Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1584 The old Hokage's verbal battle with Qunxiao

I came back now just to maintain Mizukage's character.

I feel ashamed to say it. I was chased by the Kyuubi quite brutally before, but I just came back now.

Everyone said that it was understandable, and they knew what was going on without telling what happened to the other shadows.

After learning about Sarutobi Hiruzen's instigation, Black Zetsu secretly shed a cold sweat.

Although I am very happy that you are serious about fighting the Akatsuki organization until death, the Ten-Tails cannot have another accident.

Who knows where such a big demon statue was hidden by Noah? Even its face was marked, which was outrageous.

Nagato's eyes must also be protected, as he was exposed once today and has already been targeted by the outside world.

It's really sad.

Why have I never succeeded in anything I have tried to do in recent years?

Before, it could be said that Obito was a drag, but now with the strong support of Sarutobi Hiruzen, it still failed.

It's a pity that I failed to achieve my great goal and died several times along the way. Otherwise, I would have ruled the world with my mother long ago.

Hei Jue, the master of mentality adjustment, quickly regained the mentality he had when he was forbearing. He should follow the first proposal put forward at the beginning of this Five Shadows Conference.

Strategic stalemate and slow confrontation will be the mainstream of the future ninja world.

In order to prevent the situation from getting out of control, he had to make his voice heard.

So Mizukage said that everyone should be careful not to be impetuous, as the enemy still has strong fighting power.

Why don't we take this opportunity to sign an armistice agreement with the other side? Could it be that we wait for them to calm down and destroy us?

A little weak, but it was particularly recognized by the few shadows and the elites in the village who recognized the facts.

Then several people looked at each other.

Mizukage-sama is right.

Mizukage-sama is so responsible, he is truly a role model in the ninja world.

Yakura, I didn't expect you to be so wise even on the battlefield.

This kind of unanimous praise makes Hei Jue feel tired. You can't be so shameless, right?

Since Mizukage has such an opinion, why don't you go and negotiate with the Akatsuki organization first?

Who among the crowd made a good start, causing Hei Jue's eyes to darken.

I have a sworn feud with that little Noah kid. If I go there, there may be a conflict.

Onoki gritted his teeth and looked filled with indignation.

If you have sworn hatred, then I won’t? Black Zetsu's hatred only increased.

Damn it, if I hadn't been severely injured by the Hokage, I would have taken the initiative to fight them to the end!

Raikage covered the knife wound with his big hand and coughed slightly, his face full of reluctance.

At this time, no one is willing to negotiate with the Xiao organization.

One is that they don’t know the other party’s attitude. What if they refuse to give up and want to start a war.

Besides, as a shadow of a village, I would not put myself in a dangerous situation unless necessary.

The two shadows almost died in the battle before because they didn't expect that they would be beaten to this point. Now that they are forcing themselves on them, it is a bit irresponsible to the village.

As for why I recommend Mizukage, which is also a shadow.

Because there are currently no fatal injuries on Mizukage's body, and he is not from his own village, it is very realistic.

Black Zetsu looked up to the sky and sighed, this ninja world is filthy.

No, it has been filthy for too long and the world must be re-created!

Do you know that my disguise can only deceive you, Noah can definitely recognize it.

Do you know that I am also very dangerous? That bastard would definitely kill me if he could.

So he pointed to someone who was eating melon.

Sarutobi Hiruzen! This Five Kage Conference was started by your Moon Organization, and it was you who proposed taking the lead in confronting the Akatsuki Organization.

Now that we've reached this point, it's time for you to do your part. Don't even think about staying out of it.

Black Zetsu is no less capable of blaming someone than Raikage Tsuchikage. The time has come when the organization needs you, Hiruzen.

Raikage and Tsuchikage also kept up with the formation. It would be a good idea to leave this dangerous job to the Light Organization.

The same words were almost repeated again, and the words were much harsher.

Kirigakure Village is more or less one of the top five. Unless your wild organization has the combat power of the Akatsuki organization, does it also have a good tone?

It's just the screw-ups of you people that caused us such huge losses. It's absolutely impossible not to go.

Sarutobi Hiruzen, what are you doing here?

But it can be considered that he has achieved his goal, and Noah's script has come to an end.

Hmph, I'll go meet them for a while!

But you all followed behind and put pressure on each other.

With the hope of the three great ninja villages, the first three generations of Hokage went to find their enemies.

The three major ninja villages also cooperated and followed behind, maintaining a certain distance. This negotiation determined the future of the ninja world.

In full view of everyone, Sarutobi Hiruzen went to the meeting alone, while Noah's face was filled with impatience.

I am coming.

You shouldn't have come!

I have to come for the future of the ninja world.

Kakashi raised his eyebrows and stood up.

As the fifth generation Hokage, seeing the traitorous ninja, should we take action to wipe out the shame of the village, the third generation Hokage-sama?

Think about it carefully. I am representing Kumogakure, Iwagakure, and Kirigakure. Please maintain your manners, Lord Fifth Hokage.

Well, even though Sarutobi Hiruzen is on the weaker side, his momentum has not diminished at all.

The three figures looked at each other and felt that they had found the right person.

Sanshouyu Hanzo came out at this time.

I recently heard that Brother Sarutobi Hiruzen contacted the three major ninja villages to form an alliance in the Iron Country. He wanted to use the power of the three villages to sweep the ninja world. He was defeated in a battle today, so he is begging for mercy at this moment. Is this arrogance first and then respect?

Then he replied: The purpose of contacting the three villages is for the peace of the shinobi world, the Akatsuki organization secretly colludes with Konoha, and Sunagakure secretly develops forces to invade the will of each village, which is perverse.

So arrogant, a tough guy like Raikage would never dare to be so tough after finding himself in such a situation. This Sarutobi Hiruzen is really brave.

Chiyo within the Akatsuki organization sneered.

The Xiao organization's economic reform platform can stimulate the economy, promote employment, and create more jobs after it is settled. Is this also perverse?

Moreover, the Kingdom of Wind was also a huge country before joining the Akatsuki organization, and its great names had their own laws.

Now that I know that with the help of the organization, the economy of Sunagakure Village has recovered, the civilians live and work in peace and contentment, and the ninjas have made a difference.

Not to mention looking up to the brilliance of the sun and moon to save the people from water and fire. At least it can be regarded as a kind act. Isn't it ridiculous that you have framed us for many unjust acts in the past.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes widened in anger.

When a person suffers from serious illness, he should first drink it with rice porridge and take it with medicine. The right way is to take it step by step.

The Akatsuki organization opened up and closed, regardless of the cultural customs of the Kingdom of Wind, and injected its own will like a strong dose of medicine.

Was it that the person who saved the life was still a person from Sunagakure Village? How can we turn a blind eye to Xiao's organization's ambitions?

Rejoice! These words simply spoke to Onoki's heart.

If it weren't for the overbearing actions of the Akatsuki organization to modify the will of the Ninja Village, he wouldn't have immediately brought people to participate in the New Five Kage Talks.

No one can tolerate this kind of behavior that disturbs the foundation of the village.

Xiao Huangmao within the Xiao organization stood up and stood with his sword drawn.

The masters of Jinxiao's organization gathered here to defeat the two shadows of Lei Tu, cut off five tails, and seal the fourth tail. How can the elites of the three villages resist!

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