Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1723 Forming an alliance before the exam

I don't have any information about the Death Forest. You can ask Shisui.

Chief Fugaku felt very humiliated and expressed his inability to respond to Sasuke's request for help.

Many people fell into the trap in the first written test. The information on previous written tests was revealed at the instruction of the secretary. The main theme was to cheat people and not pay for their lives.

In this second game, they, the jonins, are even more unclear. Who knows what the traps are.

He is no match for the one in the Hokage Studio when it comes to intelligence and psychology.

Sasuke nodded, he was just trying.

The old father was not a key figure in Konoha, so he simply turned around and left.

The Uchiha clan leader was silent, his sons are already promising.

Sakura's intelligence gathering work was not that smooth either. Those who really had information remained silent, while those who did not spoke clearly.

Noah's instructions were watertight.

Team 7 reunited, and in the end it was Naruto who came up with the information.

I used the deluxe version of Ichiraku Ramen and the self-service question coupons at the Maruko Shop to get the information.

? ? ?

Are there such unreliable ninjas in the village?

Sister Hongdou said that the Forest of Death is to snatch the scrolls in a small team, regardless of casualties.

As long as you reach the core area and open the scroll, you will be considered a victory.

She is one of the invigilators for the second exam, so she should be reliable.

Hongdou, that’s okay.

As a disciple that Orochimaru initially accepted out of favor, his status in the village is quite special.

And her combat prowess is indeed at the forefront among jounin, and there is no one who has been specially trained by the Rain Country who is weak.

It's just that the authenticity of this information needs to be proven. After all, the false information in the first game was fully understood.

Naruto's meal was most likely in vain.

The next day everyone started heading to the exam location.

It is said that it is the Konoha Death Forest, but it is actually outside the village, where there is an additional closed area.

A huge barbed wire fence stood in front of everyone, covered with various dangerous symbols.

Unlike the first Hyuga Hizashi who were in a hurry, this time left everyone with enough time to communicate and form an alliance.

The examiner was chatting with Orochimaru.

Thanks a lot.

This new examination room is modeled on the standards of the original Death Forest, with deep modifications, surveillance, traps, and a large number of modified creatures from the moon base.

Only an all-rounder like Orochimaru could arrange it, and he had been doing this during the few days he disappeared.

During so many years of research, many by-products happened to come here to clear the inventory, and Konoha reimbursed them, a win-win situation.

Hey~~~ I'm just trying to do a little bit, but do you really want to play like this?

Of course, education should start from childhood, and by the way, we can plant the seeds of peace for these people.

Orochimaru mourned for these brats, who didn't know how terrifying the BOSS in the second final battle was.

The two of them were communicating calmly, while the genin candidates outside were busy communicating with each other.

Different from the original timeline, the ninja world in this timeline is turbulent, and the prelude to war never stops.

Facing this kind of competitive game that is watched by the whole world, there is really not much room for individual performance.

If it's a team fight without rules, then forming an alliance is the best choice.

The ninjas from the five major countries all chose this method, and the other small countries looked at each other and started to gather.

Naruto, do you want Team 7 to do this this time?

As a disciple of the Hokage, it seems that I have an obligation to lead everyone to fight against each other in this exam.

They are all young people and they all think they are geniuses.

Allowing Team 7 to lead was something Naruto did that made these Konoha geniuses admire him.

Not everyone dares to say such treacherous words as attacking the old shadow in front of the whole world in the first exam. This incident at least proves that the power of courage is unmatched.

A thorn like Kiba Inuzuka is willing to let Team 7 take command for the time being.

Naruto himself

If you don’t believe it, I was beaten by my mother when I came home. After all, my father is also the Hokage.

Sasuke remained silent, not because he was jealous, but because he knew that Naruto had nothing in his mind now.

So the two gentlemen decisively gave up their core positions.

Sakura, it's up to you.*2


Temporary commander Sakura is online.

As a top student with a super high IQ, and a ruthless person who has been surrounded by big shots for many years.

The girl has captured the essence of Hokage-sama

The first step is to find your own pot shadow.

Shikamaru, the ninjas here in Konoha need you to win them over and let them know that they will never be able to defeat the genin of the Three Kingdoms of East Ocean without unity.

It's also troublesome to arrange secret signals, set up meeting points, and form teams.

Shikamaru is unfortunate.

Is the life of my Nara family so miserable?

As a smart man, he also knew that this was the only way.

This is the purpose of the people who planned this exam, and the people on the other side have begun to gather.

So he can't be idle either. The lazy boy has a fiery heart after all.

At this time, Sakura turned around and walked towards Gaara and the others who were still confused about the situation.

An alliance?


But the game is not about teams.

Gaara is still a little confused. His strength has increased but he still lacks a lot in political skills.

Only Temari suddenly understood.

I see!

Then he began to explain the current situation to Kankuro and Gaara, and the two of them were sweating coldly.

In this case, the Kingdom of Wind and the Kingdom of Fire have become allies again during the Chunin Exams!

Not only the two countries of Wind and Fire, but also the small countries belonging to the Western Continent Alliance came together.

If you don't stand in line at this time, you are courting death.

It's almost the same situation on the opposite side.

Onoki's granddaughter Kurotsuchi, Kirigakure's famous Kito Suigetsu, and Kumogakure Raikage's secret assistant Darui.

The three of them formed an alliance on behalf of the ninjas behind them.

That Uzumaki Naruto in Konoha must be killed. His performance in the first game even made the old man full of praise.

Kurotsuchi's eyes were full of malice.

It's not that I'm jealous of other people's children, but I don't want the next generation of Konoha to be so good.

She knew that the old man had sighed a lot since Kakashi came to power.

Haha, within the rules, you can kill without caring about casualties. Konoha will eventually pay the price for its arrogance.

Gui Deng Shui Yue shrugged indifferently, he was here to make a name for himself this time, and it would be better if he could kill a well-known figure.

Kirigakure behind him had the same idea and was extremely bellicose.

As for whether it would anger Konoha and cause an unpleasant outcome, that was not something he should consider.

The two of them looked at Darui at the same time.

There are some problems with the identity of this 'genin', but Konoha doesn't care about it.

Don't worry, Cloud Ninja is here for revenge.

Oh, yes, the highest goal of Yun Nin's visit this time is indeed revenge.

Most of the fifth generation Hokage's achievements came from the Kingdom of Thunder.

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