View from above.

Centered on the original meeting place of the Five Shadows Conference in the Kingdom of Iron, there is a deep pit with a radius of 5 kilometers.

The edge of the pit is the starting point of this surface war.

Why is it called a surface war?

Literally, it's because there are several superpowers among the participants who can rewrite the terrain at will.

From this stage onwards, the ninja world seems small. This is the initial stage of welcoming the extraterrestrial war.

At the same time, it is also because the style of this world has begun to upgrade since the Shinra Tensei. Ninjutsu that destroys the world, forbidden arts that reverse life and death, and hidden unconventional combat powers begin to take the stage.

The previous meaning of practicing several seals per second and changing attributes has been eliminated.

In the history of the ninja world after the Six Paths, except for the battle between the two heroes of the Warring States Period, basically no battle could reach such a high standard.

The highest combat power of the three great ninja wars was a duel between two and three Kage.

Now the scene has gathered the Earth Shadow, the Raikage, the former Hokage, the current Hokage, and the fake Mizukage, it is quite spectacular.

What's more, there are many giant psychic beasts, giant tailed beasts, steel giants, and chakra giants on the battlefield.

It was as if everyone was brought back to the mythology of ancient times.

After all, Su Zhanmingzun alone has two. And the number of tailed beasts reaches an astonishing seven if the two nine tails are separated.

That is to say, except for the three-tailed beasts who are still wild tailed beasts in the Kingdom of Water and the tanuki from the Kingdom of Wind, even if they are all here, summoning the heretic demon can directly resurrect the Ten-Tails.

When this group of chakra polymers gather together and move at will, the earth will shake and the mountains will shake. If the crazy tailed beast jade is hit, it can appear in plural forms.

Basically, it can be judged that this area of ​​​​the Kingdom of Iron will be turned into a no man's land by them.

The determination of both warring parties is that they will not care about such things at all.

Even if the Akatsuki organization is a peaceful organization, it will not back down. In order to prevent a real all-out war from breaking out, the opponent must be defeated in this battle.

Besides, Noah killed countless times more people than any other killing maniac in the ninja world.

He has seen this kind of price countless times, and his character is so determined that he seems to be a pervert.

The last sentence was said by Orochimaru.

Anyway, the Akatsuki organization decisively activated the red sword energy as a signal for battle.

The Three Shadows also recruited their strong men to launch a siege against the Akatsuki organization. Since all the enemy's backbones have appeared, they can complete their work in one battle.

Eradicate this cancer in the ninja world and kill the owner of the Immortal Eye. The important task of maintaining peace in the ninja world lies with us.


Boom, boom, the earth is shaking.

The five tailed beasts joined forces to charge, the mountains and rocks shattered unstoppably, and the aura of disaster filled the battlefield.

Behind him were three Kages and many elites from the ninja village who charged together.

There are basically jounin-level masters here, as well as some chuunin with special abilities.

In the ninja world, they are all prominent figures.

The three major ninja villages working together to attack a target created a sense of unity. It seems that Nagato's opening show can indeed help ninjas feel the pain and unite people's hearts.

Under the command of the commanders of each village, the elites of the ninja villages began to release joint ninjutsu to take the lead in conducting air strikes.

On the battlefield, they are also strong men who have experienced hundreds of battles, so naturally they will not directly engage in hand-to-hand combat.

The sky was instantly filled with light and shadow special effects and flew towards the gathering place of the Akatsuki organization.

Black Zetsu in Yue Organization also has some movement.

It wouldn't be a bad thing if Noah's Akatsuki organization could be crippled, it would be better if he could kill that monster.

Without the obstruction of this ghost, the future of the ninja world is destined to be under his control.

Thousands of years of hatred for the script being torn to shreds is worth a try.

So he not only brought Obito, but also Hidan.

Hidan's Shinji Pingxue is a super powerful first-sight killing skill, which has an immediate death effect on humanoid flesh and blood life.

It doesn't matter how the cult in Tang Ninja Village was concocted. The only thing that is really good is that it has good curative effects.

If you can get Noah's blood on such a chaotic battlefield, hehehehehe.

Sarutobi Hiruzen ran ahead and looked at Black Zetsu's little movements, feeling a little helpless in his heart.

How could such a conspiracy like playing house be a match for the man opposite.

Besides, how do you know that Noah doesn’t know the information?

Even Hidan's information was provided by the other party. It's cruel to say that you are no longer a conspirator of the same rank.

Of course, he himself had to be careful, as he could not guarantee that this word was used just right at this moment.

Not everyone knows their identity, and at the same time, their sins may be harvested at any time.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was ready for a fight to the death.

Logically speaking, the torrent of the ninja world at the level of the Sannin Village Alliance Army should crush everything without any hindrance.

Even the Raikage Tsuchikage who followed the tailed beast thought so.

But the Akatsuki organization didn't think so, and they didn't even make any dodge movements.

It's just a joint ninjutsu, whoever hides is the dog.

When the three major ninja villages began to attack, everyone in the Akatsuki organization looked at the battlefield commander Noah.

Although there were several frontline commanders from major powers present, only Noah could make them more confident in this scenario.

Everyone knows that this guy who teaches Shuangyue Kendo everywhere is a master of strategy and tactics, with an extraordinary imagination and unconstrained perspective, as well as outrageously rigorous micro-management skills.

All they have to do is wait and follow instructions.

Noah watched the ninjutsu flying towards him without any fluctuation.

The enemy's attack was broken by the Five Elements Escape Technique. This may be one of the few times that conventional ninjutsu appears on this battlefield.

Using the power of an underground organization to fight against the three major ninja villages sounds like an incredible fantasy.

But this feeling was all too familiar to Noah.

Even the slowly rising aura of war awakened something in his bones, and his memories were a whole history of war.

This kind of entry-level battlefield has never been lacking in his career resume.

The smell of gunpowder smoke, the smell of blood, the collision of strong men's auras, and the battle of wills.


What's a pity?

Yahiko frantically added drama to himself and immediately responded to the teacher's words.

It's a pity that this battlefield is too small, there are too few enemies, and the level of the strong ones is slightly low.

These words left everyone speechless.

The Sannin, Chiyo and others looked at the momentum of the charge from the opposite side. If they had been in the past when they were still commanders, they would have been thinking about how to preserve their strength. The person in front of them still thought that the opponent was not good enough.

Noah, forget it.

Orochimaru wanted to say something, but after thinking about what the leader said, he felt more at ease.

In terms of pretentiousness, this guy is more powerful. This is the power of language.

The calm old battlefield artist didn't think there was anything wrong with what he said, but instead started teaching mode.

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