Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1496 A new orientation party

At this moment, it has no choice but to use aloofness as its protective color.

Hey, are you coming in our direction?

Come, let's work together and see how well we understand each other.

After saying that, he grabbed a lot of chakra from Kyuubi's body and pressed it on his body, so skillfully that Kyuubi Lama was a little confused.

Just slap the ground with one hand.

Tu Eun. Tu Lu returns!

Earth escape. Thousands of miles of earth flow wall!

Composite earth escape. Earth flow city wall!

With a rumble, the ground began to tremble violently, and cracks spread across the earth.

The deep soil and rock layers were instantly infected by the majestic chakra, and people began to fiddle with it wantonly.

A large piece of soil wrapped around Jiraiya and rushed to the ground. No matter what method the immortal used, he could not control it.

And all around, walls tens of meters high and several meters wide were raised one after another to surround the central area. With a huge amount of chakra, he still had time to carve some sand cartoons on the city wall.

While Jiraiya was still breaking free from the rock formation in the center, all the men and horses of the Akatsuki organization also arrived.

Let's go.

When the immortal breathed the outside air again, he was immediately stunned by the scene in front of him.

Noah, Nagato, Konan, Yahiko, Sansho Hanzo, Orochimaru, Kakuzu, Scorpion, Kyuubi, Haku.

The members of the Akatsuki organization in black and red cloud robes each stood on the wall with concave shapes, looking down at Jiraiya below.

At this moment, the advantages of the uniform are highlighted, and with the addition of several appearance bonuses for vicious people, the intentions of the peace organization can be ignored.

In order to meet the new members with a unique aura, everyone opened up their auras, and the powerful chakra fluctuations made the lustful immortal's heart tremble.

Of course, the leader of Yang Jiuwei accounted for most of the effect, and the malice in its chakra, which had not yet practiced magic, was still original.

It's not good to fall into the trap!

At this time, Jiraiya understood why he was driven out of Daming City by the security team.

Catching a toad in an urn?

What's even more ridiculous is that there are so many acquaintances here. Not to mention his three traitors and Orochimaru, a good friend who fell in love with and killed each other.

The former author's friend Adam standing in the middle and the little fox in a robe next to him are very familiar.

If I feel right, it must be Kyuubi.

If the village's tailed beast can appear in the Land of Rain, then the Hokage in Konoha Village will definitely have a big problem.

The problem of the fifth Hokage Hatake Kakashi is more serious than imagined. This is a serious dereliction of duty.

The armed coup in the Hokage Tower, Mr. Sarutobi defected, and the Fifth Hokage came to power.

All the various events were connected together, and he realized it.

conspiracy! What a huge conspiracy!

Including what Orochimaru and Konan said about a peace-seeking organization, it was all a delaying tactic. If he hadn't made a sudden attack, he wouldn't have discovered the flaw.

You are the only one here talking about fighting for peace in the ninja world. Is this convincing?

Such forces should be put together to plot a conspiracy to subvert or rule the ninja world.

And why is Tsunade not there? She is obviously with Orochimaru. Is she being controlled by the enemy?

Jiraiya in his mind began to make wild guesses and took out Bai Yueguang.

The previous so-called public security management regulations were like a joke. What he was thinking about now was how to get out of here and obtain information at the same time.

Adam, you deceived me so hard. Fortunately, I regarded you as a mentor and friend above all in writing, but in the end, you stirred up the conspiracy in the dark. What is your purpose?

At the end of the sentence, he even shouted loudly.

A hero is a hero. Even if he is surrounded by many masters, he is not afraid at all. If Kakuzu is not so tough, he will not be so stubborn.

Of course, it can be regarded as saving a lot of image points. He is not just a pervert.

Noah looked at Jiraiya below and calmly chose to tell the truth.

Of course it's to liberate the ninja world, what else?

When you came to the Land of Rain, you didn't just visit the women's bathhouse, did you? Didn't you even conduct in-depth research on the lives of ordinary people and their thoughts and spiritual outlook?

The heroic spirit was instantly interrupted by Noah's words.

Let’s not talk about the women’s bathhouse.

As for what ordinary people in the Land of Rain live like, I just took a quick look at it, and really didn't go into it in depth.

This is the difference between ordinary ninjas and scientific research talents like Orochimaru.

Of course, what Noah said at this time was all psychological warfare in Jiraiya's mind.

There is no need to argue with each other anymore. Toad Immortal decided to pass on the information even if he died in battle today.

He believed that there must be righteous people in the ninja world who could come to defeat this group of people who rebelled against heaven.

As for how to transmit information within the dragnet.

Suddenly he slapped his palm on the ground, the art of channeling!

The white fog cleared and nothing happened.

Jiraiya's heart sank. Is there even a space blockade? The enemy is too well prepared.

But is it really possible to set up an anti-psychic barrier in the wilderness?

Moreover, he had just used the psychic technique to transfer space.

Suddenly he looked closely and his pupils shrank, and he saw Noah pulling out a huge scroll and placing it next to him, and a sealed light flashed.

Why does that scroll look so familiar? So is the breath.

This is Miaomushan's psychic scroll. Now, as a member of the Peace Alliance of Intelligent Creatures, I temporarily ban you and Miaomushan's psychic permissions.

What? What kind of organization is this? Why do you have the psychic scroll from Mount Miaomu and still prevent me from channeling?

The conspiracy that was accidentally uncovered seemed too huge.

Even the overthrow of Konoha was not more surprising than this scene. Has even the Holy Land fallen?

Damn it! etc!

The flames of war are raging all over the world, and holy places have fallen.

One of destruction, you are the one of destruction prophesied.

I will do everything I can to stop your conspiracy!!!


Everyone was speechless. Jiraiya's version was too far behind. They didn't know that the person who destroyed the world had revealed his identity early.

Noah never concealed his intention to smash the ninja world to pieces, and even seriously discussed the necessity of this with every member.

Ahem, Jiraiya, if you surrender now, I can still protect you. If someone frees up their hands, they will kill you.

Orochimaru's kind reminder was just that his old friend didn't appreciate it at all.

Orochimaru, it's still too late to turn back now.

At this moment, Jiraiya was already determined to fight to the death, and he could not use his last trump card, the Immortal Technique, after cutting off contact with Mt. Myoboku. Without the control of the Twin Technique, he would not be able to balance the natural energy in the outside world.

Even so, it can't stop a passionate man from fighting.

The fierce fighting spirit rose up. No matter what the three disciples and Orochimaru said, he would not believe it at this moment. Maybe the enemy had some power that could control people's hearts.

Kakuzu sneered, he liked this kind of group fight scene so much.

Scorpion took out another scroll. This thing didn't appear twice. It should be no problem the third time.

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