Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1745 The Preparation of a Great Power

It is true that one automatically accepts the fate of the village.

In that case, let me first show you the big secret related to the Kingdom of Water.

A piece of video data slowly unfolded, showing the fall of the Daming City in the Kingdom of Water, and the white monster replaced the top level of the country.

That's why the water country does it

Noah began to explain to Terumi Mei the difficulties that the Kingdom of Water will face.

Including his own traps in the economic war, if he doesn't cooperate, there are countless ways to cause Kirigakure Village to collapse in advance and defeat one of the top five without any blood.

Who knew Sarutobi Hiruzen had such good control over the village? Some restraint methods were easily used.

The ninja world and the pirate world are fundamentally different.

That is because the background of the world is that ninjas are a cold profession, and they care more about profit and loss.

It is difficult to develop so many like-minded people in more than ten years just by relying on the future, dreams, and visions.

After all, the interests of ninjas will be damaged before and after the world changes, so the confrontation between East and West was designed.

Kakashi himself has been training for more than ten years and naturally understands the teacher's philosophy, and his mind has been expanded to the limit.

As for other movies

Noah would not bet at the last moment whether a movie star would be ruthless in making a comeback, so it is understandable to use both soft and hard tactics.

These methods indeed made Terumi Mei's heart more stable and no longer wavering.

When the new Mizukage returned to Mizukage's office, his eyes were filled with ambition, and he suddenly understood that guy Rasa a little bit.

But I'm not that licking dog, I have more united front value.

I did not expect the reality of the world, the development of the world, and the confrontation between the Eastern and Western camps.

Including the final Eye of the Moon and the enemies, they now seem to be just scenery on the road.

The big shot who decides the fate of the ninja world?

No matter what kind of hero you are, in that person's eyes, it's not more important than ordinary people eating an extra piece of meat.

Since we can't escape the fate of being controlled, we might as well turn the world upside down.

Just thinking about the Tsuchikage and Raikage makes me feel so pitiful.

I'm afraid they are the only ones still fighting the Akatsuki organization on the front line now.

the next day.

Based on the various strategies and secret information in the letter from the Fourth Mizukage 2.0, Terumi Mei began to talk to people in the real power department.

Almost everyone who walked out of the office was sweating, and looked a little unnatural, as if they were being manipulated.

Within two or three days, most of the people in Kirigakure were completely controlled.

Others were not idle while Mizukage was sorting out the village.

Before the start of the world war, every movie had its own thing.

Raikage is undergoing final training, trying to get into the best condition before the battle.

He had a premonition that the third battle with the Fifth Hokage was coming.

Can't lose, really can't lose again.

No one in the past Raikage's record was as ugly as his own, except for the first generation.

But things in the first generation were excusable. No matter how amazing and talented they were at that time, they were severely suppressed by two perverts.

He inherited the powerful Cloud Hidden Village and faced the weak Konoha Village.

As a result, they suffered repeated defeats, and even the battles between villages were lost.

How can we be willing to do so!

The humiliation that was spared last time must be returned!

Talent is not enough and technology is not enough to make it up.

The Scientific Research Department specially customized anti-illusion tactical glasses for him, with attached armor and a large number of heavy weapons, which can definitely bring out the strongest power of Thunder Release.

After experiments, the single-round attack power can be said to be twice as strong as before. The limit of a single chakra cannon is powerful enough to seriously injure the Eight-Tails.

'Bi' can prove this. He lay in the hospital for a week, and Niu Gui was also frightened by the progress of human technology.

When he went to Konoha to take the chunin exam, he didn't bring any equipment, otherwise the Fourth Mizukage would never have left scars on his body.

What's more, since the policy of strengthening the country through science has been implemented, countless scientific research results have been produced, and the vast majority are in the military industry.

Transportation vehicles, mass-produced weapons, etc. all consume a lot of resources in the village.

The torrent of steel technology is hidden in Yunyin Village, waiting for the day when it will be shocking!

Among the mountains, the fourth generation thunder shadow looked up to the sky and roared.


The Raikage couldn't wait, and the Tsuchikage wasn't idle either.

While building the defense on the western front, I also had a heart-to-heart talk with my old friend Mifune.

Mifune, you and I are both old men.

For the sake of peace in the ninja world, this is the best time for the Five Kage talks. You shouldn't refuse.

You don't want all the people in the Iron Kingdom to be devastated.

It was a similar statement last time, and Mifune believed it.

The combined pressure of the three Eastern Kingdoms was too strong and had to be held.

At that time, he felt that the country of the samurai could be regarded as a famous and powerful force in the ninja world, and those who came would more or less treat him less favorably.

Moreover, the Kingdom of Rain did get a lot of benefits by convening the meeting first. If the Kingdom of Iron could take over this important task, wouldn't it be a flying dragon in the sky?

Besides, war is never that easy to start.

As a result, the five-kilometer pit has now become a famous historical attraction, and the 100-foot giant Buddha in the Land of Waves can be regarded as the pinnacle of human power.

What's more, now that the Fourth Ninja World War is about to begin, how could the purpose of the Five Kage Conference be for peace?

These bastards must have their own plans. There is no way the war will start in the Iron Kingdom first.

Why don't you go to the Country of Rain to hold the Five Shadows Conference? As long as you say it, the Country of Rain will definitely agree.

Mifune's last struggle was defeated by Ohnoki's frankness.

The old man's words were very direct.

Don't dare.

Since you didn't stop it the first time, you can't stop it the second time.

It is recorded in the history after the war that because Mifune, the leader of the Iron Kingdom, refused the Five Kage Talks of the five major powers, the Ninja World War resulted in the destruction of all living beings.

I'm afraid you will live with guilt in your next life, and even your descendants will be cursed.

Onoki has always been very stable when it comes to not being the right person.

Seeing that Mifune was a little firm in his refusal, he decisively began to threaten and slap him.

The leader of the Samurai Kingdom quickly figured it out when he saw this scene.

History is written by the victors. If the West wins, the Iron Country will definitely not have good things to say if it belongs to the Eastern Ocean camp.

If the east side wins, he will not have a good reputation if he is so uncooperative. For the sake of world peace, he may have to accuse himself of causing a war.

So he broke the pot and agreed to send invitation letters to the five major ninja villages.

That's right, old friend. Living in the ninja world, there is no neutrality.

In just one day, the news that Mifune, the leader of the Iron Country, invited the Five Shadows to come to the Iron Country to start a meeting among the Five Shadows and wanted to eliminate the war before it started has spread throughout the ninja world.

Countless people have pinned their hopes on the past at this moment. No one wants to fight.

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