Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1497 Transformation of the Moral High Ground

Yang Jiuwei was wondering if beating someone to death with the Tailed Beast Jade would make the devil unhappy.

Then two huge chakra reactions rushed straight from the distance.

Jiraiya, you bastard.

With a roar, the familiar fist wind struck, triggering a powerful airflow storm.

Tsunade, who had turned on the Sage mode, rushed over with a roar, dropped from the sky and smashed the earth with a punch, creating a deep pit of tens of meters.

Jiraiya managed to escape but was slightly injured by the aftermath.

Tsunade! Have you become like this too! Don't forget the teachings of the First and Second Generations!

Become a hammer! You have the nerve to peek into the women's bathroom but you don't have the nerve to face reality and beat this bastard to death.

Jiraiya was suffering from the continuous combination of punches. Among the three ninjas, Tsunade was the strongest in close combat.

Now that she can even use her sage mode, she is incredibly strong.

The onlookers felt their eyelids twitching as they looked at the deep pits on the ground one after another. Regular punches and kicks had the destructive power of A-level ninjutsu.

Slug Immortal's special training has been very fruitful, and it feels like he is getting closer to the first generation in terms of physique.

Orochimaru thinks that natural energy can return blood to its ancestors? This topic can be studied.


Struggling to hold on under Bai Yueguang's iron fist, and having to pay attention to whether others would participate in the siege, even a hero's state of mind felt extremely miserable.

At this time, a female voice came and gave a few words of advice.

Big sister, please calm down, big sister. Jiraiya-sama will be beaten to death by you, as long as he is half disabled as promised.

It's okay if this person didn't persuade him, but after he persuaded him, Jiraiya's brain immediately shut down.

You, you are Kushina?! How can Kushina still be alive? Why are you alive?

This series of questions made Kushina a little unhappy. As expected, the old pervert still had to be beaten twice to wake up. Anyway, the medical power of the Akatsuki organization was very sufficient.

Blah blah blah

The golden chains spread from the body, breaking through the void and directly capturing it.

Facing the King Kong blockade, even dealing with it with all your strength is a bit troublesome, not to mention that there are iron fists flying up and down around you.

After being tied into a shape that was suitable for being punched, Tsunade's chakra began to surge, and a sound like a tide spread.


The ground was crushed with one foot, and the fist of punishment was blasted out.

Jiraiya! Let me reflect on it!!!


Ah, a familiar feeling, Jiraiya showed a complicated expression at the moment when his soul was soared into the sky.

Is this an illusion?

call out!

It flew nearly a hundred meters and hit the rock and earth city wall, causing countless huge cracks.

On the eve of losing consciousness, he saw Kushina walking over.

The light of the sealing technique flickered between the sky and the earth. A series of giant seals directly blocked all the chakra, and then everything went dark.

Okay, the newbie meeting is over and everyone has left.

Konan took Jiraiya to the public security detention center in Daming City for three days to make him realize the reality. If there is a fine at the same time, which one of you will pay it on his behalf?

Yahiko generously said that he had paid it to the teacher, which was the matter of public announcement.

This matter will not be announced publicly. Let's just treat it as giving new members some benefits for meeting. Death in the society is too tragic and it is easy to become evil.

Just like that, the ceremony for the most miserable member in history to join the organization was completed.

Many people were amazed before leaving. Although my first interaction with the organization was also very awkward, it was more or less like a social disaster.

Day 2.

Jiraiya suddenly opened his eyes.

Sure enough, the chakra on his body had lost any response, and it hurt so much that he frowned even if he tried to move.

The external injuries were simply treated, but the internal injuries were not treated at all. The injuries caused by Tsunade's fists still remained on her body.

Wrapped into a mummy, he lay in a daze in the prison.

The information collected before losing consciousness flows through the brain, and various unusual features are pondered over and over again.

It seems a little different from what I imagined.

Is it possible that the Akatsuki Organization is really a peaceful organization? Kushina. Alas, there are too many unsolved mysteries that I can’t figure out.

Perhaps if I had chosen to ask directly, this scene would not have happened.

But where is this?

After observing his surroundings for a moment, he was dumbfounded.

This is wrong. The Akatsuki organization disrespects me so much?

This is not a secret agency or a place like an ANBU boss. There is no smell of blood or wailing.

The so-called custody is an ordinary iron railing with one or two guards.

The environment is even a little clean and hygienic, and it doesn't look like a prison for powerful people.

In addition to himself, there were also two or three other miscellaneous persons imprisoned in the prison.

That's right, no matter how you look at it, they are the most unpopular and idle people, the kind who don't even dare to collect protection fees.


Jiraiya was silent, the brother in the prison next to him was a sociable person.

Brother, how did you get in?


I said~~how did you get in and be beaten so badly?

Our Kingdom of Rain has a civilized law enforcement. Generally speaking, unless the crime is particularly bad or the resistance is very strong, we will not hurt you like a bear.

What can I say? Could it be that I was caught peeping in the women's bathhouse? That won't work, so Jiraiya opened his mouth and said something.

Peeping into the secrets of the Kingdom of Rain.

Hey, brother! You can get away with it if you brag like this. The people in the security detention center have not committed any serious crimes.

Still a state secret? Those kind of people will either be executed directly, or they will be sent to the labor camp to dig and pave roads. If they are already here, they should brag less.

Jiraiya's expression was a little disappointed, as he really couldn't talk to such a small person.

At this time, a guard came over and saw the white-haired Jiraiya lying there bragging with disdain on his face.

9527! You, a peeper in a female bathhouse, have the nerve to brag about it!

Are you treating Hanzo-sama and several adults from the Akatsuki organization as nothing?

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the entire prison changed. He was peeping in the women's bathhouse. The chatty brother before immediately stayed away from Jiraiya.

What the hell! So he is such a dirty thing? They are all low-class, but you are too low-class.

The surrounding prisoners pointed at Jiraiya in the single cell, making the lustful immortal feel at a loss once again.

Isn’t it that the moral level of the Kingdom of Rain is so high?

Even people at the bottom of society despise this kind of behavior.

This is the first time in many years that he has realized his mistake morally and legally. This is terrible.

The days that followed were not easy for Jiraiya. He was not from a detention center. The management of this place was very humane, there was no shortage of food and drink, and there was no violence.

The reason for the difficulty is the mental attacks coming from all directions.

During these three days, I really felt like I was sitting on pins and needles, like a awn on my back and a stalk in my throat.

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