Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1744 The Fifth Mizukage made a decision

The complex expression on Terumi Mei's face after reading the letter is really indescribable.

It turns out that water shadowing is such a dangerous job.

In the letter left by Yagura, he very frankly admitted that he had been controlled by the enemy using illusions before he became the Fourth Mizukage.

Under the control of the Mangekyou Sharingan eye power, the blood mist policy was intensified, and the ninjas in the village were continuously slaughtered.

Including many of the idiotic closed policies at the time, they all came from Mizukage 1.0.

The destruction of the Taketori clan and the Snow clan was caused during this period.

That idiot had an unforgettable hatred for the village. He was truly running towards the destruction of Kirigakure and wantonly manipulated the village into its fate.

According to the investigation, this is related to a mission carried out by the third generation Mizukage to attack Konoha Village with a tailed beast.

It's a pity that he was directly controlled before he could put things right.

It was only when the new Mizukage 2.0 arrived that these ridiculous things ended.

The village got on the right track and even started to make great strides forward.

To a certain extent, Yagura doesn't have much hatred for the second person who controls his life, but only endless fear.

Because there is a bigger conspiracy and a deeper hidden hand behind 2.0.

There is a high probability that the entire ninja world has been manipulated by the people behind the scenes, and resistance is impossible.

He did not regain consciousness until the last period of his life.

He relied on his own judgment to make the best decision for the village.

Terumi Mei Jounin, maybe my departure will bring a crisis of destruction to the village, but it is also an opportunity for new life.

Seize this opportunity and you can become the greatest 5th generation Mizukage in history.

The information in this letter just sent chills to the bones of the Fifth Mizukage.

The cruel reality after the long-standing tacit understanding was broken is really unbearable for ordinary people.

Fortunately, Terumi has a big heart and has achieved half of her life goal, which is to become the Mizukage.

The other half is to find a lover to marry off.

Yakura-sama, I will help cover up your fate.

The second letter is Mizukage 2.0, which is the letter from Hiruzen Sarutobi.

This was the message he left behind because he had a premonition that Uchiha Madara might hold him hostage.

The opening chapter is simple, a direct acknowledgment of one’s identity.

The old man, Hiruzen Sarutobi, was formerly the Third Hokage of Konoha and temporarily took over as the Fourth Mizukage.

The first sentence choked Terumi Mei so much, and threw away the dignity of our Kirigakure Village, you bastard!

There was not a trace of guilt in the letter.

He even described without any foreshadowing how the village's policies would be implemented if he were not around.

Includes several aspects of war preparations, processes that require greater oversight, and the real assets of the village.

Including what weaknesses can be exploited by those in the powerful departments, the money embezzled by a certain purchasing manager, and which family head under Terumi Mei is the second and fifth son, who has always wanted to join the Western Continent Convention.

There are even very detailed descriptions of the words and methods for dealing with the Tsuchikage and Raikage, as well as the attitude towards the Western Continent Convention, etc.

Those things were written on the entire page, and there was no explanation for him to take the place of Mizukage to direct the next actions of Kirigakure Village.

It can be said that the whole article is very pragmatic.

Finally wrote.

Everything I wanted to get during my time in control of Kirigakure Village has been accomplished, so don't have too many doubts. Of course, remaining skeptical is also a very good quality.

Inikigaki Kisame is a very good Kirigakure ninja. He has his own firm beliefs and ethics, so he is a very trustworthy subordinate.

In the end, the ending of this world is far more than just the battle between the five villages, but the changes of the great era.

The so-called ultimate enemy can only destroy the world in terms of force, but in terms of spiritual consciousness, he will always be weak.

After reading this letter, Mei Terumi chewed it over and over again.

After all, a previous Kage who knew the village so well left detailed and targeted information, which would be of great use to the Fifth Mizukage who had just taken over.

You can get started immediately and even control the entire village.

After all, with so many cards in hand, she can easily command the elders in the village.

It's just that it's hard to look directly at Sarutobi Hiruzen.

The other party has actually done so much for Kirigakure Village. It is outrageous that he has done more than the previous Mizukage. All of you Kage in Konoha have nothing to do, right?

Even if you have strong office skills, don't run around randomly. Do you really think this is your own village?

After reading it, I destroyed the two letters at the same time and decisively opened the third unsigned letter.

She wanted to see how sacred this was!

Want to see the real world?

At the bottom is a series of Kirigakure's unique passwords as well as the address and the solution to the sealing technique.

The Fifth Mizukage had a premonition that the real world would explode people's brains.

A secret passage was opened underground from Mizukage's office, leading to a secret room engraved with sealing spells.

This protection specification completely separates the room from the soil.

Aura shielding barrier, self-destruction seal, sixteen methods of unsealing.

A person of insufficient skill might have been killed without even entering the room.

There were only two chairs and a table covered with papers in the secret room.

There was a kunai stuck on the table, with a heart-stopping incantation on it. According to the intelligence, it should be the Flying Thunder God.

Flying Thunder God? !

This truth is really a bit scary, but also a bit reasonable.

Otherwise, how could Sarutobi Hiruzen leave the letter with such a confident look.

Just the defection of the Third Hokage was a drama that deceived the whole world. It was really terrifying.

Setting such a trap is definitely not just a plot for a mere Kirigakure village.

She did not contact the other side through Fei Lei Shen for the first time, but looked through the various plans spread out on the table.

Terumi Mei, immersed in the information, saw the Kirigakure Education Reform Policy 3.0.

Ninja clan differentiation and weakening plan 2.5, retired ninja re-employment plan 1.0

A draft opinion on navigation and trade construction, a geographical survey of the five most suitable trading ports in the Kingdom of Water, and a modern shipbuilding technical manual.

The more she read these original materials, the more shocked she became. The wisdom contained in them was as deep as the ocean.

Most of the mystery of Kirigakure's transformation has been solved, leaving only the final confirmation.

She decisively injected her own chakra into the kunai to send the signal.

First meeting, the Fifth Mizukage.

I thought I would be facing a team of Kirikage ninjas, but I didn't expect it to be so calm.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was very discerning in choosing you as the fifth generation. If he had done such a good job in Konoha, Kakashi would be an ordinary jounin now.

A figure arrived here across an unknown distance.

Terumi Mei kept her posture very low and spoke the truth.

No matter how many people come, they will not be your opponent.

If it weren't for the fact that the person coming had a very high martial arts value, she wouldn't really be willing to look down upon him.

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