Just like the feeling of an ancient person traveling to modern times and seeing thousands of lights, the power of modernization has never been so surging at this moment.

The power of the times is really amazing.

Is the rain country's conference really just a venue?

Chiyo, who had witnessed the first generation period, felt inexplicably his own insignificance, and a special new force was showing its fangs.

Then came regret.

A kind of regret to see beautiful things destroyed.

The fate of the place of the Three War is so sad. The Kingdom of Fire, the Kingdom of Wind, and the Kingdom of Earth are all existences that can easily crush this place.

The main theme of the ninja world is the strong, fighting, and tragedy like fate.

In the blink of an eye, even if there is no powerful guardian in the sky, it will eventually be a wasteland.

Block these thoughts for the time being and collect intelligence first.

Take out a scroll.



The smoke dissipated, and three reconnaissance puppets with different shapes appeared in front of them.

Humanoid puppets have advantages in combat, but alien puppets are even better in detection.

As long as it is equipped with the Eye of Sand, it is the best reconnaissance prop, and can even be used on flying puppets.

Of course, the puppet string must be able to keep up with the distance. The biggest limitation of this move is the puppet master's control over the string.

Chiyo's ability to control three at the same time is the limit, which is different from fighting puppets.

As for the Eye of Sand, it was the advanced version that Gaara used during the Chunin Exam. The child was almost using instinct to use it, so that was why it took so much effort.

The old man mastered the ninjutsu of the Sand Ninja very well.

With yourself as the center, you can release three puppets and climb up to high places to scan most areas. In this way, the general intelligence investigation of the town cannot be hidden from Chiyo's eyes.

With a wave of his hand, the three puppets disappeared instantly.

Then black screen.

It would be rude to do that in someone else's village.

A man wearing a black red cloud robe stood on the tower at some point, but his face was covered by the shadow of the hood.


Ah hahahaha, I'm just a little curious. There are so many masters in the Kingdom of Rain.


The person turned around and crushed a strange puppet that appeared at an unknown time, and the poisonous needle also fell to the ground.

So you kill people immediately and silence them?

His face was full of helplessness, but the operation really had not changed, and he had taught himself this way back then.

Chiyo's expression immediately turned cold, the real master had arrived.

There are very few people who can crush a puppet with their bare hands. Judging from the degree of force exerted, they have completely seen through the weak points of the structure and destroyed it directly.

The previous reconnaissance puppets also had certain combat capabilities. They were defeated in an instant and probably suffered the same fate.

However, the detection effect is very good.

You are the puppet master behind the Kingdom of Rain? What do you call it?


How should I put it, Scorpion felt that he shouldn't be here, but that bastard Noah would say a few words from time to time.

That bastard can always stab someone's heart with a sharp knife in just a few words.

It made him so uneasy that he couldn't get into the mechanical world at all.

In the end, I don't know whether Noah's power of bewitching was too terrifying, or whether he wanted to go there in his heart, but Scorpion appeared here.

Go back, there is nothing you want here.

It was a kind reminder. The moment they met, Scorpio realized that he was actually not that calm.

After the transformation, I am still mainly made of flesh and blood, but now my blood flow is a bit fast.

What I wanted has appeared.

Chiyo's stubbornness gives Scorpion a headache. Such a persistent person will fall into Noah's clutches and jump in willingly.

It's not a bad thing, it's even a good thing.

But it was very unpleasant. There were quite a few people in the Xiao organization who wanted to give Noah a hard time.

So he turned around and walked away, running towards the outside of the town under the moonlight, and Chiyo quickly followed.

She didn't know why, but her premonition told her that if she lost the figure of the person in front of her, she might regret it for the rest of her life.

It's weird, but I still chased him out of confidence in my own strength.

Two flying puppets were sent out on the road to try to intercept, but they were both destroyed and destroyed directly. They were all weak attacks.

This made Chiyo's heart sink. The other party was probably from a Sand Ninja family and a puppet family.

Otherwise, you cannot destroy your own tentative puppets one after another, even if you know yourself very well.

All the physical control of the chakra thread was avoided. This calm feeling and even a certain dodge action were so similar to the person in her memory that it drove her crazy.

After seeing that the town was far away, Chiyo officially took action.

Wind Escape. Big breakthrough!

The violent airflow was like a sharp blade storm, hindering the pace of 'Jade'.

We are both puppet masters, why don't we talk about it? And, can I see your face?

Chiyo untied the scroll without waiting for a reply.

Ten people in Chikamatsu!

The Chikamatsu Ten, the masterpiece of Bunzaemon, the founder of the puppet master, are summoned. The puppets are known as the Ten Fingers and can freely manipulate the essence of puppetry.

As the name suggests, one machine can equal a thousand!

They can also cooperate with each other to perform combined attacks and ninjutsu. Chiyo once used this puppet technique to capture a city.

Logically speaking, the skill of pressing the bottom of the box should not be used so early, but today is different.

Chiyo has lost all intention of testing. Even if he breaks the opponent's limbs, he still wants to get everything he wants.

As for starting a war with the Kingdom of Rain, it is not within the scope of consideration at all.

Scorpion had a headache. In the past, he might have used a puppet to cover up his figure.

But the atmosphere in the Kingdom of Rain was different, so he didn't make the original timeline version of Filiu Amber to cover up his appearance, but only made a test machine to replace Filiu Amber.

Therefore, it is not bad to test it with grandma's strongest white secret skill.

The same scroll appears, but it is huge in size.

I'm sorry, my puppet is still a semi-finished product, welcome to taste it.


The smoke that was far beyond ordinary dissipated, and a battle weapon appeared between the fields.

Is this a puppet?

Chiyo seemed to have seen something that transcended the times, and received an impact that he could never bear in his life.

This is a subversion of puppetry!

A steel cyclops more than ten meters tall stands on the ground.

Under the B-type helmet is a deep black hole. The rough body is full of rough edges and corners, and there are several metal pipes exposed on the outside.

The feet that were so heavy that they dug into the ground showed the heaviness of the creation in front of him.

puppet? It's a mecha!

The mysterious man wearing a black red cloud robe sat in the cockpit in front of Chiyo.

Countless chakra threads emanated from Jade's body and connected to the giant's body. As the threads penetrated, a buzzing sound was made in the joints and other core parts.

The chakra source is activated, the detection system is activated, the power propulsion is activated, and the weapon system is unlocked.

The restrictions on the MMP-80 machine gun on the left arm and the electric heating ax on the right arm are officially lifted.

The high temperature radiated from the gaps in the mecha, bringing out endless steam, and the one eye flashed with red light.

The giant came to life.

Chiyo was a little cautious and stayed away from the giant. She felt extremely dangerous.

The appearance of the Cyclops made the ten people appear particularly small, but the ninja world does not mean that they are big or strong, unless you are the two heroes of the Warring States Period.

The Scorpion inside the mecha felt the speed of chakra extraction and smiled bitterly. It didn't take more than three minutes. The bastard really got it right.

It would be great if there was a tailed beast that could provide energy. Energy restrictions limited the upper limit of the mecha.

Although the chakra reserves are insufficient, the fuselage materials are relatively ordinary, the weapon system is single, and the maneuverability is worrying.

But at the moment, the romance of piloting a mecha is enough to ignore these fatal problems.

The blood burned inexplicably!

Electronic sound amplification.

Originally, I wanted to call it Fei Liuhu, but some bastard insisted on calling it Zaku.

At the same time, that bastard also said that he must say it at this time.

.Zaku, attack!

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