara, the talkative person, also revealed the previous agreement between the two. It seemed that everything was exposed.

This is very interesting.

I have to say that this villain may not be good at doing bad things, but he is still very talented at disrupting other people's plans, and he actually ruined several of his subsequent plans based on his impulse.

If only this guy had endured for a long time, or had not rushed Sarutobi Hiruzen to Konoha in advance, the situation would not have become so dangerous.

Noah's original plan was to have Hiruzen Sarutobi appear at the Five Shadows Conference at the right time and throw all the blame in the ninja world to Black Zetsu and Uchiha Madara.

Even the VCR, which had the other four daimyo replaced by Shiro Zetsu, was ready.

Xiaobai also recorded the evidence of exposure in Daming City of the Kingdom of Wind.

Throwing this pot up means that Hei Jue can't wash away his grievances even if he wants to clean himself up.

The five villages were then urged to join forces to defeat the big boss, while Noah was responsible for maintaining the surrounding battlefields in secret.

planA's plan is really perfect.

As a result, Uchiha Madara didn't wait for resurrection and came to the Five Shadows Conference to start the battle.

In order to protect the four shadows and avenge Obito, Kakashi could only use all his firepower.

His combat prowess has been exposed so much that he can't hide the things he did during his previous acting.

Can't blame Kakashi.

Noah said when he was teaching his apprentices that the key to practicing Shuangyue Kendo is to obey one's own will.

Now that it's like this, let's just forget about the plan.

Isn’t it the teacher’s job to solve problems for his disciples?

What we need to think about now is how to end this battle. Now is not the time for the sacred tree to appear.

Several tailed beasts are still on the moon.

Sarutobi Hiruzen also felt in trouble, he couldn't think of any solution.

Hahahaha. I've already said it, in the end, just do it regardless of the situation.

That method of guiding you no longer works, so let me help you.

A white fox emerged from Noah's body and stepped on his shoulder.

Looking at the old acquaintance in the distance, he showed a ferocious smile. The two heroes of the ninja world want to have their share of rain and dew.

Nine Lamas. That’s fine.

He took out a scroll and gave it to Hiruzen next to him.

This is planE. Remember to burn it after reading it.

Leave the Iron Kingdom first. As the Three-Tailed Jinchuuriki, you will definitely encounter Madara.

When Sarutobi Hiruzen walked away, Noah let go of the fox's hand.

This guy is much more impulsive than Kakashi.

You can go now.

What if I beat Madara Uchiha to death?

Then he should die here, and I will use other methods to release Princess Kaguya.



Did someone tell you that you were a madman?

After saying that, the Nine Tails turned into a white light and ran away into the distance.

Sorry, the last stage of writing is very tiring.

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