Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1585 Eastern Ocean and Western Continent

Sarutobi Hiruzen's energy and blood surged all over his body, and Shinobi's aura was not weak at all.

Noah is strong, but he fought against the Tsuchikage first, and then carried the Ten-Tails. How much fighting power does he still have? Naruto Kakashi defeated the Raikage by trick, so how could he defeat me at this moment!

The Akatsuki organization is indeed powerful, but how much strength is left after successive battles?

Black Zetsu's expression moved slightly, and at this time he could only support Sarutobi Hiruzen's words.

Orochimaru slowly walked out and said softly.

Teacher, do you want to use words to drive away many of my masters?

Three Shadows are here, I'm here, what's there to be afraid of! The two tails, the six tails, and the eight tails are ready to fight at any time. Are we the ones who fear the strong and bully the weak, and avoid swords in fear of the sword? At worst, we will all be destroyed!

Orochimaru retreated in shame.

Noah finally spoke.

What I said before were all strong words and unreasonable, and there is no need to say any more. You dare to take my sword!

As soon as these words came out, everyone was silent. If they could take this sword, why would they waste their words? They would have done it long ago.

Naturally, Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't dare, but

Hmph, let's all come together. You may not be able to kill us all before you run out of strength.

Besides, how many people behind you will survive!

Whenever news comes out, the three major ninja villages will unite to destroy the ideals of the Akatsuki organization.

We won't win, but you will lose.

When the time comes, the ninja world will be in chaos, and all living beings will be devastated. How can you be so determined?

These words seemed to hit Noah's weakness, making this sword that had always been invincible slow down.

It's amazing that such a rogue house-changing tactic is said to be so tough.

But it’s really useful.

Noah closed his eyes, and the aura of destruction in his body grew stronger, as if he would make a dangerous decision at any time.

Black Zetsu, Raikage, and Tsuchikage's palms were all sweating at this moment.

This battle of words and soul was so penetrating that it was even sharper than a sword.

Noah finally strengthened his will, raised his sword and spoke slowly.

I am not advancing the great cause of peace alone, my partners in the Akatsuki organization have also paid so much.

For peace, sacrifice is.

It's over, it seems that we can't do it without fighting.

Suddenly Sarutobi Hiruzen interrupted.

Apologise, compensate, conquer us with ideas.

We directly admit defeat in this conflict and apologize for our previous exaggerated remarks.

We can sign an agreement to provide supplies, minerals, and markets.

Use time to prove that you are right, for the sake of peace in the ninja world.

This sword can no longer fall. How can we fight if the enemy admits defeat?


A proactive concession in a tense atmosphere gave everyone the hope of survival.

Several Kage simultaneously thought that Hiruzen Sarutobi was a damn genius. Why didn't he have such cleverness in the previous three ninja battles?

Taking the initiative to make concessions at this time is the best option, bar none!

First, he was full of momentum, then he closed the gap with his words, used a decisive tone to intimidate, and finally took the initiative to retreat to end the incident.

They never thought that the power of language could be so powerful.

Noah was still silent, and every second of his silence was painful.

Seek common ground while reserving differences, Noah.

The Akatsuki organization can continue to grow. It can also make a comeback when we are more confident.

Peace is not that simple


Sarutobi Hiruzen used the Akatsuki organization to shake Noah's heart.

Oh~~ If the group of people behind you are willing to talk about it.

Without saying a word, Sarutobi Hiruzen turned around and walked back to the three-village coalition.

You also heard the conversation just now. Now we can sign an alliance under the city to get a chance to breathe. Are you willing?


What else is there to say? It's not too late for the ninja world to take revenge in ten years. If it hadn't been for the Ten-Tails' rampage and if it hadn't been for Sarutobi Hiruzen's final struggle, it's hard to say how many of them would have gone back today.

Ohnoki and Raikage were both seriously injured and would definitely leave behind to cover the village's elite retreat.

When the war of revenge begins, the Fourth Ninja War, which will far exceed the previous ones, can only be endless.

What a terrible ending this is, even Hei Jue doesn't want to start a war now.

It's okay now. Although I need to endure the humiliation and compensate for some supplies, the best outcome is for people to survive.

So a unique negotiation began.

Konoha, Sunagakure Village, and Rain Ninja Village participated in the war and became the victors of the Fang Xiao organization.

And Kumogakure, Iwagakure, and Kirigakure became the losers.

It just so happened that five of the six parties came. What was outrageous was that Luo Sha won without coming. He really won.

Negotiations are quick because there are not many points involved.

In other words, the surface condition of the Akatsuki organization is not very good and cannot provide the strongest pressure.

The requirement put forward is that the economic platform will not enter the scope of the three countries, but normal business exchanges cannot be blocked in any way, and even need protection.

In addition, the political demands are to withdraw the previous remarks that slandered the Akatsuki organization and slandered Konoha.

As for resources and materials, it was Orochimaru and Xie who came forward, and this aspect was quickly negotiated.

An Iron Kingdom Contract that was so scrawled that it could be torn up at any time was officially signed.

Then the Akatsuki organization prepared to return to the Land of Rain.

As gorgeous as your entrance is, you cannot lose when you exit.

In the white storm, Noah looked behind him at the ninja villagers who looked at him with humiliating eyes.

A new form of war has just begun. You and I both know that only one will can win in this world in the future.

So please do your best to become stronger.

Wait until the time is right.

When the last piece of paper disappeared and there was no strange aura in his perception, Raikage smashed the table with a punch.

This is a shame! ! !

Except for being pressed and signed by the God of Ninja during the first generation of Kumogakure Village, even the Byakugan Incident was not so humiliating!

The Tsuchikage carefully read the words on the agreement, word by word.

Then he looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen.

If our three great ninja villages plus the Yue Organization work together, what's the winning rate?

Onoki didn't want his village to disappear under Noah's sword.

No less than 50%. In terms of size, number of people, and resources, we have the advantage.

The Akatsuki organization's operating method is not difficult. Even if you imitate it, you can grow quickly.

The longer it takes, the greater our advantage will be.

No less than 50%. Done!

For a person who likes stud, such a high probability is completely enough.

Mizukage also joined in at the right time. Kirigakure Village and Water Country are as important components as the opponent's Sand Ninja Village and Wind Country combination.

The Fourth Raikage did not hesitate this time. He needed a platform to help him stand in front of Kakashi.

In that case, let's start our first meeting on the ruins of this battlefield.

Under the tremendous pressure from the West, a coalition of all-round cooperation in politics, economy, and military was born.

Because the three great ninja villages have the Water Country in the east as their economic core area, and they also aim to fight against the landlocked country in the west where the Akatsuki organization is located, the Eastern Ocean Convention was officially signed today.

After Noah, who returned to the Kingdom of Rain, found out, he pulled Luo Sha, who was still confused, to sign the Western Continent Convention to confront him.

You have no choice, brother. Welcome to the Akatsuki organization.

Since then, the ninja world has entered a period of invisible war.

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