Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1424 Please invite Kakashi Hatake

Misunderstanding? Since we talked about bloody thunder, we Konoha will not harbor any war criminals.

Someone come! Please ask Hatake Kakashi to come to the Hokage Tower immediately to participate in the meeting.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's response was very direct, making the envoys on the opposite side feel uneasy for a while.

No, no, no, no, no, no. Maybe our leader didn't use his words because a family member died unfortunately during the conflict with Bloody Thunder.

We, Kumo ninja, have always respected the strong. The legend of Kakashi-sama is also spread within the Land of Thunder.

Mabuyi was feeling tired, even though she really wanted to tear that white-haired bastard into pieces, but at this time she could only save the current chaotic situation by flattering him.

But the Third Hokage had made up his mind. As the head of a village, listening to a clown nagging him for most of the day was enough to save him face. He wanted to be quiet for the rest of the time.

Why is he here talking to such an idiot, while Kakashi can do his own thing freely in the outside world?

Maybe that little bastard will take advantage of the opportunity that he can't escape to plan something. Only by keeping it under his nose can he feel relieved.

At the same time, it was also with the help of Kakashi's pressure that the Kumo ninja gave up this boring drama and got to the point earlier.

So despite the obstruction, the ANBU still informed the other party to come over.

When Kakashi stepped into the conference room with some curiosity, the Kumo ninja envoys opposite him were as quiet as a chicken.

Many people here have witnessed the scene of a thousand birds singing from a distance.

Seeing the devil so close to me made me feel a little nervous. I was afraid that I would be lying down when I returned to God.

Hokage-sama. You are looking for me.

Sit down first. The leader of the cloud ninja thinks you are a war criminal in this thunder and fire friction, so he wants you to come and listen to the other side's reasons.

War criminals, I understand.

Kakashi showed a helpless smile. The Third Hokage would not really call him here for this reason.

He picked up a chair with a backrest and sat next to Danzo Shimura.

Danzo's eyebrows jumped and he hid his injured arm. I was afraid that my abnormality would be discovered by this keen kid.

And why are you sitting next to me? Do we have a good relationship?

Who told Danzo to sit on the edge of Konoha F4?

Sitting on the left hand side of Sarutobi Hiruzen was a bit overstepping the mark. Kakashi was still a member of Konoha and could not cross the line.

And he can sit in any position under the elders, and based on his merits and strength, others can't say anything.

Nara Shikaku also took the initiative to give up some positions. He didn't really want to fight with the clown opposite.

As soon as Kakashi got close to Danzo Shimura, he felt the breath of Yang Eun on the other person's arm, which made him feel a little more distracted.

Different from the potions in the Kingdom of Rain, this Yang Escape is more primitive and uncontrollable.

The village's heritage is really something, and you should be more careful about the darkness of the ninja world.

Danzo didn't expect that even using sealing techniques and various materials to block it could not block the young man's exploration. Who is Yang Dun? It is a very familiar aura to Kakashi.

All the potions from the first to the fourth levels have been injected, as well as the Yin attribute adjustment of the Sharingan.

If it weren't for the fact that the development of potions and sharingan eyes are far from reaching their limits, the prototype of Xiao Liu Dao will soon be out.

For the time being, he withdrew his gaze from the village elders and looked at the envoys opposite.

I'm here, can we talk about war criminals?

Nurui, please tell me your reasons.

Kakashi sat back and leaned back, his tone was very natural, relaxed and arrogant.

As a member of the Fourth Raikage's die-hard Shadow Guards, Nurui will naturally not give up.

So what if I'm here? Can you still kill me here?

So he still wanted to continue his performance, and maybe taking the opportunity to curse Bloody Thunder would be the most valuable thing he could do before his death.

But when he stood up, he found that he couldn't open his mouth. Even though his body was so strong that veins popped out, he was still shaking a little.

The pressure brought by a pair of indifferent eyes is heavier than a mountain.

What's going on here? Is it an illusion?

It's not an illusion, it's just a simple mental oppression. Kakashi is not a member of the elders, and he doesn't like to hear people provoking him, so he lets go of his invisible aura.

The young man who had been mentally tortured and tempered had an experience different from that of ordinary ninjas. The sparks between his eyebrows were quietly releasing a domineering aura.

In the world of pirates, if you turn on the Overlord color, you will faint directly. Mental interference with reality is a common phenomenon.

Being affected by the rules in Naruto, external effects can also affect the emotions of creatures within a certain range.

The leader of this mission obviously lost himself under the mental pressure from his high position.

Sorry, for a strong man like Bloody Thunder, we Cloud Ninja will only take your head off on the battlefield,

The war criminal stuff was just a little joke between Nurui and the Third Hokage.

Mabuyi, who is neither humble nor arrogant, wants to solve this unexpected situation with a misunderstanding.

Sarutobi Hiruzen actually dared to invite this person over. I couldn't understand what the relationship between them was like for a while.

On the other side, the Third Hokage looked at Kakashi, who brought a strong intimidation just by sitting there, and was even higher than him, the Hokage, with mixed emotions.

The new generation in the village has grown to such a dazzling stage.

In this way, the peace talks on the first day ended without any resolution due to someone's suppression.

Because until the end of the day, the peace agreement between Kumo and Ninja was not explained, it was an embarrassing mess.

Danzo felt like he was sitting on pins and needles all afternoon even though he was suffering.

Every time Kakashi's eyes glanced at him, his heart tightened. That kind of see-through look was really irritating.

After the meeting ended in the evening, Konoha F4 started its own small meeting in the small room.

Kumo Ninja quickly came to the conclusion that the other party was just delaying time to consume Konoha's mentality.

Then just stick with it. In the past few days, you have to hold on to the situation even if you are trying to sell iron.

Then there was a quarrel about village affairs.

Hiruzhan! You are too indulgent Kakashi, what qualifications does a mere jounin have to interfere in this peace negotiation!

Or do you plan to use your will of fire to influence that guy to give up his unrealistic ideas and honestly inherit the position of the 5th Hokage?

As soon as these words came out, Koharu and Mito Kadoren became alert and looked at the Third Hokage.

There are some things you can't joke about.

Their elder group is all one body, and they have offended each other when they stood on the opposite side of Kakashi.

If Sarutobi Hiruzen really made a temporary U-turn, they would be tricked to death.

No, I'm just borrowing his deterrent power for two days. Advancing the peace agreement is the top priority now.

Hiruzen said naturally while smoking his pipe, giving a clear answer to his companions' concerns.

His drawer is already full of Kakashi's information and that small group's information, and there are some things that cannot be undone.

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