Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1694 Changing the World

The Immortal of Six Paths, who was between life and death, was suddenly awakened.

In his realm, anything that can attract attention is a huge disaster.

His gaze spanned time and space to the Kingdom of Wind.

Why is it him again?

The tone was full of helplessness. What on earth was this bastard going to do in the ninja world?

Fortunately, the dragon vein is just a kind of energy, take it away.

There is no shortage of chakra in this world.

But Otsutsuki Hagoromo didn't know that in the eyes of some people, the power of the earth could not be described only by chakra.


Noah is here again.

The purpose of revisiting the old place is not to travel through time and space, but to throw something into it.

I thought a lot before making this decision. It is actually not difficult to fight against Kaguya Otsutsuki and Sage of Six Paths.

After his body recovers, it's not impossible if he goes all out to kill the two of them, so that the crisis in the ninja world will be solved.

But that kind of savior is not what the Akatsuki organization advocates.

Noah himself believes that the power of the new generation, which has been making breakthroughs in the local area, can solve such small problems.

It's just that the hidden dangers of the chakra system are too great. In the later stage, chakra is absorbed and the chakra is ineffective, fundamentally denying the power of ninjas.

In the Boruto era, both Naruto and Sasuke began to play taijutsu. It would have been a pity for Metkai to fall before the version was updated.

Since there is only wisdom but no power, relying on the technological system will be difficult in the early stages.

Then don't blame him. The dragon vein is such a good time and space spiritual vein that it should also play a role in making the world great again.

After throwing it away, Noah's face was so pale that it was transparent, and his whole body was incredibly weak.

It seems that the impact is quite large.

The dragon veins immediately began to riot, and the earth under the yellow sand was surging, as if it had truly transformed into an ocean.

Irritability, anger, resistance, and helplessness.

The desert in the Kingdom of Wind has become a place of death, and any creature that comes in will become a sacrifice to the earth.

A red-haired woman was strengthening the seal, and the brilliance of the sealing technique began to shine.

This time it is not simple energy that is being used. Even if Kushina's strength has reached a level that the Uzumaki clan has never thought of, it will be difficult to solve it.

In the end, the dragon vein backlash was barely suppressed with the help of the free forbidden technique.

At the same time, a painful sound is spreading throughout the world.

It's a pity that only the immortals of the Three Holy Lands and the immortals of Six Paths heard it in this world. Or maybe the One in the Moon heard it too.

Is this the sound of the earth?

The Great Toad Immortal opened his eyes and closed them again.

At the beginning of the prophecy, the world was still in the center of the battlefield, and a sacred tree reaching the sky was giving birth to fruits.

It seemed to be no different from the previous dream. All the ninjas were hung on the trees, and the goddess of Ura came to the world.

Then a new fork emerged.

Hagoromo appeared in advance with a frightened face, and the endless red also came in advance.

Later, I woke up from the dream and vomited blood.

Gamamaru felt that he could let Fukasaku Sennin succeed him if he did it again.

This time it is still a prophetic dream with no end in sight.

I can’t control it. I can’t control it.

The future is in chaos and is still changing, so the significance of predictions becomes less and less.

As for the only one who can make Dragon Vein react like this at present, who cares?

Gamamaru seemed to see a red sword flash across the holy land telling it not to mind its own business.

Immortal Slug heard this, but what does it have to do with Him? Eating, drinking and sleeping is what Immortal Shigulin should do.

The White Snake Immortal thought, but it was a pity that the level was not high enough and there was no one to play with him.

The presence of the immortals during the Shippuden period was getting lower and lower. Except for Gamamaru who gained weight through the prophesied plot, the importance of the other two immortals was already negligible.

The reason why they are still influential in the ninja world now is purely due to the strategy of the three families of the Akatsuki organization.

A large number of toads, snakes, and slugs appeared in the ninja's psychic list, and it regained its vitality.

Therefore, none of the special beings who could sense changes in the world spoke out.

Oh, yes.

The Nine Lamas in the Holy Land were shocked when they sensed that the jinchuriki's life breath was so weak that he was about to die.

He hurriedly came to the Kingdom of Wind through reverse channeling.

I saw the sea of ​​sand that was still churning and Kushina who was finishing up.

He used his tail to take the jinchuriki a little further away and began to check the injuries.


Kyuubi frowned, what on earth did this bastard do? So many cracks appeared on the body again.

Just like when we first met.

After performing various medical ninjutsu and instilling vitality and natural energy to no avail, the Nine Lamas stopped.

What kind of injury is this?

Injuries to the soul are all trivial matters.

Who else can hurt your soul?

Jiu Lama was shocked while thinking of a solution.

In its view, Noah would not die even if his body was destroyed, and his unreasonable will was enough to keep him alive.

How could it hurt his soul? Could it be that he was the Immortal of Six Paths?

It really can't think of anyone else who can do this other than this option.

Kyuubi didn't want to see a conflict between Hagoromo and Noah.

One is the creator who gave it life, and this creator's love for Kyuubi is a little biased.

One is the teacher, guide, friend, and relative who leads it on the road to transcendence.

Don't think too much, it's not time to meet yet.

This time it's just my own fault. Let's help Kushina complete the final seal first.

Kyuubi was temporarily relieved after seeing that there was really nothing wrong with Noah.

Two of the best sealing masters in the ninja world joined forces to finally calm down, or rather suppress, the anger and pain of Ryuumai.

Send me back first. We probably have some clues about that matter.

After Kushina finished speaking, she was sent back to the laboratory by the Flying Thunder God.

The Sealing Master understands that the world will never be the same after today.

So Senju Tobirama was released again, and of course the King Kong blockade was still indispensable.

Nidaime-sama, let's continue talking about the art of reincarnation. Why won't there be any change in the state of the soul?

Can any state of life be retained in the Pure Land?

Tobirama, although you are very polite, your behavior is really rude.

Nine Lamas took Noah back to the high tower in the Kingdom of Rain.

It just so happens that I don't need to continue to stay in the Holy Land recently. My magic has reached a bottleneck, so I'll just rest in the sealed space for a while.

Noah knew that this was Jiu Lama protecting him, and he was really not very candid as before.

Then he was pulled by a force into the sealed space that was already blue sky, white clouds and red sun.

You can say it here, he shouldn't be able to see it.

Noah organized the language.

You know I'm a visitor from outside the world.

Otsutsuki brought chakra from the universe, so I have to bring some gifts to the world.

Before, I was a little constrained by the restrictions of Hagoromo and the restrictions of this world. Now through our efforts over the years, we have successfully spread the power of ideas.

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