It's just that this kid has the same restless personality as his best friend, and he doesn't come to his house a few times a year.

I don't know whether it's because Fugaku's face is too stiff and he seems difficult to get along with, or because Sasuke is too arrogant and won't invite his friends to the house. The men in this family all have their own problems.

After a chance meeting, the whole family continued to wander around the village.

At this time, Naruto also truly realized the popularity and reputation of this teacher who was particularly nagging and controlling him in the village.

Everywhere he went, he received warm wishes from the villagers.

Some want to drag him into the store to eat barbecue, some want to send him flowers, and some

It fully reflects the achievements of a good teacher, and Naruto is a little envious of this feeling.

Most of the time I could only feel awe when I followed Kakashi out.

Iruka got rid of countless warm invitations and flowers from girls.

He has no plans to start a family anytime soon, and he is here to do business today.

Continue to tell some short stories like a tour guide.

It also interspersed the changes in the past and present. This way of conveying information silently and moisturizing was very natural, allowing Naruto to understand Konoha a little more.

Finally they came to a small river and sat down.

How about it, Naruto, do you have a new understanding of Konoha?


Naruto admitted that this was the first time he had seen Konoha like this. It was much better than his mother's bragging and Kakashi's simplified version.

Iruka-sensei, how do you get liked by so many people?

Naruto knew that his reputation in the village was still somewhat low, so he wanted to know the answer.

Of course it relies on Hokage-sama's will of fire.


Naruto felt it was perfunctory, there must be something in it that he didn't know about.

Think back to the white-haired Hokage who looked dead-eyed after work. He always felt like he didn't have much energy.

Do you remember the lesson about the Night of the Nine Tails?


Naruto remembered this lesson very seriously.

He knew that the Nine-Tails was sealed in his body. The stinky fox worked outside every day and would only return to the sealed space to rest during holidays.

It was also in Konoha that I learned that the social animal fox was once a natural disaster.

My parents died on this night, at the hands of Kyuubi.


Naruto suddenly felt a suffocating feeling. After coming to Konoha, he knew that Kyuubi had brought a lot of trouble to the village, but he was still a little overwhelmed when the victim appeared in front of him.


The guilt of his family being destroyed made him understand why some people still looked at him with hatred.

You and the Fourth Hokage are the heroes who sealed the Nine-Tails. I have long looked past this matter.

But we must also understand the hatred in the hearts of those villagers. They can only do this.


After the Night of the Nine Tails, after losing my parents, I liked to pretend to be strong and do some funny things to attract everyone's attention, but when I was alone, I would always find a corner to cry secretly.

Iruka seemed to have seen the past years and saw that distressed child.

Until Hokage-sama suddenly appeared, Kakashi-senpai was the strongest genius in Konoha at that time, and there was a huge difference between him and me, a lowly person.

Such a past incident was told calmly by Iruka.

No one can stay with anyone for a lifetime. That's just the way people are. You have to get used to losing.

Parents, lovers, family, and friendship are all the most precious bonds for ninjas. Even if the ones we cherish leave us and go to the Pure Land, those who are still alive still have to carry their dreams and move forward.

But don't worry, I will protect the village and you from now on. No one can hurt you before I die.

Iruka is deeply moved when he thinks of that scene. It was this ray of fire that the boy in the past needed to grow into the pillar of the Ninja School.

Naruto was also immersed in that moment, never expecting that the white-haired uncle would have such a handsome side.

That's why I particularly approve of Kakashi-senpai becoming Hokage, and he was willing to sacrifice everything for his own enlightenment to fight against the darkness in the village.

Naruto, I still have doubts about your announcement of becoming Hokage on the first day.

You must first become a ninja who implements the will of fire before you have a chance to move towards the dreamland.

Remember, you don't become Hokage because of your strength, but only those who are recognized by everyone can become Hokage.

This was the end of Iruka's two-week education course, and he didn't know what effect his words would have.

Having been in the position of dean for a long time, he understands that not everyone can understand the power of will.

Well, the holiday has passed for two weeks, and teachers have to live their own lives.

Next, I'll take you back to the Country of Rain.

In the middle of the night, Naruto still couldn't sleep.

Looking out at Konoha Village, it feels different from before. It seems that there are many more real bonds.

The next day, the two of them packed their bags and got on the train.

The tickets were randomly purchased by ANBU, and the two of them also made some disguises.

The empty Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki is also a Jinchuuriki, and Naruto is also the weak spot of the first seal master in the ninja world, and many people want to take him away.

The train drove slowly away from the Leaf Village and headed straight to the Land of Rain through the plain area.

After all, the daimyo of the Land of Fire failed to resist the pressure from the domestic nobles and agreed to establish a dedicated train line to the Land of Rain.

The group of aristocrats who were so red-eyed from doing business that they were making money couldn't refuse the temptation. With a few casual encouragements from Noah, they unified the idea of ​​making a lot of money.

The dedicated train line from Konoha Village to the new town in Rain Country was opened very quickly, providing great convenience for the movement of goods.

The nobles who had lost their final role also began to fight among themselves under the help of the Hokage secretary, and slowly lost control of the railway.

Seeing the train leaving the station, some people outside the village sent out a signal.

Clan leader, if found out, he will be dead.

Will we not die if we endure it?

They are the remnants of the old era, poor people who have no place in Konoha Village.

Somewhere underground outside Konoha Village, the intelligence network of the Moon Organization began to operate at high speed.

Iruka was reading the newspaper on the train, and Naruto was doing homework out of boredom.

It is simply outrageous to go with the dean and not do something that students should do. The arrangements are clearly made.

Suddenly, Naruto felt uncomfortable, as if his mother had seen his failed test paper.

So he looked around blankly.

Iruka continued to hold the newspaper in one hand as if nothing had happened. Three seconds later, his other hand penetrated the pedestrians passing by.

Things have changed.

He grabbed Naruto, smashed the glass and rushed out. He did not move in the direction of Konoha, where there would definitely be enemy defenses, but planned to directly use the counter-psychic technique.

Unfortunately, the enemy seemed to understand the fighting methods of Konoha ninjas. A flash of cold light interrupted the time for chakra to accumulate power.

Then five masked ninjas launched attacks one after another, giving Iruka no chance to escape.

It takes a lot of chakra to teleport to the distant Miaomu Mountain. This is because the psychic contract can help locate and share the pressure of teleportation.

There seems to be no chance of safe evacuation in this emergency situation.

Iruka put down Naruto and took out his short sword.

Naruto, close your eyes.

The short knife in his hand danced like a willow branch, and hallucinations began to appear in front of the enemy's eyes, as if countless willow leaves were floating in the wind.

Konoha and Liu willows!

Okay, open your eyes.

The short battle ended very quickly, and Naruto felt like it was over in just a few seconds.

Five ninjas lay dead in the wilderness, blood dripping from the short sword in the teacher's hand.

Just as Iruka was about to find a way to contact the village, a masked man came out from behind the tree.

Hokage-sama! The train was attacked.

Jounin Umino Iruka and Uzumaki Naruto, a student from the Ninja School, were attacked and disappeared!

Dazzling lightning shot straight into the sky from the Hokage's office.

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