Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1693 Asking for help outside the venue

Kakashi also feels that it is particularly difficult. Even if he can forcefully control the tailed beast, it will take time.

If we go together, there is no chance of using Kyuubi to break the situation. This time it is dangerous.

Three is not enough. You, the Godaime-sama, have been very arrogant recently.

Do you still remember the special training in the Kingdom of Snow? Every training must have the mentality of killing the apprentice to make you progress.

To this day, Kakashi still has to complain, what kind of evil heretic's training manual is this? Even though he also leads his disciples in this way, it is really retribution.

At the same time, I noticed an inexplicable numbness in my body, which was relieved by washing it with magic.

Poison that can break through one's own physical strength, which has now increased countless times.

This is?

Following the question, the huge blue beetle flapped its wings and landed from the sky, scattering endless phosphorus powder.

Nanabi Shigeaki!

Kakashi's tone was a bit heavy, the teacher did go a bit too far.

Taki Ninja Village has long since joined the Western Continent Convention, and the Seven-Tails Jinchuuriki is also very reasonable in letting Shigeaki come out to play, so your opponents in the first stage are these four.

When the One-Tails, Five-Tails, Seven-Tails, and Nine-Tails came to him at the same time, the Fifth Hokage could only smile bitterly.

Is this kind of battle just the first stage?

Noah walked to the edge of the battlefield and raised an orange barrier.

Four Red Sun Formation!

Everyone has a responsibility to protect the moon. Now. The battle begins!

Yang Jiuwei's mood was so good at this time that he led the three younger brothers behind him to approach Kakashi.

Kakashi, this is your teacher's idea, don't blame me, hahahahahahaha.

Laughing all the way down your throat.

Young ones, come on!

The four Tailed Beast Jade started their hands, and the powerful power fluctuations made the Scorpions in the distant spaceport feel their hearts beating rapidly.

What a mess.

Then there was an earthquake on the moon's surface.

The endless light and heat were blocked by the Four Red Sun Formation. Fortunately, it was on the back of the moon. If it were on the front, the entire ninja world could see the moon shining with stars.

But the vibration could not be stopped, and the huge kinetic energy had been transmitted to the Yuexin World, causing the three disciples who were already miserable to flee in panic.

Waiting for the smoke to dissipate, the blue chakra giant stood up holding the Chakra Yata Mirror.

The mirror surface is covered with cracks and cannot withstand the second time.

Even Kakashi's body, which had been strengthened by countless potions, felt pain deep in his bones. The corners of his mouth were bleeding uncontrollably, and the pain in his internal organs had not been felt for a long time.

This battlefield is exciting.

Immediately, I put aside my previous worries. This is the most tragic battlefield where as long as I relax a little, I will die violently.

If that's the case, I won't be polite. You can use any method without any problem.

The first step is to shake people!

Hai-xu-you-shen-wei, the art of channeling!

The huge smoke dissipated, revealing a giant red toad with a giant pipe in its mouth, a bandage on its waist, and a short sword stuck in it.

Miaomu Mountain's number one leader in the Mesozoic era, the toad boss Bunta appears.

The boss, who had not appeared for a long time, was also extremely excited after feeling Kakashi's call.

The Fifth Hokage only summoned himself a few times after the contract, and every battle was very dangerous but exciting!

I, Gamabunta, only play high-end games!

Look around! Um? !

Kakashi, this

Four tailed beasts, Bunta, are there any questions?

.No. No!

Either I will die today or you will live.

The short sword was unsheathed, and he stood with the Susano giant and faced the difficulties and obstacles proudly.

You're just kidding, help me drag Shukaku away, this guy should be fine.

Kakashi is not a pure head, he will die when one is against four, and he will be beaten when one is against three.

The purpose of hell cultivation is not to enter hell, and the psychic beast is also part of one's own power.

Hearing this, Wen Tai breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, but did not hesitate on his lips.

One tail~~~One tail is fine too.

Shukaku felt that he was in a bad mood today. Even a toad dared to ignore him like this.

Actively turned on the chaos mode.

Then he was thrown out by Kakashi's strange power, and Bunta followed him with a knife.

I just said Shukaku, a stupid tanuki, didn't learn anything good in the human world. It's really a shame.

Jiulama didn't care about the shame of the tailed beast, and directly put his hands together to buff his teammates. It would not look down on the devil's disciples.

Earth escape. Super light and heavy rock technique!

The flying unit Chong Ming and the speed unit Mu Wang suddenly felt as light as swallows, and the speed of the two tailed beasts suddenly skyrocketed.

Earth Escape. Hardening Technique!

The five giant horns on King Mu's head were strengthened instantly. Even if he used the strange power again, the power would not be the same.

The Kyuubi himself rushed forward waving a golden chain, and it was time to give Kakashi some tailed beast shock.

Kakashi, the current tailed beast really has no martial ethics at all.

Holding a 40-meter machete, he started a shocking battle with three tailed beasts with unlimited chakra.

Immortal magic, swordsmanship, physique, and will are all constantly being tempered in this Four Red Sun Formation.

Noah nodded looking at his disciple's performance. Only by adapting to this intensity can he enter the second stage.

If you can't even defeat the tailed beasts, why bother defeating the Ten-Tails?

But what happened to the steel weapon that King Mu suddenly pulled out?

After being severely struck by swords several times, Wuwei became so angry that he became possessed by the armor.

What steel magic weapon? Kakashi suffered several steam blasts.

As for Kyuubi's shameless dark sneak attack method, it is quite ninja-like, and its strength is indeed sufficient.

There was a shocking battle above, and a certain consciousness in the core of the moon was awakened by the constantly surging chakra fluctuations.

The power of yin and yang can't stop the output of the tailed beast jade that is close to the face.

It's just that the origin of consciousness is restricted by the seal of the Six Paths, and he can only feel the endless chakra from the outside world hungrily.

The greedy instinctive desire exudes wisps of fluctuations.

All mine is mine

Finally, I felt it.

Noah looked at his feet and finally sensed Kaguya Otsutsuki's will.

It's not the time yet for Hedao Yimoji, who is rubbing himself.

Kaguya's will is in the chakra, even if she kills this body, it will be useless.

This kind of ghost thing needs to be cut together to be effective, so I have to help the filial son, which is so useless.

Noah used the Flying Thunder God to disappear outside the Four Red Sun Formation and found Kushina who was studying the Pure Land.

On the table are a box with the character first written on it, and a jar with the character two written on it, as well as a death mask and various historical materials from the Kingdom of Whirlpool.

There was also a golden cocoon in the room, with a white-haired head resting on top of it with a cold expression and a silent expression.

.The Second Hokage?

Ah this

Kushina was a little embarrassed, she was not particularly good at studying this kind of thing, so she sought help from the sidelines.

As soon as Senju Tobirama came out of the box, he planned to use Flying Thunder God to break away from the control.

That Uchiha brat was so despicable that he said this clan was evil.

Then came the beating from the Uzumaki clan, flashing flashes of flashes of light and being hung up by the Vajra seal, and there were a lot of various Four Elephants, Five Elements, and Bagua seals.

Senju Tobirama could only say that this little red-haired girl's sealing technique was really powerful, leaving the Hokage with no dignity at all.

What about the current research?

should be okay.

After Kushina finished speaking, she sent the Nidaime back to the small jar. Anyway, there was no passage of time in the seal, so it was not torture, and there was no psychological burden when doing it.

Let's go to the Kingdom of Wind. (End of Chapter)

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