Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1654 Looking at the moon from the ninja world

The descendants of Hamura can easily control the Byakugan, the moment he opens his eyes.

What's this? ?

Byakugan actually has many abilities. It can see far, can gain insight, can strengthen itself, can release micro-pressure, can blur, can cast illusions, can see through fate, and can see through thoughts.

But what’s most memorable is the perspective.

Using the Byakugan, you can see the target's meridians, acupuncture points, bones and the flow of chakra. Among them, Otsutsuki Kaguya can even distinguish the chakra reincarnations of Asura and Indra with her white eyes.

The descendants of Hamura used clairvoyance to see the turbulent flow of chakra like a river in the bodies of the members of the Akatsuki organization. Everyone was no worse than him.

I also saw the special power emanating from the nine-tailed fox squatting on Noah's shoulders. The product of the combination of endless chakra and the power of nature was like a vast ocean.

The only thing that can stabilize one end is the giant reincarnation eye in the temple that can control the trajectory of the moon.

This frightened him enough to stop him, allowing the human puppet to continue charging.

As for Noah, he couldn't even see through it. The descendants of Otsutsuki's bloodline controlled the Byakugan and couldn't see through it. They could only feel the indescribable sense of oppression.

I can only say that I'm lucky that I can't see through it. If I could see through it, I don't know if I'm seeing the evil of this world or the redness of this world.

The enemy is too powerful.

Damn it, do I need to run away from such low-class humans?

The descendants of Hamura, who were standing there fighting between heaven and man, were in a panic. The tone was too high and they didn't want to lose face. What should they do?

The son is still waiting to see his father's last heroic appearance.

And the army of human puppets also rushed in front of the Akatsuki organization.

These human puppets were a technology researched by Hamura during his time, and were continuously produced by later generations. Both the materials and the craftsmanship have reached the pinnacle of normal puppetry.

Bayonet, double sword flow, poison needle, mechanism arm, and long-range light cannon are all available to increase combat power.

What's even more frightening is that these large wooden puppets are not controlled by puppet strings and have high intelligence.

In the face of this kind of technology and materials, even the ten Chikamatsu people and the Baiji Drill are no match. Even the centipedes with the help of dragon veins are not worthy of carrying the shoes of these puppets. It can be said that they are beating the Sunagakure Village.

In Boruto, Kankuro is already the number one puppet master of Sand Hidden Village, a proper elite Jonin.

Unable to harm these puppets, he finally tried his best to fight the four puppets to a draw, and was seriously injured.

With such a torrent of puppets, it would be easy to massacre cities and villages in the ninja world.

Among the five major ninja villages, only the current Konoha Village can compete with it. The other four major ninja villages will not be opponents of these puppets.

It makes sense to say that the descendants of Hamura are on the moon looking down on all living beings.

It's just that they met the No. 1 Heavenly Group in the ninja world, and basically all the most powerful ones were present.

Besides, who wouldn't want to be a fort player with Kyuubi here?

The link is complete, hands clasped together.

This kind of legion confrontation is really suitable for large-scale ninjutsu firepower. Even Scorpion temporarily gave up the plan of taking out the scroll and started shouting skills.

Fire escape. Fire. Water escape. Explosive water

The surface of the moon began to receive the baptism of ninjutsu storm.

The ocean of Five Elements Escape Technique is raging on the moon. Under the sea of ​​fire, in the ocean, among the storms and thunders, there are struggling figures of human puppets everywhere.

There is no solid body at all.

If there is no way to restrain chakra in the face of the power of nature, even the Otsutsuki clan will not be able to use it.

And the colorful ocean that appeared on the moon also reflected on the ninja world.

From the moment the first person saw it under the night, the news spread to all corners in an instant.

After all, it is so strange that there are light spots on the silver moon. I have searched through history books and can't find the origin of this phenomenon.

Referring to the moon-carrying spacecraft launched yesterday, even if you don't believe it, it can only be a big move caused by the Akatsuki organization.

Raikage looked at the moon with a solemn expression, he actually let them reach the moon.

It's so flashy and fancy, but you still use ninjutsu to inform the whole world when you arrive. Damn it!!!

Breaking the fence with one punch, if this continues, the power of the Akatsuki organization will be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, which will be extremely disadvantageous to the three countries of the Eastern Ocean.

Can our chakra cannon hit the moon?!

This question is a bit difficult for Yunyin's scientists. The boss definitely doesn't want to get a bad answer when he asks this.

The Kingdom of Thunder was the most serious in the extraterrestrial war competition that started for one-third of the Star Wars information, and Chakra Cannon was given high hopes.

But, this thing requires science.

Lord Raikage, our initial design is to reach low-Earth orbit.

The effective radius in the past 10 years has only been within the atmosphere. The orbit will have to wait until there is a breakthrough in material science in the future or... there will be some previous data.

The Raikage's face was too dark to be seen.

Those materials were all sent from the Yue Organization, or they were the results of research by the Akatsuki Organization.

Now that the masked man is dead, it is much more difficult to obtain their information.

“Can’t you develop it yourself?!!!”

The conversation ended with Raikage jumping into a rage.

The Tsuchikage wasn't so irritable when he was admiring the moon. The Akatsuki organization's behavior has always been so flamboyant since they stood on stage.

As a very pragmatic old man, he knows that he and others have always been chasers in the space race.

So a temporary lag is acceptable. Starting first does not necessarily mean you will succeed first.

Back then, the two heroes in the ninja world were as powerful as gods.

What now?

I am still standing at the top of the ninja world. Those two arrogant people have gone to the Pure Land early, so please relax.

If you want to develop a village, it is useless to lose your temper; you must have means.

Go and ask someone to give Huang Tu some more funds. Let him talk to that corner alone. See if he can get some powerful scientific and technological information.

He, Hiruzen Sarutobi, made the deal, why can't I, Ohnoki. Aren't you able to buy anything if you have money? Let me see what you are capable of.

Ohnoki keenly found a breakthrough from Loess's intelligence.

The person who is most concerned about this vision in the entire ninja world is not the enemies of the Akatsuki organization, but Black Zetsu.

He felt very bad now, from his mood to his body.

The power of will belonging to Kakashi in his body is still tormenting him, and he has been recovering in the Kingdom of Water during this time.

Based on the experience last time, I wasn’t too panicked this time.

But when I saw the light spots on the moon, I couldn’t sit still


Damn it, this is equivalent to dancing on my mother's grave.

Mom is not dead yet.

This is dancing outside my mother’s cell, which is absolutely unforgivable!

But I can't go up.

For so many years, Hei Zetsu has not had any thoughts of going to the moon to find a solution. He has always been operating according to the mode of chakra resurrection. (End of chapter)

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