Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1513 The epitome of the new era

Finally, Yahiko left here after sending Luo Sha and others into the pre-arranged station area.

Let me tell you in advance that this is an area specially divided for the five major kingdoms. The main focus is a sense of remoteness and high-end.

In the event of a conflict, it would not immediately affect the residents of the town, giving the Akatsuki organization time to fully mobilize its personnel.

This experience comes from Konoha Village.

The destruction of the core area was completed in just a few minutes. Of course, this was also caused by the high quality of the personnel and the level of the experts in that battle.

The level of the next Five Shadows Conference is even higher than the core battle.

If any of the Kage have a quarrel, they may test it a few times. The Tsuchikage's dust escape, the Raikage's speed, etc. must be guarded against.

Luo Sha and others also knew the secrets here, so they didn't have any objections.

After the yellow-haired leader left, people from the Kingdom of Wind gathered together to discuss the intelligence collected in the Kingdom of Rain today.

It seems that the Fifth Hokage is in separate contact with Sansho Hanzo. The leader of the Akatsuki organization doesn't know much about it.

The idea of ​​turning the Land of Rain into a commercial hub can only be said to be naive. The war in the ninja world will never stop.

Ninjas are all based on their strength, and even the big names and minor names are not that interested in things that improve people's livelihood.

And that train, it’s a pity to use such good steel on the track. How many kunai and shurikens would have to be made?

Although this town looks very advanced and developed, there is nothing learnable about it.

Some people even think that this is a luxury toy created by the Daimyo of the Land of Rain.

Although Luo Sha placed a large order before leaving the machine shop, it was just to increase her reserves.

It's okay, even if it can only maintain peace for more than ten years. It's a big advantage that our Kingdom of Wind is bordering here. If the Akatsuki organization really gets started, there will be one more trade route.

For example, trading some of the village's specialties, minerals, etc. The village will only become poorer and poorer just by relying on the amount of tasks.

These words also made everyone feel sad.

The poorest village in the five major countries is well-deserved, and in recent years it has been tightening its belt to pay off debts.

If Konoha is so rich, why won't they let us go?

Some people are aggrieved, but forget that the initiator of the war is their own business, or they deliberately ignore it.

Isn't it normal to covet a rich and powerful neighbor?

Through the management of the God of the Ninja World and the subsequent generations of Kages, Konoha's performance in three ninja battles proved that although it was declining, it was still strong.

Although the Sandaime degraded the village through force, he also strengthened the image in external publicity.

No matter how the fight went, Konoha always won or won a small victory, but when the outcome was deteriorating, it was all kinds of publicity that led to a poor record.

Needless to say, ordinary people are still very fond of this.

Coupled with the almost flawless execution of key tasks, as well as good reputation and appearance, Konoha is the first choice for wealthy people in small countries across the continent.

Many people even travel thousands of miles to Konoha Village to pay high mission fees in exchange for what they want.

The Sand Ninja Village can only accept tasks from within the Kingdom of Wind, and few outsiders will go to the village to entrust tasks at the risk of getting lost in the desert.

The newly emerged Country of Rain seems to be a gap for business expansion, giving everyone an additional way to make money.

Desert specialties are still very valuable, including many precious metals.

As for those equipment, just take them back to the village and study them.

Luo Sha wanted to imitate this thing and sell it. Puppetry can't always make money, it must make a contribution to the village.

I imagine that with the village's heritage, we can quickly improve and produce better products to replace those crude equipment.

As for whether the shop owner will feel uncomfortable... ha.

The ninja's methods are so cruel, let the sand ninja teach that boss a lesson.

As for the others

After the discussion, nothing came out of the discussion. In their opinion, what the Kingdom of Rain did was just some weird and obscene tricks.

It may be possible to make some money for a while, but it won't last long.

The conversation then turned to the direction of Konoha.

I originally thought that the Land of Rain was Konoha's home ground, so I came to check out the location in advance, but it seems there was a slight discrepancy.

So spend the next two days collecting intelligence in this town. It would be best to see if there is anything that can provide input.

Chiyo, on the other hand, except for a few words when discussing the economy of Sand Ninja Village, most of his attention was focused on the unknown puppet master and the material production process.

As for the things that are brought up for discussion, they will not be done.

First of all, the situation has not been determined yet, everything is my own guess.

What if it is really a superficial way to find a way to standardize the copy of Rain Kingdom, or it is all a coincidence.

The second is distrust.

It's not that I don't trust everyone's loyalty, the only people who can come here are the core figures of the village.

It’s about not trusting everyone’s abilities. Hanzo's strength is quite strong. The Akatsuki organization can fight that old guy in the ring even with the help of a daimyo.

Just let yourself try out some information and you will know.

After the meeting, everyone found their own rooms to sleep. Needless to say, this bastard from the Country of Rain really knows how to enjoy himself. Why is the bed so comfortable? This silk fabric is also so soft.

This is a feeling that few people in the Kingdom of Wind have experienced, and even Luo Sha finds it amazing.

It can be considered as a handicraft. Do you want to buy a few sets to take back?


Ninjas don't need these, so the Fourth Kazekage decisively decided to look at these daily necessities with a critical mood before going to sleep.

Noah's industrial culture invades from all aspects, and it's not just ninjas that need to be targeted.

This kind of light industry and daily necessities is almost a dimensionality reduction blow to the entire continent. Only such products can make those businessmen willing to purchase them.

They even separated the aristocratic and wealthy businessman models for all-round harvesting.

What is good at the top will be bad at the bottom.

When big names and minor celebrities become popular about something, wealthy businessmen will follow up like crazy. One is to really enjoy it, and the second is to integrate into the circle.

This is the fastest way to promote it, letting everyone know that Rain Country's products are high-end and comfortable.

Soon it was late at night, some people were criticizing, and some people had already gotten up.

Chiyo also lamented that these bits and pieces were so useful, and he must buy a few sets back when he left.

Then he placed a puppet on the bed and walked away.

Traveling alone in a new town, Chiyo silently increased the difficulty of this information search.

The whole village actually has street lights? Or an electric light?

I thought it was just a specially arranged street light in the Five Shadows' station area, but it turned out that there were street lights on every street in the entire town.

This is quite an explosive operation in the entire ninja world. Even in the richest Konoha Village, only a few important streets have street lights at night.

The same is true for Daming City. Almost no one will use the resources of lighting lights in the entire town.

So luxurious and rich?

Hidden from the lights and the security team patrolman Ma Chiyo found a high platform.

It seems that the Kingdom of Rain has its own feelings for tower-like buildings. Looking down, you can see the lights of half of the town.

The impact of this moment on Chiyo was unimaginable.

Neatly planned streets are dotted with several tall towers, and modern electrical equipment blooms like stars belonging to ordinary people under the dark night.

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