Electric machines, chakra, puppetry, hardcore smelting technology, a mecha belonging to the ninja world, Zaku - 02 attacks!

The ruthless electronic sound sounded.

Akatsuki Organization, Scorpion.

An extremely explosive appearance, countless times cooler than Nagato.

Onoki looked a little confused when he saw the appearance of the Cyclops, and Sarutobi Hiruzen immediately came online as the commentator.

The technology of the Sky Ninja? No, it's the Puppet Technique! It's the mechanical style of the Akatsuki organization. They actually build war machines in the name of liberating productivity. Damn it!

While getting answers to his questions in the Sannin Village, he was also fascinated by this war mecha. Kirabi inside the Gyuuki couldn't wait to rap immediately.

No man can resist the impact of Zaku's charm, and everyone in the Akatsuki organization who is descending from the sky is also extremely jealous.

Damn it, you let this stuffy puppet master steal the spotlight!

The second Scorpion appeared on the scene, directly raising his appearance style to the extreme.

Don't wait any longer, let's go together!!!

Above the clouds, all members of the Akatsuki organization have begun to arrive!

The three ninjas looked at each other and started to run away.

Rare pride rose in the air.

It's time to make their name more resounding in the sky, and if they don't show off for a while, they won't have the chance.

Who knows how many fancy debut methods ninjas have these days.

Bite your fingers and form seals on your hands.

Psychic art!!!*3

Huge smoke filled the air, and three huge psychic beasts descended on the battlefield with the contractors. The huge movement caused the Kingdom of Iron to experience a small earthquake again.

Giant snakes, toads, slugs.

Strong personal characteristics have already explained the identity of the descendant.

Akatsuki Organization, Tsunade.

Akatsuki Organization. Jiraiya.

Akatsuki Organization. Orochimaru!

Come on!!!*3

The high-spirited Sannin stood on the heads of the psychic beasts and looked down at the ninjas of the three major ninja villages. It was just a ninja battle, and that was enough.

The offensive momentum of the Ninja Village Allied Forces has been completely stopped, how can they still attack?

In the Ninja World War, this is the commander of the three fronts of Konoha. Besides, the three ninjas are coming, then...

The God of Fukutsu was exiled from Takamagahara to the human world, and the name of Sumizhan Mingzun was passed down in the Uchiha bloodline.

The shadow reappears, and the impact of the behemoth is far from stopping.

Two Susano'o figures dozens of meters tall, holding long swords, flew to the left and right in front of the three ninjas. The ultimate skill of the Eye of Psychic Reflection appeared again in the ninja world.

The violent Yin-type chakra is exerting the most primitive spiritual shock on the ninjas of the Sannin Village. Have you ever seen a sword of tens of meters? Here are two!

Kakashi and Shisui expressed their attitudes without any secret, and did not think there was any problem with the presence of Konoha Hokage and the guard captain here.

We are the new generation of ninjas who are here to declare our existence.

Akatsuki Organization, Hatake Kakashi.

Akatsuki Organization, Uchiha Shisui.

Onoki was almost suffering from PTSD, he hated Uchiha! I hate Konoha Village even more!

Raikage stared at Kakashi with eyes full of anger. He thought that the two sides would fight to the death in the next thunder and fire battle. Who would have thought that it would be such a scene.

Those innocent people who dressed up in the Five Shadows Conference before were all mocking themselves.

Stuck? Paper?

Then the wind picked up, and a white storm swept over the battlefield.

Several figures gradually appeared in the storm, they were still strong, very strong.

This group of people are more showy than the others. They are too unstable.

Strong people don't bother to do such fancy things.

The old man is right, but I'm really envious.

The storm kicks off, and everyone reveals their true form.

The members without any flashy skills can only appear on the stage by riding the coattails of a beautiful woman, and at least the scene of White Storm is not bad.

Long time no see, Onoki and Hiruzen Sarutobi.

Akatsuki Organization, Sansho Hanzo. Akatsuki Organization, Chiyo.

The appearance of these two people did not make Ohnoki feel happy. The changes in Sand Ninja Village and Rain Ninja Village were destined to be unable to escape these two people.

Two old guys still come out to stir up trouble, damn it.

What? You said my pure chakra metal sickle is beautiful? I think so too.

Hanzo didn't have any topics to talk about. He finally got an opportunity to show off. He had been waiting for five years.

Similarly, the appearance of two old friends did not make Sarutobi Hiruzen look sideways, but instead looked at a red-haired figure in a daze.

Noah, that bastard. Why didn’t you tell him about this? It’s over.

Akatsuki Organization, Uzumaki Kushina!

Long time no see, Third Hokage-sama.

Kushina smiled, but the malice in her eyes seemed to be about to crawl out of her eyes.

Why are you not dead yet? Do you need help?

This was done for Naruto and Minato. It was impossible to count on a dead ghost or brat, so I had to do it myself.

After putting away the test strips, Xiaonan went directly to Nagato to protect him and made an introduction.


She didn't look down on these old people in the ninja world.

As for the nominal real leader Yahiko and the finance minister Kakuzu, they also introduced themselves, but there were too many big shots present, and almost everyone was more famous than them.

So even though Xiao Huangmao and Mung Douyan also wore Akatsuki costumes and tried to show off their aggressive and domineering looks, unfortunately, they were still completely ignored.

There is no giant psychic beast, no chakra giant, no steel giant, no samsara eye, no exaggerated ninjutsu style, it is so bleak.

I was eighteen years old, and I stood like a slave.

I was sixty-eight that year, and I stood like a slave.

The two can only draw attention to other big-name members, hoping to be noticed.

Akatsuki's behavior of dropping dumplings from the sky one after another is really embarrassing.

Passers-by will explain every time one comes. Anyway, they can control the momentum of the BOSS very well.

Now they are still looking at the sky. There should be another super strong person from the Akatsuki organization who will appear, the man who chopped down the wind shadow, blasted the earth shadow, and hammered the thunder shadow.

Is it just that Noah is a person who takes an ordinary path?

The previous member used various gorgeous ways to appear, but he could only achieve better results by opening a canyon with a sword and killing several tailed beasts.

But then the Cold War would be over.

This small amount of manpower in the Akatsuki organization cannot change the course of the ninja world at all. On the contrary, it will slow down the speed of transforming the ninja world.

So he chose the simpler way.

How could a kunai fall down?


The young man holding the word Hedao appeared on the C position.

Although there is no gorgeous appearance, there is no exaggerated arrival of the giant thing, but it still attracts everyone's attention.

It only took a split second for all the strong men in the Sannin Village to raise their heads and lower their heads. It wasn't that Noah was so handsome and earth-shattering, nor was it that the Flying Thunder God was so scary.

In fact, most people have no idea how the enemy appears. It's just that the high-intensity sense of crisis makes the biological instinct look towards the source of fear.

The two Nine Tails on Noah's shoulders are too scary.

Hey Sarutobi Hiruzen, is the first Hokage a sinister villain?

He only left one tailed beast for Konoha back then, right?

The first three generations of Hokage.

You may not believe it, but Tobirama-sensei never told me this.

Hello everyone, or long time no see.

Akatsuki Organization, Noah.

Akatsuki Organization, Nine Lamas.*2

Pulling out the words of Hedao who was already trembling with excitement, the arrogance in his tone was conveyed so accurately.


It has ended.

The huge flying slash ignited the flames of war, the roar of mechas, the fluctuation of ninjutsu, and the shaking of the earth.

A new round of surface war is started by the Akatsuki organization!

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