Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1635 Malice from the Second Generation

The intelligence network of the Moon Organization spreads everywhere except the Kingdom of Rain.

As for the new town, it is completely undefended, so the information is conveyed openly.

This ability must be attributed to the contributions of Black Zetsu and White Zetsu, perfect sneaking ability, avatar camouflage ability, special life form that is almost impossible to detect, and can move between plants at super high speed.

When there is a very inaccessible place and there is a ninja with space ability like Obito, the two work together to support most of the intelligence sources in the Eastern Ocean Convention.

It can be said that their intelligence network is stronger than that of the Akatsuki organization. This is due to hardware conditions.

Before entering the information age, when big data was relatively primitive, Black and White was indeed an unsolvable intelligence agent.

The reform of Konoha Village has always been their focus, and many policies have been copied from here.

And some of them have stayed in touch.

Because of Kakashi's hypocrisy, many lonely ninjas survived.

This is the key group of people that Hei Jue has secretly contacted. He has a full understanding of human beings and human nature.

Understand what this group of people want to hear and want.

He had already mastered the information about Naruto wandering around the village. For this dutiful son, the information about Kyuubi has always been a top priority.

According to various intelligence analyses, Kyuubi appears to be split into two parts.

Half of them are so defiant that they can go retrograde to defeat immortals, even if they use kaleidoscopes.

I wonder if Madara Uchiha can still suppress this guy after his resurrection.

Recycling is tough.

The other half is probably not that powerful, but they are also working within the Kingdom of Rain.

In order to resurrect the Ten-Tails, part of the Nine-Tails' chakra must be mastered.

Then the best way is to control the Jinchuuriki.

It's just that it's Konoha, or new Konoha.

Kushina was willing to send her children to class because she believed in the security measures there.

The barrier of Konoha Village was improved by the Uzumaki clan, focusing on strengthening the sense of space fluctuations, and there were at least three groups of ANBU who secretly protected Naruto.

Even if you use the ability of possession to sneak in, there is no way to start. You only need to delay for a second to face the wrath of thunder.

It’s not like they haven’t interacted with each other over the years, and that white-haired boy has become more and more perverted.

Where Kakashi is in charge, Obito can't get any favors at all, and the crushing strength and IQ has never changed.

Until he learned through secret channels that the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki was about to return to the Land of Rain, still by train.

The trajectory is fixed and the timetable is provided by internal spies. It can be said that it is almost certain.

Over the years, the Villain Alliance has been at a disadvantage and suffered countless hardships, and finally waited until the other side became careless.

Obito, don't let me down this time.


Thinking about what he would face after taking Naruto away, his heart began to tremble.

Not informing the 'leader'?

It's not necessary. What he wants is to take back Konoha and take revenge on Kakashi. Our ultimate goal is to activate the Eye of the Moon.

Obito took the order and left. As for Umino Iruka in the intelligence?

An unknown person, he had never heard of this person when he was in Konoha.

He’s just a school teacher, he’s never even been on the battlefield, that’s for sure!

Because of the tragic experiences over the years, Obito still squatted on the outside for a while.

His basic body skills are okay, and his alertness is also good. His phantom sword skills are a bit impressive, but he lacks murderous intent. He is considered a standard Konoha Jounin in the peace era.

Seeing this, Obito finally felt relieved and walked out calmly.

Damn it after a while! ! !

The battlefield was washed away like a flood, leaving only the masked man crying and furious.

What kind of Ghost Water Escape is that?

And spending a lot of chakra just to escape in a place without water, without even fighting?

And my eyes

Throwing away the bloody wooden stick in his hand, Obito began to call Black Zetsu anxiously, he needed intelligence support.

Hei Jue appeared with a shiny black face.

Is that Konoha Jonin strong?

It's just fine.

Hei Jue is helpless and loses control at the critical moment. What kind of attribute is this?

Do you know how much he paid for this information? After this incident, the last secret forces in Konoha will definitely be uprooted, and there will be fewer and fewer people available.

But what can be done? Although Obito is not very strong at critical moments, he is usually a very good tool man.

You can only start searching with the power of floating and perception. After a while,

It's not on land. It's most likely hidden in a river. Just wait, he will come up sooner or later.


Obito was ready to attack at any time, and his sneak attack would definitely hit the opponent hard.

Being able to use water escape requires a lot of effort, and in this state it is no longer possible to use reverse channeling.

In a certain river in the Kingdom of Fire.

Wow! !

Cough, cough, cough

Iruka threw Naruto onto a wooden pile with difficulty and continued to drift.

The kid, who was still a ninja school student, was immediately frightened. It was the first time he was exposed to such a close-range extreme battle at such a young age.

First, five ninjas jumped out and were killed instantly by Mr. Iruka. Before he could become afraid of death, he saw a masked man step out and pierce the teacher's body with a wooden thorn. The blood splattered directly on him. on the face.

The warm human blood made him stand stiffly on the spot, and the inflated self-confidence in the Ninja School was directly shattered.

And Iruka knew something was wrong the moment he was pierced by a piece of wood.

The horror of the wood escape and cutting technique has long been heard.

As the core of the Ninja Village, he naturally knows the tactics and abilities of the masked man.

Immediately attach the water attribute form change to the short sword.

The high-pressure water blade cut off the wooden thorns outside the body at the critical moment, preventing the most cruel second half of the cutting technique from starting.

Taking advantage of the situation, he performed a small operation on himself, smashing the branches in his body together with the nearby flesh and blood.

After completing this step, he held Naruto away from the masked man.

The other party looked at Muzashi a little surprised, and then nodded arrogantly to Iruka.

It seems that it is an honor for you to escape this.

Iruka, who understood the opponent's special spatial ability, knew that there was only one option left for him now, and that was to escape.

At least Naruto should be sent out.

He casually took out a tube of green injection and stuck it on himself. This was the treasure at the bottom of the box given to him by Kakashi.

It can restore vitality and replenish a large amount of chakra.

Make a seal with your hands.

Water escape. Water array wall.

Water escape, water dragon bullet technique.

Create a water curtain where there is no water, and then control the water dragon bombs to surround the surrounding area for defense.

Kakashi said that currently there are no more than 5 people in Konoha who can fight against the masked man, and there are only two people who can win the opponent reliably.

Others used emergency plans to escape as soon as they encountered him.

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