Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1724 The epitome of war

Then let us unite and defeat those rookies in the Western Continent under the eyes of the whole world!

The fighting spirit is aroused!

This scene made the five shadows have different thoughts.

Hokage, don't you think this method is very similar to the current situation in the ninja world, which infinitely reduces the scale of the conflict.

Teams seek allies, and ninja villages form alliances, and then there are alliances between major ninja villages.

The countries of the Eastern Ocean Pact and the Western Continent Pact are destined to form their own alliances.

Could this be a preview?

Ohnoki's words were filled with the flavor of war.

In this huge primitive jungle, the two major camps are mainly fighting against each other. How is this different from a smaller version of the war?

How could Konoha organize a competition without thinking about this.

Don't you have confidence in the Tsuchikage?

Kakashi's words instantly ignited the fire in the conference room, and several Kage sat up straight at the same time.

The power of the Will of Stone will crush any enemy!

He said this, but the old man felt a little panicked.

Deidara is his personal disciple and has been studying explosive clay ninjutsu, which has reached an extremely terrifying level in terms of destructive power.

It's just that the style is slutty, and the ideas are a bit dangerous and unstable.

Granddaughter of Kurotsuchi.

The strength is not bad, but it is not bad at all. She and Deidara were usually not very good at dealing with each other, so they didn't know if they could organize the village's fighting power.

Raikage crossed his arms with endless fighting intent in his eyes.

What Kumo Ninja lost in Konoha, I will definitely get it back this time!

He has great faith in Darui's ability and combat prowess.

This new generation was trained as the next generation of Raikage, although the status of 'genin' was somewhat unimportant.

But as a ninja, you have to be unexpected.

You can temporarily give up a little bit of face for victory. I think other ninja villages will make similar moves.

Kumo Ninja? Your ability to speak big words is still the same as before.

Luo Sha was full of aggression at the moment. He had already seen the outcome of this exam.

Gaara and the others have been training in Kyuubi's special training class for two years, and their combat power has been completely transformed.

The ninjas in the village will definitely be led by these three people and will not waver in any way.

And because they trained together with the new generation of Konoha, their tacit understanding was also stronger than that of their opponents.

As long as everyone in the Western Continent Convention countries unites, we will win!

There is no war in the Death Forest yet, but the meeting room is preparing for a fight first.

Raikage could not accept the ridicule of Rasa, a lackey of Konoha.

It's really ugly to look completely defeated.

Kazekage also looked down on the way Yondaime Ai pretended to be cool even though his life was spared.

They are enemies anyway, so there is no need to be nice.

The two people's auras exploded and they refused to give in to each other. The Tsuchikage silently supported the Raikage, while the Mizukage.

The water shadow is like an old Buddha in meditation, very silent.

All the seedlings from Kirigakure Village were brought this time, and they performed very well.

It may not be as exciting as other ninja villages, but the kid from the Oniden family and several ninjas from the White Clan are both remarkable.

As long as you survive, it doesn't matter what your goal is.

The chaotic and strange scene did not move Kakashi.

You guys, you underestimate Teacher Noah's methods too much. How can you succeed in a mere confrontation between east and west?

There was a commotion in the conference room, and the outside world was boiling.

Now even the uncle selling takoyaki on the street can see what the drama is about in the second exam.

Isn't this the river of blood that all the spectators are looking forward to?

As a result, the sales of competitive lottery tickets from the outside world became even more popular, and the level of national participation was terrifyingly high.

It can only be said that this time the joint chuunin examination organized by Konoha is making history.

The atmosphere in the field also completely ignited after the last ninja finished standing in line.

Someone has already taken out a kunai and plans to have a big fight here.

Even the leaders of both sides find it difficult to control their teammates. After all, they have just formed an alliance and have not yet experienced a break-in.

call out!

A kunai fell from the sky, stimulating the nerves of all the candidates.

Prepare to throw kunai, form seals, sprint, and the adrenaline will burst.


Ah! Humph! What!

Invisible forces appeared outside the examination room,

A horrifying mental shock swept across the entire venue, making these candidates' eyes darken, as if their heads had been hit hard with a sledgehammer.

Those who were not determined even kept retreating, their faces pale.

Class 7 was the first to react.

It's Lord Noah!

Everyone turned to look, and at the spot where the kunai had just landed, a familiar figure was looking at everyone.

I am the Hokage's secretary and the examiner for this session.

So all candidates, please put away your weapons and stay calm.

Is this boss invigilating the exam?

Everyone immediately became honest and cooperated 100%.

You have all guessed the content of the second test, which is to compete in a small team for the opponent's Book of Heaven and Earth in the Forest of Death.

As for the means and methods, there are no restrictions. Even killing the opponent is allowed.

The time is three days, and after three days I only need 10 people to stand in front of me.

Now the entrance will be randomly selected. After entering, life and death will be determined by destiny.

Ask him to invigilate the exam? What are you going to do in the second exam?

The Tsuchikage Raikage was a little panicked, killing a chicken with a bullshit?

Kakashi's tone was very calm.

He's going, can you stop him? Or can I stop him? Just wait and see.

The next development was indeed not what everyone expected.

The forest in the forest of death is already there, so death must come.

No matter which entrance you enter from, you will find a way to contact your allies as soon as possible.

This is the most chaotic period, with transformations, traps, assassinations, and the hunting of wild beasts in the forest.

It's like a meat grinder devouring the candidates' lives.

The career of a ninja is like this. From the beginning of embarking on the road to transcendence, one must be prepared to be bloody.

Any genin has already performed tasks similar to killing bandits. Since they have taken lives in the past, they must be prepared to have their lives taken away.

Someone who is unlucky enough to encounter a seeded player will be killed cleanly. There are also seeded players and seeded players who meet at the beginning.

For example, Neji's Taijutsu team met Kurotsuchi's escort team.

Kurotsuchi's ability to inherit the position of the Fourth Tsuchikage in the later period is certainly not in vain. Even now, he has the strength of an elite jounin.

Her 'genin' qualification is also a flexible change.

Although he has not learned such a ruthless skill as Dust Escape, he has rarely encountered opponents in the Earth Kingdom with Melt Escape.

His eyes lit up after seeing Hinata Neji.

If we can kill the Hokage's disciples here.

Go all out!

The art of Melting Escape and Lime Condensation!

Kurotsuchi spits out lime from his mouth and combines it with water to form a quick-acting cement that solidifies the opponent in a short time.

He planned to control the field first, and then let his two men take away the two people behind Neji.

This will make it easier!

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