Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1653 Requisitioning the Moon

After getting closer, everyone saw how desolate the planet was, which was completely consistent with previous observations.

Noah noticed that some of the deep craters on the planet seemed not to have been struck by meteorites.

After discussion, several people determined that these were traces left by bombardment by high-energy weapons. The traces of the battlefield were very obvious after getting closer.

The war on the moon. It seems that the local residents here are a little violent.

Orochimaru estimated the size of the crater, and it was comparable to the Super Shinra Tensei sent by Nagato with all his strength, and it was even more.

At this time, the red light in the space capsule flashed and the alarm sounded.

Through the few detectors on the spacecraft, Scorpion detected that high-energy individuals were constantly appearing on the surface of the moon.

The enemy is massing and we appear to be locked in.

The people on the moon will definitely not welcome our arrival. Although we represent peace, it just so happens that we can take action casually on the moon.

Others also sensed a sense of danger coming from the desolate-looking celestial body, accompanied by naked malice.

So he followed Noah and put on the red cloud robe with black background, which represented peace.

Everyone, get ready for landing.

At this moment, human puppets are continuously pouring out and gathering from the center of the earth. The symbol of the moon on the head represents the identity of the Otsutsuki puppet.

The head of the Otsutsuki branch family has been carried on the back of the puppet leader, followed by the young Toneri.

His body was almost at the end of the road, and the little energy he had left could not be wasted on the road.

Sheren, remember, this is the last lesson your father teaches you.

Anyone who comes out of that planet is a degenerate, a traitor who violates the will of Otsutsuki Hagoromo's ancestors.

So at this time, we must kill them without mercy.

I can't wait for the Byakugan princess. When you become an adult, you must go to the Ninja Continent to get the Byakugan of another tribe. When the blood of Otsutsuki and the Byakugan are combined, the reincarnated eye of the ancestor can be born.

After saying that, the two of them rushed out of the center of the earth and saw the black aircraft that was gradually approaching.

Hmph, approaching the territory of the Clan of Gods, they can't wait to welcome death.

The densely packed Otsutsuki puppets began to form formations under the control of inexplicable power.

Father, do you want the reincarnation eye in Hamura Temple?

No, the people on that planet are not worthy of dying in the hands of the ancestors' power.

So in a flash of thought, hundreds of puppets raised their hands at the same time, with yellow chakra light balls in their hands.

The energy reaction gathered together made the people in the aircraft feel no nervousness at all, and even wanted to laugh a little.

It's really an ancient battle formation, a bit like the legion battles a thousand years ago.

Indeed, it seems lifeless in perception and probably looks like a puppet again.

But the idea of ​​gathering human puppets together to launch attacks is a bit funny, but it's very useful.

Noah, on the other hand, was curious as to why the other party didn't take out the giant reincarnation eye. It seemed that it was good for the Akatsuki organization not to have any reputation in the universe.

As the aircraft approached, the human puppet started shooting under the command of the descendants of Hamura, and the yellow light balls came over like raindrops.

Scorpion, on the other hand, has turned on the high-mobility mode, using the strong power from the Nine Tails to shuttle crazily through the universe, in a perfect Star Wars style.

Scorpio, who is usually as calm as a puppet, has a frightening fanaticism in his eyes at this time.

Aren't we really going to go down there?

After a dozen consecutive maneuvers and rolls, Kushina roared with a livid face, and Nagato nodded.

Wait a moment, Orochimaru is doing data analysis on the moon's surface.

No one can understand how this perverted scientist used instruments to collect information in such an environment.

It's done. Although it's very unscientific, the fact is that there is air on the surface of the moon, and the gravity system is no different from that of the Ninja Continent. The rays in the universe are filtered by invisible forces.

It is indeed not a naturally formed planet. I never thought that the sealing technique could have such power.

Orochimaru repeatedly lamented that in his opinion Kushina's Five Elements Mountain was already very outrageous, and now it seemed that the Six Paths Sage was the unscientific one.

It's a pity that Kushina didn't want to hear these detailed analysis. She only knew that nothing happened after landing, so she asked to land immediately. Why did such a simple and broken iron bucket have such a powerful powered flight system? ! !

Finally, under the dissuasion of several people, Xion gave up and continued to ponder the maneuvering skills of space combat.

The black aircraft was hit by a cluster of yellow lights.

The aircraft, shrouded in thick smoke, swooped and slid onto the moon's surface, leaving a long trace, and the powerful energy reaction also disappeared.

Seeing the fire and smoke rising in the distance, the Otsutsuki strongman nodded and prepared to take his son back, but then he felt something was wrong.

Is it too simple?

Several figures walking out of the smoke and dust on the opposite side also responded to this suspicion. They didn't even know the theorem that there is no harm in smoke. This moon man couldn't do it.

Orochimaru stepped out of the aircraft and rigorously took out the instrument and scanned it again before throwing away the respirator. It was indeed fine.

I still can't understand how the Sage of Six Paths did it without an atmosphere.

Noah's reply is Yin Escape, the spiritual energy that controls imagination and can create something from nothing.

Then the settings of air and gravity can be created at will. How can one be called an immortal without such power?

Kaguya can create the world.

After the brief exchange, Kyuubi also ran out of the engine and jumped on Noah's shoulders.

I don't like this place.

It felt the emotion of greed coming from within the planet.


Don't worry about her. Wait a few years before sending her on the road. Let her continue to serve her sentence first.

After that, the group of people walked towards the army of human puppets very calmly.

The head of the branch family who comes from the ninja world is too arrogant.

Ahem, ahem, sinners from the ninja world, since you don't cherish your last days, then die here with honor.

Everyone in the Akatsuki organization sighed. The appearance and strength of this villain were really not worthy of the feeling of this moon copy.

Although the chakra is powerful to the top of the ninja world, it is full of death and does not have the aura of a master.

The kid next to him is like a pendant, how can he fight like this?

Are you going to fight the puppet army?

A group of people were prepared for a shocking battle, but this is the result?

Noah is still cautious. He never treats his enemies as fools, except Obito.

He didn't believe the descendants of Hamura who owned the Earth-Moon Channel if they said they only had chakra but no fighting power, so as usual, I introduced myself first.

Hello fellow moonlighters.

We are the Akatsuki organization and we come to represent peace.

I am honored to inform you that the moon has been requisitioned by our Ninja World Defense Frontline Command.

For specific requisition matters, you can come to the Finance Department of Daming City, the land of rain in the Ninja Realm, to discuss with Minister Kakuzu, or you can go to the new town to communicate with Chief Yahiko.

We will definitely come up with a cooperation plan acceptable to both parties.

The descendants of Hamura were at a loss, what did the people from the ninja world say.

The only thing they understand is that the other party wants to seize their home for generations.

Good guys, my clan hasn't fulfilled the last wish left by Hamura's ancestors to destroy the ninja world, so you come to seize the moon first? ! ! !

Ahem, ahem, despicable ninjas, you have deviated from the path of the Ninja Sect. I will destroy you on behalf of the ancestors of Hamura!!!

Do your ancestors know that you killed all the clan members? Noah hates people with double standards like this.

Why are the descendants of both brothers so fond of misinterpreting content.

Hagoromo's stone tablet has been tampered with, there's nothing we can do about it.

Hamura's original words were distorted. It seems that human hearts are much more powerful than immortals.

So the official provocation began.

I understand the truth, but can you open your eyes first?

The descendant of Hamura really opened his eyes, and the dark sockets were particularly scary.

Then he took out a pair of white eyes and stuffed them in. The powerful bloodline was plugged and played directly. After a few turns, it was no different from the original one.

I knew it.

Noah believed that it would be abnormal for the descendants of Hamura who had the Earth-Moon Passage to say that they did not get a few pairs of Byakugan from Hinata.

When Toneri was a child, he went to the Hyuga clan with his father. This timeline is most likely when Kakashi first became Hokage.

Anyway, he must not have been in Konoha at that time, otherwise the father and son would not be able to go back.

The descendants of Hamura, who had eyes, left Toneri to be taken care of by the puppets on the side.

Noah, I know you.

That red meteor, the source of turmoil in the ninja world.

So I'm going to kill you here.

Then they rushed over at the lead, followed by hundreds of Otsutsuki puppets. This was the prelude to the extraterrestrial war.

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